Newspaper reporter Mo Yi Jun,http://www.cecyteo.edu.mx/site/index.php

In Ningming that Nan Township, there are over 10 km of the two respective long "wood-for-road" four-way, always full of suspicions.

Foresters say that most timber has been cut down, subcontractors who simply do not build roads, but please township government help collect "tolls", there is a monopoly of the suspect timber sales; subcontractors who said he subcontracted to 3.5 million yuan "wood-for-road" project, yet to recover the investment, "farmers still owe tens of thousands of cubic meters of timber," so he let the township government "card" to live and approval procedures; township government then explained that they assist the process and No charge.

Recently, the reporter in the local survey found that this "wood-for-road" project fee confusion and lack of supervision.

Approval procedures are "stuck" live

July and August this year, Ningming by typhoons, mountain pine tree was blown down by about three or four thousand cubic meters. Huang Nan timber business to that community, pack English Village and Hong Zhi Village (the three villages), to acquire part of the timber. As a result, he was stuck at the bid approval procedures.

"Forestry station Huang Jie let me go to the township government seal." Wong said, when he came to the township government, he was told, was to begin with open wood processing plants in Yasuaki county boss Bin Choi Wah links " He agreed that you harvest, and we'll give you the seal. " This makes Wong wondered.

Later, someone told Wong: That Nan Township Government in 2009 on October 10, Kusakabe file, called for "wood-for-road" project, "who invests, benefits" and demanded that Nan community, pack English village and Kang Zhi village farmers, the price per cubic meter from 30 to 60 yuan to give Chengui Quan (Bin Choi Wah cooperate with him) road compensation.

Let Mr. Huang would not understand that, as early as 2007, four roads in three villages built by the state investment, foresters have been to the original investors to supply enough wood, but also with why the township government,http://www.corelearningunit.nhs.uk/item/create_form/1, the three village will sign a "supplemental contract" allowing Chengui Quan receive compensation? And suddenly came out of Bin Choi Wah, whether the subcontractor qualification?

"Wood-for-road" project several subcontracting charges

Awful "wood-for-road" disputes, long time.

Nan in that township Authorities' October 10 Kusakabe file, is this narrative:

1997, that Nan rural masses in order to solve the difficulties in traveling to the three villages, the investment decision. At that time, the mechanical construction company in Guangxi ×× with that Nan community, pack English village signed a "wood-for-road" project. The two sides agreed that the company is responsible for repair through a forest road by that Nan Ying village community to pack various Tun, where the British-based trunk pack (width 4.5 m), the rest of branch (4 m wide); foresters who are The company provided free of charge to 22,000 cubic meters (excluding the Nan Village 8000 m3) of wood, and by the distribution of the home Tuen burden.

December 21, 1998, Nanning City, a wood processing business of the village signed a contract with Hong Zhi,http://www.zypfb999.com/thread-556678-1-1.html, responsible for the construction of forest roads that Zhi Nan Kang village communities to various Tun. Similarly, Kang Zhi village farmers have each Tun provided free of charge to the operation of certain timber.

After signing the contract, Guangxi ×× mechanical construction company in the construction process will be that Nan village, "wood-for-road" project subcontracted to pack British village of Yulin, Guangxi ×× construction team Lai × H. September 19,http://www.middlewareforums.com/viewtopic.php?pid=479934#p479934, 2003, claiming to be the Guangdong Lianjiang people Chengui Quan and Lai × H signed a contract and took over the business depends subcontract works. June 2004, and from others hands Chengui Quan Zhi Kang village contracted project.

"Various units from the start of construction to be subcontracted to operate during has not completed according to the agreed time,http://www.zhuzhou.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, but also does not meet the criteria stipulated in the contract, the road simply do not repair through." Retirement village near the British secretary Fang pack said that when the tractor road construction team to repair the former village committee office, I have not continued to repair forest roads go through each Tun. Finally, they had to raise the road each household.

In this process, come to the village had to pay to acquire the owner of the timber 60 to 120 yuan per cubic meter of "tolls" to subcontractors. "This situation is more serious after the 2007 and higher charges." Was in charge of fund-raising on behalf of road of farmers said that although the project "turn" a few hands, but they have not yet seen "subcontract contract. "

Biggest IOUs 180,000 yuan

Previously, many timber boss joint complaint to the authorities, and the burden of proof more subcontractors who did not build roads, but "by the way to get rich." In the end, no one investigation "tolls" issue.

Chow jointly by one of said at the time that the opening of the main road to pack Nan Ying, only 11 kilometers, "the other forest roads, and farmers are our construction. Piece of the main road, the original investors put into The money is not much, less than 1 million yuan, the main road although not repaired, but farmers in the next few years, investors have sufficient supply of timber. Curiously, investors make money and then to 1.1 million yuan price will be Works sold to Chen Weiquan. "

Another joint by Mr. Li also presented a few IOUs, said he had to pay tens of million of "tolls" to Chengui Quan, Bin Choi Wah.

Produced on their IOUs, the "Bin Choi Wah", "Chengui Quan" signature words make money. Among them, the largest single amount Chow IOUs pay for 180,nike tn,000 yuan, says a sign of Bin Choi Wah. Collection time was last June 5. The rest of the IOUs, from several thousand to several million, roughly add up, there are more than 100 million.

"Foresters want to obliterate our credit."

December 8, said he would have regardless of the project, and has been subcontracted to Bin Choi Wah suggested reporters contact with each other.

Bin Choi Wah then explained that he was both investors also victims, "also want to exit this non-road", still do not know who to turn to get back to cost. "Currently, farmers still owe me 50 thousand cubic meters of timber." From 2009 began subcontracting the project so far, he has only recovered 10% of the investment. Every time he told the farmers that the index recover to within the timber, the timber has been found that farmers sold out.

Bin Choi Wah mentioned previously he was with Chen Weiquan, Chengui Quan et al partnership to develop the "wood-for-road" project. Chen Weiquan back to Guangdong, he has to cooperate with . When the shares to sell him, he would ask that the township government to assist farmers Nan wood to sell him in order to recover their investments.

When asked whether the subcontract books and other procedures, Bin Choi Wah said it has been sent, "still on the road," but until the end of the interview, the reporter has not seen subcontracting and other information. "I subcontract the project is 3.5 million yuan from hands." He repeatedly claimed that when they opened the British village that Nan to pack various Tun tractor road, the total investment of 3.5 million yuan. "So far, we have not received enough timber index foresters provided free of charge."

When a reporter to present evidence raising road foresters, Bin Choi Wah has said, the year when the road yet, foresters work to that Nan township streets to walk for several hours; after they build roads, to facilitate the farmers, what cars are can into the mountains. Now,http://www.hab.co.ke/index.php/component/blog/comments?pid=18787, they want to deny farmers their credit.

Data show that subcontractors are already profitable

Bin Choi China has repeatedly stressed that the two main road through the whole of their repair. But Ningming Department of Transportation department heads have said that in 2007 when the state investment in rural areas around the project, and that Britain and other Nan to pack four highways, they opened a new, during which did not use the "wood-for-road" roadbed .

Bin Choi Wah, who really did not recover the investment cost? December 7, the reporter went Ningming Forestry Forestry Administration Station, check the three villages since 1997 to now issuing timber harvesting index number. Lin Cheng station after verification of the person responsible for data representation, in 2003 before ledger, some had a shelf life has been destroyed. But 2005 to November 30 this year, three villages are harvesting data show that there are nearly 100,000 cubic meters of timber index was legally harvested. He then presented the relevant evidence.

Follow reporter went to check data a timber boss said, if the calculation of the minimum 60 yuan per cubic meter, a file "tolls", they subcontract with the farmers who have to cost several million dollars. In fact, from 1997 to 2004 between three villages legally harvested timber indicators, there are 100,000 cubic meters. Although most of the villages that Nan communities have not been through that two timber controversial highway, but from 1997 to November 2011, the original road and subcontractors who were from legally harvested nearly 200,000 cubic meters timber "tolls", the profits obtained nor decimal.

Township government said the regulatory loopholes

That Nan township responsible person in communicating with reporters,http://www.lvstreethockey.com/talk/activity, said they did not know who the investors or subcontractors in the "wood-for-road" project in the end how much profit it's the middle of the regulatory loopholes, nor a standardized platform account. Previously, they just said, according to Bin Choi Wah after he took over the project did not recover the investment cost, so help him collect compensation, "but we just stamped signature,http://inthelight.pl/index.php?site=forum_topic&topic=59022, was not involved in charging fees foresters and timber boss."

Given the fact that the responsible person specifically pointed out that the original when the "wood-for-road", they have not either, do not know the specific processes and causes. But one thing is for sure, when the investment projects, indeed bring great convenience to farmers. "Anyway, this thing must have a proper solution." That Nan township party secretary Huang Xiaowen said they would convene each timber boss and Bin Choi Wah open coordination as soon as possible.

When asked whether the township government, who is also the preservation subcontracting and other information, said the township government has changed the leadership sessions, these data do not know where to put.

December 8 evening, come Nanning contact with reporters, said about 10 am that day, the boss did not come open timber coordination meeting, only one person Bin Choi Wah scene. "Currently, the township government has decided they will no longer stamped approval procedures, so that all parties according to their aspirations were rights."

On the 9th, a reporter in touch with Mr. Wong, who learned that the village cadres, village representatives and team leader has not been invited to the meeting, such coordination would be difficult to convince the public, so they did not participate.