
International Online Zhuangao:?? According to the British "Daily Mail" reported on July 24, the British 26-year-old female graduate of Oxford University,http://www.slotorsre.fora.pl/index.php?item/create_form/1, Emily Rose Eastman Top (Emily Rose Eastop) after the job was rejected 200 times , was forced to build online fund-raising account, hoping to raise enough to support their reading master's tuition.

Eastman Top 2010 from the Department of Human Sciences Federline Margo graduated with honors from Oxford University,http://bbs.nandu.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=685786, she thought she would become an employer looting talent. But in the past four years,http://tu.linuxaudiosystems.com/node/6#comment-69076940, the Islamic Top 200 times were denied a job, she can only rely on the mother and her boyfriend to feed themselves.

For the university,http://my.5754.cn/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, Eastman Top already owed £ 20,000 (about 210,000 yuan) tuition loans. Now she was admitted to master cognitive and evolutionary anthropology,http://www.postyourbeaver.com, need to raise 26,000 pounds (about 270,000 yuan) tuition. To raise these costs, the establishment of Islamic financing Top accounts, has attracted more than 200 people for their contributions. Top Islamic call themselves "scientists, hula dancers and a singer," she has been through "all the way to raise" to raise 14,http://www.foss.lk/comment/profile.php?uid=6,000 pounds (about 150,000 yuan) funds.

Top on Facebook Eastman established anti-pseudo-science website has attracted 79,000 "fans" over the top concern and the concern of scientists. Harvard University psychology professor Steven? Pinker (Steven Pinker) donation for Islamic Top 250 pounds (about 2631 yuan), another American professor of cognition also provide 500 pounds (about RMB 5262 Yuan) funding.

Top Islamic behavior but have been many critics,http://www.corelearningunit.nhs.uk/item/create_form/1, was called "shameful trick", was asked to "like us looking like a job to make money." Others condemn it "insulting science and English," should be ashamed and so on. In this regard, the Islamic Top responded by saying: "I can not understand the mentality of these people,http://www.forever-giving.org/index.php/component/blog/comments.html?pid=481173,abercrombie pas cher en ligne, they are malicious comments I suffered a setback."

A spokeswoman for Oxford University, also said: "to raise tuition graduate school by the congregation raised platform is the priority agenda, this year there are more than 1,000 wholly owned scholarships to support students studying for master's and doctoral degrees, but students who do not receive scholarships. , may be more difficult to raise tuition, we hope the whole community can be involved, to ensure that students learning opportunities are open to everyone. "(Willow)


(Original title: Oxford University Women Graduates rejected 200 times online financing Master (Photos))