
Under the Chongqing Morning News (Reporter correspondent Chang Yu Ran Qilei) night, downtown, the two young men one after the chase, the hands behind the man is a shining machete.

Just after the catch in front of the man behind the man brandished a knife murderers thrilling moment, passing Fuling cultural centers retirees Chen Fanggui stride forward, a pretty empty-handed won the knife action,, an assailant on the spot with both hands tied behind their backs will be captured.

Medicines road

He alone capture Swordsman

"If you machetes rescued from under my son, my son would be dead. Our family did not know how to thank you, and so a good son hurt after discharge, and then look at you ......" Recently, the mother removed the victim Fuling District found the original ensembles quarters, took the hand of the savior Chen Fanggui said excitedly.

At 20:30 on October 22 or so, has over sixty years of Chen Fanggui to a nearby pharmacy to buy medicine. When he went to the pharmacy door, suddenly saw two young men about 18-year-old, one after the other from Fu Jian Yi Xiangjiaba Plaza Hotel Fuling Central Hospital direction to go, running in front of the youth wearing a gray suit, while running and still turned to look back in horror; behind chasing young men dressed in sportswear, waving a machete. When the man went to the suit Fuling Central Hospital emergency center at the front of the bus station,chaussure louboutin femme,, why he did not physically gradually being sportswear men catch up. Immediately, the man picked up the machete toward sportswear suit man's head, neck, upper body slash.

Seeing the situation, Chen Fanggui decided to come forward to stop it, then rushing across the street toward the past. When ready to cut men's sportswear fourth knife,, Chen Fanggui rushed to a stride,, his right hand grabbed the machete, left hand tied behind their backs sportswear man's left hand back and quickly their uniforms.

At this time, Chen Fanggui saw young men in suits have been lying on the ground, head crooked eyes closed,, a surge of blood ejected from the neck, and he immediately arrange for the crowd gathered beside the injured to the emergency center, while allowing people to dial "110 . " Soon, the police arrived at the hospital, took control of the killers, the injured man suit has also been rescued.

When over Interpol

He was chief of security

This year 63-year-old is authentic Fuling people, had been a soldier, was admitted to the early 1980s Fuling area ensembles,, as the band performer, trumpet, French horn and other musical instruments, early 1991 mentioning any Fuling ensembles chief of security . In the meantime,, he was transferred to the Fuling Public Security Bureau of Interpol team for nearly 10 years. His great sense of justice, several courageous.

Chen Fanggui former colleague, the current Fuling District Museum branch secretary of evaluation old colleague, said:. "In particular there is a sense of justice, never afraid of evil forces, all these years to catch a lot of bad guys Although he has 63 years old, Zhuahuai Ren still is an ace ...... "

"Actually, this is not worth publicizing. Villains will always be afraid of a good man, good prevails over evil thing! Faced with this endanger public safety, social security thing as a sense of justice Fuling, is to be brave to stand up and be stop time,, I did not take into account the risk of their own, just stop this killings immediately ...... " calm in an interview with reporters said.