
People Nanning, November 20 (Reporter correspondent Zhou Wei Cheng Kai intern Yule Code poetry) November 19, reporters from the Nanning Municipal Public Security Bureau was informed Binyang County police after nearly two weeks of careful investigation, successfully cracked 9 Stephen occurred since January in the southern high-speed guest - 36 robberies Binyang segment. As of November 19, Nanning City police have recovered 157 stolen mobile phones, bank cards 11,piumini woolrich, watches six,abercrombie pas cher, two laptops, two digital cameras, pendant 2, all kinds of Bag 6, yuan 18,230.6 yuan, HK $ 260 yuan, a Mercedes car keys and other stolen goods.

Until rescue vehicles on the highway robbers suffered rapid reaction police

October 27, Liuzhou people driving with two friends from Sun Liuzhou,, via Springs South high speed to Nanning. 19 am, due to the vehicle front left tire leak, Sun and his party was forced to park the vehicle to 1384 km Springs South high-speed downlink line sections (in Binyang States) on the emergency lane, waiting for rescue. 20 am, suddenly sprang parking opposite direction on the highway gang officers quickly across the road in the middle of the green belt,hollister sale, Mr. Xiang Sun vehicles rushed over, armed with machetes threatened Mr. Sun and his friends, the three people from the car held hostage to the roadside drains within robbery, spot stole watches, cell phones, wallets,air jordan pas cher, bank cards, ID cards and other items. After committing the crime,air jordan femme, the group backtrack opposite direction highway, take the car fled the scene quickly.

Deputy Mayor of Nanning Public Security Bureau was informed merits Liao Hongtao information submitted by the public security channel request Binyang County Public Security Bureau immediately set up a task force, to solve the case. Binyang County Public Security Bureau of Criminal Investigation Brigade leadership as well, along Binyang segment Springs South high-speed backbone seven police stations jointly established the "10.27" task force, convened to analyze the merits of the deployment of ad hoc detective work.

Police stepped up public warning and spying surfaced robbery suspects

"10.27" task force broken down into smaller 3-way, from the scene,piumini moncler, investigation visits, the transfer of high-speed video data were judged in a bid to occur in Binyang Springs South high-speed section of the guest to similar cases since September this year, a comprehensive and detailed comb.

Binyang County police from the crime means, committed crimes, against the object, and the suspect fled the way human physical characteristics and other aspects of the analysis, finds series knife robbery "10.27" case with recent guests to Binyang Springs South high-speed segment should occur for the same persons as decided and case investigation.

After days of tense investigation, "10.27" locked in a recent task force frequently appear in Silver Springs South high-speed white van. Van multiple entry from the guest entrance Springs South high-speed high-speed,, time appears consistent with the time of the incident, and the investigation linked to the license plate number for the fake license. Integrated all the signs, "10.27" task force finds its occupant a major crime suspects and criminals from committing crimes guests fled into the possibility of Binyang big.

"10.27" task force immediately shift the focus of the investigation to the owner of the suspect vehicle up investigation. After investigation, confirmed that the suspect vehicle owner who is really a guest membership. After locking the suspect vehicle and the suspect, "10.27" task force adjust strategy, intends to stop a public warning action on the highway,nike tn, and to track plainclothes patrols and stalking, ambush waiting, and proceeded to deploy arresting work in order to timely suspects implementation intercept vehicle control.

Clever layout rounding robbery suspect vehicle series have been solved in one fell swoop

November 8 at 19 am, police learned that this car ambush silver van into and from the guest Springs South high-speed high-speed intersection, "10.27" immediately assembled a task force of police arrest, according to several sets of pre-deployed to intercept program, launched for the suspect ambush vehicles waiting job.

19:30 Xu, Laibin 110 information platform suddenly transferred information: Stephen South Township road speed Laibin Xiaoping occurred more than men armed with knives robbed fault vehicle cases. At this point, Binyang County Public Security Bureau deputy director Ding Heng led the team, ambush in Binyang and guest junction. That led Binyang Criminal Investigation Brigade had great captain, Li Shuo instructor and other task force arrested eight police, the four teams with high count Dibo captain Liu et al cooperate closely,, drove northbound along the high-speed, open to guests direction to go, hurry the distance to the junction of the two highways at approximately 7 km small Pingyang entrances, with the marking team responsible marker rendezvous here, together ambush.

At 22 am, the suspect vehicle into a small Pingyang high-speed intersection. Arrest team already in the intersection waiting in accordance with prior deployment side, in front of the suspect vehicle traffic entering the toll road leading into the toll lanes lead in driving man-made jams, the suspect vehicle charging station after entering the channel had to stop and wait, waiting beside project group of police act decisively and immediately double-teamed by car from all sides, the containment of the potential for the formation of the suspect vehicle. Police quickly blocked the scene saw the suspect panic, hiding in the car doors and windows closed, the police still ordered a few open windows. In order to avoid damage to the suspect to make other gestures crash,, butt or self-mutilation and other in panic, the police immediately with batons to smash the windows of the cab, quickly pull the cab door central locking,nike air max pas cher,, and homeopathic open the door, the driving suspects uniforms. The other six associates saw the car a powerful battle police are losing the will to resist,woolrich outlet, in the police ordered one to go off without a fight. Task force on the spot from the car in search of silver white van come out just the crime of robbery phones, cash, wallets and crime with seven machetes.

7 Binyang police arrested suspects per capita for the guests nationals. After police interrogation,, seven suspects truthfully confessed crimes. Since September, they gang entrance from the guest enters Springs South high-speed,mulberry outlet, 36 from the robbery case, robbery phone 100 academic books, bank cards more than 30 pcs, laptops 6 sets,moncler outlet, 60 million yuan in cash and several other items, involving the value of 900,000 I yuan.

Build a high-speed road safety police linkage Skynet

To protect dealers speed when passing security Binyang territory,, Binyang County deputy magistrate,air max pas cher, police chief Xie said Binyang County police will step up publicity efforts in the high-speed segment Binyang Stephen Southern Corridor service area, reminding passengers personnel should not arbitrarily stop at along, you can call the 110 phone when special circumstances parking, inform police patrol position to seek the protection of the pipe section and organize high-speed Binyang segment Springs South along seven police stations, clarify responsibilities section, the traffic police department to strengthen synergies night special armed patrols early morning period.

Meanwhile, the police and the guest Binyang,, Heng along the highway police and traffic police detachment joint consultation, build cities, counties junction lots of police cooperation mechanism, exchange of information, interaction precautions, linkage blow.

In addition, the police will organize Binyang Springs South High Speed ​​Binyang segment along the seven townships comprehensive management office, police, justice, legal education working group composed of villages along the conduct thorough legal publicity and education activities, and guide the villagers according to the law, comply with the law, criminal acts found the highway initiative to the public security organs alarm, actively cooperate with public security organs to fight all kinds of criminal acts, police linkage, Build Skynet. (End)

(Original title: King of Nanning police destroyed highway robbery gang)