
Wuwei newspaper (Reporter Zhang Yongsheng) because cohabiting girlfriend to return to her ex-husband around, under Zhang angry man angry to kill. August 7, Liangzhou District Xinhua Malian village of murder occurred, the local police on the same day at 11 am will be arrested the suspect Zhang.

2001,nike tn pas cher, who lives in the ancient town of Liangzhou District acquaintance of the victim Zhao Zhang Guihua,outlet moncler, and later offered to Zhang and Zhao Guihua a family living together. At this time Zhao Guihua has long been a married woman,http://asayake.jp/thc/epad/epad.cgi, at home, there is a less than 10-year-old son, but life's frustrations,louboutin pas cher, conflicts between husband and wife Zhang and constantly lobbying to make the final after a divorce followed Zhao Guihua Zhang came to the Liangzhou District Old Town, and Zhang in the name of the couple had played the day. 9 years,moncler milano,http://www.isofans.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, Zhao Zhang Guihua has given birth to four daughters. Over time,http://wx.jazzsynth.com/wxcgi/kizai/sunkizai.cgi?mode=form&no=43&page=2, Zhang,http://windzors.com, Zhao Erren began to often quarrel. October 2009,moncler sito ufficiale, Zhao Guihua through a marital conflicts,giubbotti moncler,, leaving after four daughters and ex-husband Zhang returned home. Zhang Zhao Guihua's ex-husband came home to persuade them to return home,moncler outlet, after many persuasion failed,http://a340.oops.jp/cb400ss/text/apeboard_plus.cgi?command=viewres/g/, Zhang will be the heart of evil. August 7 7 am,moncler uomo, Zhang carrying an ax and a knife on a motorcycle came near the Malian village of five groups Xinhua Zhao Guihua ex Township home, as it happens this time, Zhao Guihua bike out,piumini moncler, Zhang came to her a pull off and hit Zhao Guihua head. Subsequently he was thrown into the tools of crime near the canal to escape.

After the incident,moncler outlet, police quickly identified by the survey objectives. Police in Wu Southtown, Huangyangzhen,piumini moncler, bus and railway stations and other four set cabo control, and through active collaboration with various police stations,http://www.fukushi-hiroba.com/magazine/cgi/talk/ftalk.cgi?res=176, on the same day at 11 am, the suspect Zhang Wu in Liangzhou District Southtown captured.

Currently, Zhang has been under criminal detention,http://www.radiologycases.com/casereports/jrcr-mcq.cgi,hogan, the case is still under trial.