
The reporter Tian Wensheng

Chongqing Zhong County police recently arrested a man only primary school education in rural areas. The man in the news media over a period of time when temporary workers, followed by the name of the newspaper and website banner, coupled with street printed "special correspondent card",http://www.500536.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=94368, posing as reporters extortion.

Police said the man named Deng Dazhong. From 2009 to 2010, he together with the same only primary school education dynastic families, Fan Ruzhi (screen name Fan Xiaolin), Fu Yuming (at large), who as a reporter, holding a "New Post" reporter certificate and the "China Legal News Online 'news work permits to "exposure" negative issues, threatening, or claiming to be helpful to others under the guise of expanding influence public opinion, fabricate and distort the truth, extortion grassroots party and government officials, enterprises, institutions and individuals,http://www.msknet.com/bbs/mbbs.cgi, and then delete the site posts grounds,moncler milano, several extortion others or units.

Alleged extortion 141,000 yuan

October 28 this year, Zhong County Public Security Bureau received a report from the masses: one for Deng Dazhong's "reporters" together with Fan Xiaolin,giubbotti moncler,http://www.kamijoh-seikeigeka.com/cgi-bin/bbs.cgi, dynastic families and others to help some in the media called on the name of the petitioner, fabricate and distort the truth in China and France Infonet, "Voice of Hong Kong and China News Agency" website published net posts, damaged party and government cadres,giubbotti moncler, enterprises and personal reputation, and then delete the site posts grounds, has extortion, fraud Zhong County Municipal Gardens Bureau 10,000 yuan, Zhong public health hospitals 10,000 yuan, Zhong God Anhua construction company 50,000 yuan, Zhong village Party branch secretary Zhang (not his real name) 31,moncler outlet,000 yuan, Chongqing New Century Tourism Development Corporation Shen Fan (a pseudonym) 40,000 yuan. Deng Dazhong suspected fraud cumulative amount of up to 141,000 yuan.

November 17, police in Chongqing New North Zone within a cafe will arrest. Police seized at the scene Deng Dazhong carry the "Hong Kong China Voices Agencies" in Chongqing special correspondent permit a "Chinese legal online" news work permits a "Hong Kong China Voices Agencies" in Chongqing special correspondent card 25, stamped with " Xin Li Yi Culture Media (Beijing) Co., Ltd. "seal of the receipt and a U disk, notebooks, digital recorders and the like. November 22,http://www.trumpion.net/dis/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=42846, Deng Dazhong associates dynasty Branch, Fan Ruzhi were arrested.

Police identified Deng Dazhong aged 39, the Department of Zhong County town of loyalty Shibao village on the 12th FAO, 1985 after graduating from elementary school, has engaged in work or at home, in the field of aquaculture. 2004,giubbotti moncler,, Deng Dazhong was introduced in Chongqing, a magazine temporary workers, in 2007, again in a newspaper correspondents in Chongqing Wanzhou advertise temporary, but has less than three months probation was removed. Since 2009, Deng Dazhong began to write in Chinese law Infonet network posts.

May 2009,http://demo.a3cn.com/wz3/thread-82211-1-1.html, Deng Dazhong, the Beijing Branch of the Tang dynasty level pay twenty thousand yuan, in the streets made Beijing the "New Morning" correspondent card,moncler outlet, transformed into "New Morning" Beijing station reporters.

Since then, Deng Dazhong has made a "Chinese Legal News Online 'news work permits, began as a reporter on stage.

First "exposure" after shantie

Police said Deng Dazhong account of a day in September 2009, Deng Dazhong received a dynasty Branch telephone, said Zhong County village ganzi large tree growers planted death. Deng Dazhong that opportunity came, then the "New Morning" interview with reporters identity to the village,louboutin, but also to the villagers kinds ganzi tree hill photographed. After taking enough information to find the village Party branch secretary Deng Dazhong Zhang (not his real name), called to give the village for special reports, in order to blackmail the party secretary to the commission.

This time, Deng Dazhong to do with the threat of negative reports in extortion at the request of the commission Zhang 31,000 yuan.

November 2009, Deng Dazhong dynasty families find that a chemical building materials company CEOs Zhongxian Kang resettlement funds have cash in behavior when relocation. Deng Dazhong that "Gaotou absolutely makes money."

Deng Dazhong holding a "New Post" reporter permits to find Kang, as a reporter to interview. Subsequently, Deng Dazhong do to prepare for negative reports, threatening to Kang demanded money. After the two sides agreed to bargain, to make positive reports of the enterprise, Kang paid him 50,000 yuan.

March 2001, Deng Dazhong found the house demolition compensation disputes and young crops compensation fee of between Zhongxian Shibao Town Village, a highway contractor and loyal villagers, then published "The villagers want to do to survive," the network in "China Minsheng network" quote, request the parties to Shen Fan (a pseudonym) to pay to settle the matter. Then again in the "China and France News Network" on the net posts written by non-existent "Zhongxian a town party secretary: Just delete the manuscript,moncler outlet online, playing" girl "child count me in," continued to apply pressure where public opinion. Shen Fan forced, to remain silent and be Deng Dazhong and other extortion "shantie fee" 40,000 yuan.

Damage to legitimate public opinion fake reporters

As early as April 27,outlet moncler, 2010, Xinjiang "New Morning" on the statement to the Chongqing Municipal Press and Publication Bureau, said the find someone misappropriation "New Morning" Issues published, fraudulent use of the "New Morning" interview with reporters identity, fraudulent " New Morning "in the name of establishing a network version of the illegal operations. "New Morning," a newspaper Address Zhong County police seized from belongings found in Beijing this year, is still in the "newspaper" to continue first issue. "China Legal News Online" website manager, said the site was never to Deng Dazhong press credentials, but also never before Deng Dazhong press releases. China and France Infonet also on November 20, 2010 decision to withdraw Deng Dazhong Chongqing channel operations director positions, they receive a work permit (number FX012) also void.

According to an investigation, some illegal magazine, reporter stations mostly paid to Hong Kong or Beijing's so-called "headquarters" several million yuan to buy the station name, club name, but also to the number of annual management fees ranging handed. Illegal newspapers, set up after the reporter station, began recruiting,moncler outlet online,http://forumc.lauraonline.net/read.php?tid=329441&displayMode=1, do not speak any qualifications, conditions, pay can be. Fake reporters he took the money to buy these "reporters" first line four victims.

Chongqing Municipal Press and Publication Bureau Director of Information Services Li Bingren newspapers also told reporters that in recent years, when some of the banner in the name of the newspaper reporters and other things have happened in Chongqing deception, these fake reporters of newspapers and magazines seriously damaged the image of legitimate public opinion. Press and Publication strongly support the police department in charge of anti-counterfeiting operations, hoping to further purify the city's case newsgathering order rectification of names to the press.

Zhong County Police Bulletin: November 26, Deng Dazhong,outlet moncler,http://zmddhj.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=18206, dynastic families Zhong County People's Procuratorate approved the arrest, Jingfangxingju, police are stepping up the hunt for fugitive . Currently,spaccio moncler, the case is being Investigating further.