
Lengthy and sometimes very low self-esteem,http://www.chrisadamsperfumes.com/index.php?item/create_form/1, teachers often comforted her. Wang told reporters Pan photo
(Reporter Wu charming) from the 2007 birth date, Henan orphans ocean (a pseudonym) is a man named live a full three years. However,http://www.8liuxing.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, a physical examination,louboutin femme pas cher,http://cgi.members.interq.or.jp/www1/kei1/cgi-bin/kaori/kaori.cgi, the orphanage's aunt were surprised to discover the ocean chromosomes are women. The day before yesterday, the ocean was sent Beiqijia children at Hope House, hoping to get back in Beijing, "the daughter body."

Ocean from Henan,http://cgi.www5d.biglobe.ne.jp/~db6/bbs/light.cgi?res=2337,hogan, who just turned 3 years old. This year in February,air max pas cher, she was abandoned in a small town where the local police station after being sent to the orphanage located in urban areas. Because of the lower body long a male organ, initially entering the ocean is a man named orphanage. Subsequently, a physical examination,spaccio moncler, the staff were surprised to find that their body has female chromosomes, and no testicles. To make the ocean end of the embarrassing double sexual identity as soon as possible, recently, the House of Hope orphanage contact with children, the ocean sent to Beijing for treatment,moncler milano, hoping to restore her daughter body under the Save the Children Foundation hopes.

Yesterday afternoon, the ocean is activity room and small partners to play with blocks. Little guy black thin, round eyes glitter, very cute. However, compared with other children, or ocean seemed more at home. "Every time I hear someone say that she is a girl,piumini moncler, she is very seriously deny." Children's Hope House Leader Ms. Wang said, 3-year-old ocean has gradually been gender awareness,moncler outlet online, but also from contact with others perceive faint to their strange,louboutin soldes, so there is some sense of inferiority.

Ms. Wang said that due to lengthy arrived in Beijing, the current Children's Hope House has not yet contacted their counterparts in the hospital for treatment. Next,moncler uomo, the staff will identify the hospital as soon as possible, and to raise their surgery,http://e-learning.tsu.ge/login/index.php?item/create_form/1, "she grew up, will face many problems continue to delay the child's growth will give a negative impact."

& Gt; & gt,http://cgi.www5d.biglobe.ne.jp/~db6/bbs/light.cgi?res=2586; expert advice

Sex should be careful judgment before surgery

Beijing Mary Fuyingyiyuan Rui,http://www.musashiya-teikoku.com/aska/aska.cgi?res=6622, vice president believes that the ocean is "hermaphroditism" patients. Both true and false hermaphroditism, are relatively rare, the incidence relations with the larger environmental reasons. Judging from the description of the orphanage, the ocean has female chromosomes, and no signs of testicular, is likely to be "false gender",air jordan femme, which is commonly referred to as "the clitoris is too long," mistaken for a penis. This condition can be treated through surgery.

In addition, Rui believes that although there is no lengthy earlier inspection think testicles, which may also be an illusion due to the ocean was still very young,http://talgon.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2491090, have yet to develop caused. So, does not this confirm that she is not "true gender" (ie, men and women have two sets of reproductive system). If "true gender" you need to check, monitor,woolrich uomo, watching the development of the reproductive system of the future direction of the child,louboutin soldes, the decision to choose which gender surgery. Rui believes ocean thorough physical examination should be performed as soon as possible after diagnosis, and then formulate a treatment plan.