
SACP County High School new campus Fengliang county wide work stoppage caused by two years of primary infertility relocation plan ran aground

Southern Rural News (Reporter Huang Jin) November 22,peuterey outlet milano, Guangdong Fengshun Feng Liangzhen original organ nursery door closed. From the door handle to the park looked at the small window visible appearance of several six-year-old child is the classroom door frolic.

Feng Guang Liang Zhen Tan sterile water dragon introduced elementary school principal, Fung Liangzhen authorities kindergarten in 2003 on the closure, the school was placed under the broad fertile primary school, is now the school preschool teaching space. October 22, 2009, after investigation, the SACP county primary and secondary school buildings are safe Leading Group Office of the original Feng nursery school Liangzhen authorities identified as D level dangerous, needs to be rebuilt. However,http://selfhelp-community.org/quickly-10/, the school has neither dismantled nor repair and reinforcement, are still in use.

School crowding staggering school

Tan Water Dragon said the reason for the abundance of preschool students placed in the original nursery school class Liangzhen organs, mainly after the demolition of the crisis,http://bbs.maifun.org/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=33405, Fengliang primary school very tense. Kwong Yuk Primary originally had two school buildings, in front of a building in May 2011 was identified as D-level dangerous,hogan outlet, and in the same year in July removed, but has not rebuilt after the removal of the new building. Currently educating elementary school wide 626 students, 44 teachers can only squeeze in the back of a building in teaching and office. Some classrooms have to squeeze under more than 60 students, a teacher at a eighty-nine of about 18 square meters of office of office. "After a few days the county should organize a mathematics competition, the need to close the two classes of students in a class to class, do the exam room to spare classroom." Kwong Lee, vice president of educating primary school says with exasperation.

Tan even more water dragons and other school leaders worry that due to limited teaching space, if the experience of natural disasters,moncler sito ufficiale, I am afraid not been able to evacuate students. For security reasons the anti-crowded stampede, wide on the sub-floor usually sterile primary sub-period, class and staggering school approach to take. "In this case, the pre-school 44 students temporarily placed in the original town authorities kindergarten class is out of frustration." Long said Tan water.

Multiple applications for construction of buildings without result

Canton educating primary school official told the Southern Rural News reporter, who has repeatedly spoken and written application to the higher authorities, require new teaching building as soon as possible. "Written referrals has twice since last year." Lee, vice president, said when informed that belong to the West Wing Fung Liangzhen primary school,http://contest.japias.jp/tqj1998/10098/yybbs.cgi, a West Primary School,http://bbs.jlun.net/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, a primary school teaching building of the East Building has been included this year SACP county "school safety project construction special supervision and inspection, "the range of wide primary infertility leaders more worried.

November 2012, for educating parents on the broad issue of primary school teaching venue tight network complaints, the SACP County Board of Education responded by saying: wide fertile elementary school buildings have been identified as D-class professional and technical units of dilapidated buildings, to ensure the safety of teachers and students, by higher provisions must be removed and included in the plan according to actual needs rebuilding, but the site of demolished school buildings were unsafe sites, and if reconstruction must choose another address,moncler outlet online, "due to unresolved issues of land acquisition,peuterey outlet milano, redevelopment temporarily unenforceable, We will urge the relevant departments as soon as possible for an early start. "

In Tan water dragon appears, the town's four school buildings need to be rebuilt only educating primary school teaching building has not wide open construction, in addition to planning a new site land Difficult,piumino moncler, but also with the construction of new campus Fengliang Middle stagnation related. "Because, according to Feng Liangzhen school layout adjustment plan, after Fengliang secondary relocation, its original campus would go to primary schools Liangzhen abundance, so no need to re-wide primary sterility new classroom building." Tan Water Dragon believes that wide Primary infertility delay in approval of new school buildings,http://safetexxt.com/index.php/forum/general-topics/386714-e357sftfol#389285, not unrelated to this consideration the relevant departments. For this statement, Fung Fung Liangzhen Hongshan, deputy party secretary Wu Peng Liang central school principals Lingjun confirmed that indeed there is such a relevant consideration.

Stoppage campus into practice yard

Feng Liang Wu pools provide secondary school principals to reporters' Fengliang construction of new campus high school report "shows that in 2006,http://www.sg5275.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=240834, Liang Zhen Feng county leaders to be held on-site research and office meeting, decided to build in Feng Feng Liang Liang Zhen government next new high school campus to address the wide fertile primary, secondary Taipan Fengliang amount of problems. After the completion of the new campus, the overall abundance of good high school moved to the new campus, the former high school campus is owned by HSBC Liangzhen primary schools within its jurisdiction. Fengliang high school campus plans to set up 48 new classes to accommodate students in 2592 who boarders 1,500 people,peuterey outlet, building area 36100 square meters, with a total budget of 38 million yuan.

2007, the SACP County Development and Reform Bureau approved the construction of a new middle school campus Fengliang preliminary engineering, namely a six-story student dormitory and classroom building, with a total investment of 8.89 million yuan. Engineering contract for September 10, 2007 to July 30, 2008. Sources of funding for "Mr. Yang Yumin voluntary contributions allocated 7 million yuan and higher." This project is also included in the 2007 county SACP key project supervision by two county leaders.

However, the project has progressed but was not successful. July 30,abercrombie pas cher, 2008,peuterey sito ufficiale, the new campus Fengliang high school pre-engineering was not completed on schedule. In this regard, Wu pool explanation is difficult to fund the construction side,, so the progress is slow. He said that the first phase of construction and relocation of about 15 million yuan of funds have been spent far more than 8.89 million yuan budget. Unable to continue due to the contractor Loaning built a new high school campus project Fengliang after October 2010 in a suspended state. Southern Rural News reporter learned that Yang domains China donated 7 million yuan mainly for the main construction, already in place, land requisition 7.453 million yuan, drawings, design audit fees 200,000 yuan,http://jcw.ffhd.net/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=1451&do=blog&quickforward=1&id=56789, reported that construction costs 185,000 yuan, a total of 7.838 million yuan county financial allocation has also been put in place. But the money is only enough to put up a framework for teaching building, student dormitory renovation and construction of school buildings still no unfunded capital. "The government does not give money, I certainly would not go to build." November 26, Feng Liang Yang Guilin Middle School new campus of the contractor told the Southern Rural News reporter on the phone.

November 22,giubbotti moncler, the reporter went to the new middle school campus Fengliang,woolrich uomo, here is overgrown with weeds, half of the open space in front of the classroom building has been used as a driving school training ground. "Anyway empty is empty, it might as well take advantage of." The person in charge of Driving Lin Feng (a pseudonym) said. In his view, resulting in a new high school campus Fengliang downtime is mainly due to start building preparation work is not good, "Bian Jianxin side to raise money, the government already poor,woolrich roma, will inevitably lead to the project unfinished."

For the new middle school campus Fengliang "unfinished" argument, the SACP County Board of Education does not agree with a responsible person. The person responsible for the construction of new campus Fengliang high school, the government does not matter, "mainly because of weak financial SACP." He said that the abundance Liangzhen scheduled to be completed by 2015, "a strong" mission, when authorities will vote the money to finish the construction of the new campus Fengliang high school.

Wu pool provided "SACP County middle schools layout adjustment programs" (Fung Fu Han [2011] No. 9) shows: "The main project (as) the standardization of school construction, improve the construction of the new campus Fengliang high school, about to invest 12 million yuan . "to the construction of new campus Fengliang high school prospects, Wu pool is not optimistic," said the program did not indicate a specific time in capital investment, and moreover, it is necessary to build standardized Fengliang secondary schools, according to the current price level, it needs at least 3000 more than one million. "