
814 individual objects, 180 trees, 83, who lives in Sha Tau Kok Jianhua livestock ...... It took six years to complete a huge stitch alone "painting." Stitch length 22 m, Mimicengceng covered approximately 8,000,000 pins, Spiraea total length of more than 200,000 meters. For such a painstaking work, and her husband Wei Jianhua flat natural treasure, adding there were entrepreneurs trying to purchase high-priced,moncler outlet, they have been rejected. But these days,http://emr4u.net/index.php?option=com_blog&view=blog, which the couple was contemplating Sichuan will stitch sell, all proceeds will be donated to the disaster area, to express their gratitude and care to the home.

6 years more than 100 needle embroidery bad

2005, Jianhua from the Department of Transportation Bingtui Nanjiang, Sichuan Province, came to Shenzhen with her husband working together in this life. To spend leisure time, a child will be good at needlework embroidery of Jianhua start some small hanging pieces, drew praise neighborhood friends. "At the time everyone said I embroider well, encouraged me to simply embroider a big, and I move the heart, and decided to embroider a" painting "panorama." Jianhua said.

Experienced many twists and turns, Jianhua managed to buy a whole lot at the East Gate stitch version. At that time the shop owner suspected road, "so long reel, hundreds of individual objects, lines and colors are so complicated,moncler sito ufficiale, you can complete it?" But Jianhua did not flinch. She spent 6800 yuan to purchase a full set of cross-stitch tool,http://www.hab.co.ke/index.php/component/blog/comments?pid=59447, April 7,http://bbs.myxiayi2.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=45532,abercrombie outlet milano, 2007 commence until mid-March this year, before the official closing line.

Piece weighing 20 pounds heavier scroll stitch magnificent, vividly depicts the Northern Song Dynasty painter zhangzeduan masterpieces. Jianhua told reporters, on the whole cross-stitch, figures 814, 83 cattle, 29 vessels,spaccio woolrich,http://bbs.gaodesaier.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=90267, more than 30 buildings housing buildings, car 13, car 8, the bridge 17 and 180 trees. She used a total of 42 kinds of colors embroider, embroidery needle down almost eight million,woolrich uomo, six-year period with bad light needle has more than 100 roots. "Stitch is too long, embroidery frame not hold up, I will tile in the living room on the ground a stitch embroidery, embroidered eighty-nine hours every day or so." He Jianhua said.

I hope to raise at least 60 million donation

On Saturday, Ya'an earthquake news, so Jianhua couple was very worried. Their son and daughter are in Chengdu to work, but fortunately unscathed. 54-year-old Jianhua said that his son a safe,peuterey outlet milano, she was very pleased, but also saddened because of a serious disaster. After Wei Ping and her husband discuss her decision as a treasure of the "painting" stitch for charity, and to donate all money raised to support disaster relief and reconstruction.

Wei Ping told reporters that they have decided to Jianhua's a very supportive. "Our family is large,woolrich milano, though not rich,http://tang.29ji.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=1422, but also considered a well-off family, is not short of money. Can in their own ability to help the people in need, we are very happy." He revealed, complete the "painting" embroider post-production,air jordan pas cher, Jianhua currently embroidered total length of 15 meters,abercrombie outlet, "Fuchun Mountains",http://bbs.xdbaby.net/home.php?mod=space&uid=189174, probably have to spend two years. After the work is completed, Jianhua hope that through charity,spaccio moncler, aid for the home to build a Hope primary schools. On the road to do charity, Jianhua couple has just begun.

Wei Ping admitted that he and his wife hope to raise through the sale of at least 600,000 yuan in donations, there are a caring companies are negotiating with him. Then such a scroll stitch actually worth it? Reporters search information that,http://www.web-display.com/index.php?item/create_form/9, in 2011 an auction Seventh Beijing International Finance Expo,woolrich uomo, 22 meters long by six workers stitch handicrafts finished "painting", once the price of 1.2 million yuan deal.

Interview, Wei Ping newspaper commissioned to help find loving buyers,http://www.jjhsshy.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=161750,moncler uomo, and announced its own phone: that intends to directly contact him to discuss. The newspaper will continue to focus on this particular charity.

(Reporter trainee reporter Li Jie Zhang Junyu text / Chart)