Sichuan Online reporter Zhao Xia Wu worry bell sail photography intern Wang Yanan,moncler outlet online

About seats teacher

School guidance offices teacher had said: I teacher usually serious and responsible work and would like to dry out the point score, but temper the more urgent. One day before the National Day holiday this year, I had to leave the teacher said his father was seriously ill, the urgent need to go home.

About Xiaoyu

Grandpa said: the child is the home of several generations of a single pass, grew reluctant to fight. I heard the teacher slapped in the face, is not too happy.

1st apology

Parents know that children are playing, the teacher called to ask the teacher to apologize

2nd apology

Initiative to call the teacher apologized to the father, grandfather and grandmother

3rd apology

In schools, teachers to parents, grandfather eleven bow and apologize

Two days ago, the Chengdu Hi-tech new Branch School in a class of fifth-grade students in more than doing calisthenics,http://bbs.davbang.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=28923, push each other to cause confusion. Back in the classroom, teacher teacher I called this number of students on the podium,outlet moncler, asking each ...... Yesterday morning, a student's parents that several students came to school discussion to say, the teacher said the child was slapped in the face, also play nosebleed. The class seats teacher denies "slapped" the statement, saying "just lift the student's head."


After I slapped my teacher fan flow nosebleed

Yesterday afternoon, reporters in Chengdu Hi-tech new Branch School teaching fifth grade on the first floor to see the students in a class Xiaoyu (a pseudonym), is his parents come to school to be an explanation.

Xiaoyu recalled that on the 15th during the morning calisthenics, teacher teacher I was not present, "in front of a new (the students) do not exercise. I accidentally kicked, thereby disrupting the rhythm."

Xiaoyu said the teacher returned to the playground later I ran into them. Back in the classroom, I called a few of them are teachers on the podium, "I teacher said: 'Do you think he was wrong right, you feel lost in front of the whole school students do not lose face'." Xiaoyu said he and other students were low with head could not answer.

Xiaoyu said later that he was a teacher and several students were slapped in the face, "After a child, the teacher let us return to the seat, not long after I began to nosebleeds. I teacher took me to the room wash water, and then no flow. "


I'm just too big efforts to lift the chin

Director of the school moral education teacher at a dry presentation,peuterey outlet milano, there were nearly a thousand students doing calisthenics, Xiaoyu classes have more than 50 students, Xiaoyu standing in the middle position.

Class seats teacher, told reporters that when the day of calisthenics,http://bbs.yzxw.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=604050, she called to a meeting. Back to the playground just ran into students 'naughty' moral duty to her class teacher criticized. "It was very chaotic, no teacher supervision, they have been slapstick, not serious exercise. There are seven or eight students, are usually like some mischief." I said the teacher, when she was very angry, completed in calisthenics After, he gave several students called to the podium before, began to ask one by one.

I teacher said, when she was only lifted a few chin a few students, because they want to admit, "the intensity is too big, that I was wrong, but did not slapped in the face."


The teacher apologized but also get the school to solve

In the end was slapped in the face or chin is lifted? Because there is no monitoring of the classroom, the reporter tried to ask the other students in the class, the school teacher waiting outside the classroom,http://www.sdtc.me/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2118, the reporter could not get close.

According to reports, after this happened, Xiaoyu as usual, did not take the initiative to tell their parents and grandfather in this thing. Xiaoyu said,abercrombie outlet online,http://www.zzbbs.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=435325, Mom and Dad busy,air jordan femme, he lived with my grandfather.

Until the 16th afternoon, Xiaoyu's mother heard the news from other parents there,air max pas cher homme, "they do not want to come forward, saying only that our dolls have nosebleeds, is the most serious." Said Mr. Zhang Xiaoyu's father.

Xiaoyu's grandfather introduced grandson is home to several generations of a single pass, grew reluctant to beat him, I heard that the child was hit is not too happy.

Evening 7:00 and more, Mr. Zhang to the seats teacher called, I apologized to the teacher. I said the teacher, and later that night she gave Xiaoyu's father, grandfather, grandmother three were playing to the phone, apologized and promised this will not happen again. But Zhang said to go to school consultation.

■ dialogue

No matter how schools punish me no opinion

Last night, reporters once again call the seats teacher on the phone, she choked several times, speechless, "No matter what kind of punishment the school gave me, I do not have any comments."

Reporter: what happened that day, a total of several students on the podium?

I Teacher: seventy-eight.

Reporter: You have not played student slap?

I Teacher: No, just lift a few of their heads. (She went on to make their own chin lift action.)

Reporter: Why lift their heads?

I Teacher: I did not ask them wrong, they kept his head down not speak.

Reporter: When did you discover Xiaoyu nosebleeds,abercrombie outlet?

I Teacher: did not take long to find his nosebleeds, I'll take him to the water room to clean up.

Reporter: Why did not you tell afterwards schools and parents?

I Teacher: It was originally intended to report, then see the students did not do it, I felt not bother schools do not want parents to worry. I admit I did wrong, and disposing of a problem.

Reporter: how to deal with later Xiaoyu?

I Teacher: will be more concerned about the student.

■ school argument

Her job seriously, but patience is more acute

By convention, yesterday morning 7:40, Xiaoyu and grandparents went to school together, but grandparents were stopped at the door. I teacher, that situation was his first time arrived at the school gate,http://www.ifulyou.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=556, trying to lead the parents into the school, but my grandparents hearing is not very good, and did not care that he will return to normal school classroom.

Teacher this semester succession

Zhang Xiaoyu's father then went to school with reporters, is still blocked at the door by security. So, Mr. Zhang call the police calls, at the intervention of the local police station, the reporter and Mr. Zhang was able to enter the school, and saw several persons in charge of the school reception room.

In this meeting, the seats teacher stood up to Xiaoyu's parents, grandfather one bow and apologize,http://www.123comcom.com/bbss/home.php?mod=space&uid=10045, she said:. "I'm sorry, in this matter, I did wrong, I hope you can forgive me."

The school director Dean's Office has said that before the school did not know about it, she is also just learned.

It was introduced by the Director, someone's homeroom teacher I was a graduate student in Shaanxi membership, about 30 years old, last year to work in this school, taught before seventh grade,moncler outlet online, school work adjusted according to the class this semester where Xiaoyu as a teacher and a language teacher.

The school will be dealt with severely

In Zeng's minds,air max pas cher homme, I love the teacher of teachers' work, "usually work is still very serious and responsible and would like to dry out the point score, but temper the more urgent." Zeng said,louboutin homme pas cher, the day before the National Day holiday this year, I had a teacher She said the family leave father was seriously ill,http://ssqt.cn/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=455609, the urgent need to go home, "I grant her leave, but she still finished the day's lesson on the morning before walking."

Zeng said: "Maybe she temper a little anxious in the handling of this matter, the method shall not be treated."

Zeng said that the school will be seriously dealt with the matter and strengthen the management of the teacher, "Whether she (seats teacher) did what, as long as she moved her hand, parents should apologize."

Since the interview process, the verbal apology did not completely quell parents' emotions. They had been director of the Zhang said,jordan pas cher, will allow the needle seats teacher writing a review on the matter, "will consider setting up PAC to strengthen the supervision and management of the teacher after school, while specific actions matter, the school will also be thoroughly investigated before making a decision. "

■ quick assessment

We are not easy

□ at Mann song

Whether it is slapped in the face, or lift the chin, the teacher hands corporal punishment on students, after all wrong. Children Well, of course, need education,air max pas cher, disrupting the teaching order, but should be a good education, criticism is certainly possible, hands is absolutely impossible - injury to a child self-esteem, but also hurt the hearts of their parents.

But then I thought, this hands-teacher is not really that "heinous" and not worthy of understanding it? Because she repeatedly apologized, even to the children of parents, grandfather deep bow, but also get to understand each other.

That ...... parents are not also a bit too Oh? Listen to Grandpa said, Sun Sun is home to several generations of a single pass down, grew reluctant to fight. Alas, many families are now an only child, six (grandparents grandmother grandfather father and mother) for a child will be spoiled is not it? Think of a teacher, but also not very easy, in the face so many different personalities, different kids growing environment, and to how much effort and hard work, in order to educate them. Moreover,http://www.amarilfranklin.com.br/index.php?option=com_blog&view=blog, the teacher, his father being ill at home, in peacetime or multiple serious and responsible, some parents are not that give her a chance to correct the error?