
○ The Trojan implanted Bank buffet computers; U disk where I store the bank card information 13 others

○ The judge reminded: Do not use outside Internet online banking, bank card password do not use birthdays

Red Net Changsha July 7 (Xiaoxiang Morning News reporters Ren Wenjing and Tong Xunyuan Liu Li) near Changsha Pengmou,http://7pf.hk/albums/displayimage.php?pid=3893/displayimage.php?pid=3893&message_icon=info, who lives in South Bus Station, although only junior high school education, but it is a computer whiz nearby residents envy of everyone. Only 23 years old, he has bought himself used two Audi limousine and Toyota, as well as a wear gold and silver beautiful girlfriend. These make the neighbors green with envy, can the neighbors do not know is that the appearance handsome Pengmou turned out to be "online thieves",piumini moncler, he is after all the money they use a computer Trojan, steal bank card fraud comes from.

Last week, Yuhua District Court hearing this from credit card fraud. Pengmou two and a half income up to the amount of 402,http://www.8264.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=,400 yuan by fraud,nike air max pas cher, the judge sentenced him to six years and six months and fined 200,000 yuan.

U disk in others there are 13 bank card information

Pengmou childhood does not love reading, after graduating from middle school, in addition to work, the rest of the time he spent on the computer. One day in October 2006, no money Pengmou inadvertently learned some Trojan can steal people's accounts, passwords and identity information. After So he try holding the attitude, using the Internet spread the virus,louboutin pas cher, intrusion of a public Tianmou computer, access their bank card information, and then use the Trojans remote operation, hundreds of thousands of dollars Tianmou card turn away. Cautious Pengmou also opened a specially went to Hubei account transfer money, to avoid tracing. This became Pengmou "pot of gold."

After the first successful Pengmou began painstaking research Trojans. In early 2008, the invasion of one Pengmou think too much trouble,woolrich donna, time-consuming,http://www.vipshishicai.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=13124, money is also slower, one-time access to a wealth of information, Pengmou began to hire other people to help. Pengmou hire someone to set a good Trojans placed on any web site, others log on these sites and then go online transaction, Pengmou can remotely steal their bank card information, and then he again by downloading others ID number, date of birth to cash in with a password. In court, Pengmou said, it is because a lot of people used to use to make bank card password birthday, he was so easy to succeed.

By the end of 2008, Pengmou roundabout way to think before money is not fast enough, he rented an Internet IP address, and bought from the Internet some of the Trojan virus, the virus on a rented server. After that, they pretend Pengmou ordinary citizens,http://bbs.scwmw.org/home.php?mod=space&uid=186635, sneaked into the hall Changsha banks using the bank's self-service computer to download and install Trojan horse virus. After the public to use the self-service computer,louboutin homme, the Trojan virus will automatically move the user's ID number,woolrich sito ufficiale, bank card account numbers, passwords and other information to the server on Pengmou leased. When arrested, Pengmou U disk bank card number and other information for up to 13.

Bought two second-hand limousine with a lot of jewelry

Two and a half years to defraud more than 40 million, or Pengmou transformed into wage earners from the big boss, he not only gave himself bought two used cars Audi and Toyota, also paid a beautiful girlfriend, a lot of jewelry for purchase .

head, tall court, looks very smart, answer questions the judge when well organized, articulate, if not handcuffed, who would not believe that this young lad actually scams so much money.

When the judge asked him a statement after committing the crime, the Pengmou thought, just say part of the "too much, do not remember,http://socalsailplanes.com/node/2#comment-658626,peuterey outlet, many of which are only a few hundred dollars,tn requin pas cher, the deepest impression is transferred out of 100,500 yuan Lin, Because I just took the money to buy a second-hand Audi car. "Pengmou said just last February, he found an account and password information,http://bbs.kamremake.net/thread-3659006-1-1.html,nike tn requin,http://ceshi3.rzyjs.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=64549, the phone number when Internet cafes,http://www.planetchallenged.com/activity, found goes Cary 100 000 . He then try holding the attitude,woolrich roma, with a bank card password set phone password,giubbotti moncler, knows actually sets opened. He quickly handed down a fake ID and went to a bank in Zhuzhou, hand information head to take out the money, took the money and went to Hubei to buy a car.

[The judge reminded]

Do not keep large amounts of cash net Silver

Pengmou found guilty of credit card fraud, has been sentenced, some of the stolen money has been recovered. The judge said, stealing about bank card fraud cases have occurred when, they are using some of the people living habits and oversight loopholes Pengmou is one of the classic. The judge reminded that to prevent bank card information stolen, people do not remember the password using birthdays, try not to use the Internet outside the online banking transactions against Trojan to steal information, but also conduct regular home computer viruses killing. Meanwhile,peuterey uomo, online banking card not long-term storage of large amounts of cash, preferring some trouble with how much the insurance is temporary memory.