
▲ Pictured sun on the net posts photos of the girls and other female companion photo, including two wearing Foshan union vocational technical school uniforms. (Internet photo)

Suspected drug photos on the net posts for the red circle. (Internet photo)

Foshan Information Times (reporter Guiliang) the day before yesterday, Foshan local forum "every day a new" site users sent a drug is on the student online printing photo posts, triggering strong concern of all parties. Reporter yesterday contacted on the matter related to the school,hollister sale, Foshan City Board of Education as well as the police. Foshan police said has been concerned about this, and the "net posts need to verify the authenticity."

Net posts exposed female drug addicts

This is the net posts Posted at 15:40 on March 19. Not only published posts in the large-scale photo of a girl,piumino moncler, there are a few photos of suspected drugs. Reporters saw,, which had at least four girls photos, including two wearing Foshan union vocational and technical school uniforms girls posed like.

Yesterday afternoon, the reporter on the matter went to vocational and technical schools, Foshan union consultation confirmation. General Services at the school,chaussures nike pas cher,, said the staff did not know about it. When reporters ask open the web site to verify the content,abercrombie pas cher, the other said no office computer network could not be verified.

Reporters can only produce its net posts prior to download pictures. After looking at each other, said two girls in the picture indeed for the school uniforms worn uniforms. But when a reporter asked to meet with the school principal responsible person verify this when the staff member said the school principal is not,,abercrombie france, do not want to inform the principal's office where it is.

Yesterday around 17:00, the reporter was removed to find the school Lau contact phone number. Lau said that,peuterey outlet milano, in fact,,louboutin homme pas cher, yesterday morning,moncler milano, the school had been concerned this is the net posts. "Photos Only two were school students, and was graduated in 2009. As students have already left,, so the school is not good then pipe the matter." Lau said that in addition to the two men,woolrich sito ufficiale, the other photos are pieced together to together, could not confirm whether a direct correlation.

EDB said that if true would intervene

Foshan City Board of Education, a responsible person in the understanding of the situation, told reporters said the Department of Education does not understand this, and no one had reported to them, but if it relates to student drug abuse, drug abuse but also on the network sun Photos,, EDB will certainly be involved in the investigation.

After viewing the net posts at the scene, the official said,louboutin homme, although wearing uniforms,, but may students have graduated.

Reporters also contacted yesterday afternoon Foshan police. Police said they are now also concerned about the net posts, "net posts to verify the authenticity of the need,air max pas cher homme, in addition,woolrich milano,, presented photographs powder can not determine whether the drug." Insiders said that does not exclude students because of curiosity and making mischief.