
□ Evening News correspondent reported SOUTHERN

Confusion, panic, anger ...... Gong 16-month-old boy, was taken away from the eyes, from the incident to find the child, a full five hours, the couple several times emotional ups and downs. Even more surprising is that they kidnapped the child is none other than the one they hired workers, one of their familiar friend.

Yesterday, the reporter learned from the Hongkou police,spaccio moncler, recently, the police quickly uncovered the kidnapping, hostage unharmed, suspect Lee arrested.



The baby was taken away from the eyes

Time of the incident, the father is busy hotel, the bedroom door is not closed properly. "At that time, I saw the baby was in bed, so I can go back busy, but found the bottle, bed sheets are in, can the baby was gone."

At 12:00 on February 4, Riverside Hongkou Public Security Bureau police station reception hall, a young woman came running staggering. In the reception counter duty sheriff Jiang Jianfeng team of law enforcement investigators found the woman a little incoherent,peuterey sito ufficiale, body shivering.

No matter how comforting the police and asked the woman always repeated the same sentence saying, "Help me, help my child."

Who is the woman? Children how? More than 20 minutes later,abercrombie outlet italia, the woman's husband also hastily ran into the police station Gong. Originally, Mr. Gong and his wife Ms. Zhang from the field to Shanghai after the Wanan road runs a small hotel, the couple usually lived in the hotel.

Morning incident, Mr. Gong is busy hotel,abercrombie outlet milano, the bedroom door is not closed properly. "At that time, I saw the baby was in bed, but I was busy working and so back, but found the bottle, bed sheets are in, can the baby was gone." Disappearances little boy named CNR, only 16 months old. That afternoon, a small hotel Azeri visitors to, the couple did not think of, an inattentive,air max femme pas cher, second floor bedroom CNR suddenly disappeared.



Police surveillance of crime analysis acquaintance premeditated tall,spaccio woolrich, thin figure photographed suspicious

Baby father thought impossible acquaintance children taken away:. "Zhang couple next door, playing mahjong know Ah Chan, as well as acquaintances talk of the town have been to the store,woolrich prezzi, talk of the town also chatted with me for a while yet," Gong said These people own relationship better,outlet moncler, impossible to walk away with CNR.

Investigators learned acquaintance hear his true identity: he is not serious businessman, but a social idlers, no fixed income, often do not go back home, four to borrow money,http://wx.jazzsynth.com/wxcgi/kizai/sunkizai.cgi?mode=form&no=61&page=2/a%22, Pianchipianhe dawdle.

The court cause Hongkou police attention, Hongkou Public Security Bureau of Criminal Investigation Detachment heavy case team captain Huang Lei led the team the first time in the investigation.

12:45, the monitoring group full search near the road can take advantage of the image data, and 800 meters away from the crime scene outside the police station, there are investigators in the investigation. Incident, a total of two restaurants, both upper and lower hotel business district, on one side there is a second floor corridor unlatched the door, which is the couple's bedroom Gong, which is CNR lost places. Police analysis, the baby taken away people familiar with the situation on-site, this action must be premeditated.

Memories of the day, the Gong thoughts very chaotic, just remember that business is surprisingly good, regular customers during several visits, so the couple toes. "Zhang couple next door, playing mahjong know Ah Chan, as well as acquaintances talk of the town have been to the store, talk of the town also chatted with me for a while yet." It is common sense that these acquaintances are likely to walk away with CNR, can Gong has said that the relationship between these people and myself better, impossible to walk away with CNR.

In the end who took away the baby?

13:00,http://coinabc.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=436664, the monitoring group news came skimming over the screen figure, touched the nerve of all investigators. 11:01 the same day, a tall,http://e-learning.tsu.ge/login/index.php?item/create_form/1, thin, tall man came out from the store Gong hands as if to embrace a baby. Ten minutes later, 11:18, the man holding the baby on a taxi.

See this shadowy figure, Gong suddenly excited. Is he! Talk of the town - named Daniel Lee hair, is a more than 50-year-old locals. According to Mr. Gong reflect, talk of the town not only his friends, but also he opened another home renovation company in charge of supervision, the two met more than a year. Lao Li Gong at home drinking regularly to play cards, and sometimes simply too late in his home overnight.

To further confirm that the police let Mr. Gong Li Ren made the phone call, but it has no answer. Police found the monitor screen contained talk of the town last to leave the taxi driver, the baby is finally confirmed CNR, thin man is the talk of the town.

Why talk of the town taken away CNR? Talk of the town near the residence through field visits, investigators learned some unexpected situations. Talk of the town is not a serious businessman, but a social idlers, no fixed income,http://yuzhoubbs.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=42529, often do not go back home, four to borrow money, Pianchipianhe dawdle.



SMS extortion 300,000 wandering the streets of the suspect holding a baby

"You are my son, within two hours to prepare 300,000 playing cards on me, or I die with him!" A half hour after the incident,http://www.cnnetech.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, Mr. Gong received a blackmail message sent to the talk of the town,http://www.uco.es,peuterey outlet, and hastened back to go back, the other party has off the computer. Faced with the sudden kidnapping, Gong couple has floundered.

Heavy case team captain Huang Lei aware of the need to clarify the purpose of the suspects as soon as possible, in the end is still to vent their anger in order to reap benefits. Police Integrated hear his usual interpersonal and style of doing things,piumino moncler, trying to analyze his character, weaknesses and habits.

16:00, which is the deadline given talk of the town, to within 2 hours to raise 300,000 yuan, it is very difficult for a Gong. "I put the money invested in the renovation company, and sometimes simply could not get so much money." Make Gong difficult to understand is talk of the town is his longtime friend,http://www3.kcn.ne.jp/~tatata/cgi-bin/custombbs.cgi/, should be aware of their economic situation,abercrombie outlet milano, and why he wanted to kidnap at this time CNR asking price of 300,000 yuan it?

Gong anxious to talk of the town, sending a message in the hope that dropped to 200,000 yuan ransom. Little bit of time in the past, investigators understand all investigations must be completed within two hours. Kids only 16 months, their viability is limited, talk of the town not to worry, since the provisions of the pay period so tight, he may at any time extremes.

2:30 pm, the monitoring group found again, 11:51 noon, LI Ren-fa holding CNR appear on Sichuan Road, from north to south out of the scope of monitoring.

1:30, holding the baby talk of the town from the park out again disappeared in the monitor screen of sight.

2:50, according to the conventional operation of monitoring a taxi, police monitoring group analysis, monitoring the talk of the town is likely to take the place, holding the CNR on the car taxi. Soon, the car disappeared near the Sichuan Road.

Investigators analyzed, a middle-aged man holding a fifty years old 16-month-old baby boy, walking in the bustling streets, although not considered surprising, however, if suddenly crying baby on the way up, is bound to lead Some passers-by's attention. Heavy case analysis team captain Huang Lei, talk of the town had to consider holding a child in the side is more dangerous. He must have felt relatively closed compartment inside the cab, but also on the move, for him,http://tuonela.s138.xrea.com/lightbbs/light.cgi?res=5248, is relatively safe.

By combing the taxi running track, talk of the town apparently no clear destination, but repeated in a number of lively shopping district a short stay. "He around in a circle, apparently in time to fight money to the victim, and he must find the nearest ATM machine to check the victim is not the money transferred to him." Huang Lei felt faint, the time necessary to take a proactive to.



Unbearable pressure on the suspect to the police station quietly infant feeding

15:00, Lao Li Gong received the reply: "Just 200,000 now, hurry, late, then make you look good."

"He's not a very strong will, he is a diagram of money, in case you do not see the money, if you do a bad thing for the child, for he himself did not benefit." A text message,tn requin pas cher, so investigators treasure At least hear his heart shaken.

Worried about their children's safety, Gong decided to hear his first 20,000 yuan into the bank account as soon as possible to find the suspects, the police initiated security ten road ambush in the talk of the town have appeared in commercial circles.

16:00, ten road waiting outside investigators still did not find anything. At the same time, the delay can not wait a couple of messages Gong became very depressed mood. After half an hour, Mr. Gong's cell phone rang a third time, "this money sent beggar do."

Take the money and no mention of Daniel Lee thing restitution baby hair, the tone became more arrogant.

Meanwhile, a few kilometers outside of a man holding a baby walked into the police station Sichuan Road. According to the duty to police reports, the child did not cry, the man put himself on the ground he walked. Man told police that the child is picked up in the park. While the police to settle a child, the man walked out. After receiving the message, the task force immediately sent in the past verified by surveillance video showed the children to the police station is the suspect himself, infant physical characteristics and CNR almost the same.

17:00, five hours after the report, CNR has finally returned to his parents in a police escort. So far, investigators heart of a stone floor, and the hostages finally safe.

Later, the police access to the talk of the town at the ATM machine withdrawals surveillance video, the time displayed on the 4:06 pm. You can see the process of withdrawing money, CNR is not on his side, investigators analyzed talk of the town could find a hotel nearby, CNR settled out again to collect the money. Investigators immediately surrounding the hotel were Paimo bank, a hotel waiter recognized the photos talk of the town. Unfortunately, in the investigators visited recently, the suspect had just left the hotel, but have not check out, investigators determine he would come back again, and then waiting at the hotel door.

22:00, LI Ren-fa finally appeared, was captured directly investigators.

Oral suspect: their pay dispute to make friends into enemies

After appearing in court, LI Ren-fa to kidnap baby confessed to the crime. Because there is no talk of the town long-term stable jobs, the economy is very tight, a chance he met Mr. Gong couple. According to Lao Li confessed, was himself unemployed, Mr. Gong supervisor asked him to help design, agreed wages 200 yuan per day. Job let talk of the town to maintain relations with the Gong family more than a year, until early this year, Mr. Gong's capital chain has encountered a problem, sometimes unable to pay wages, Mr. Gong said that after the completion of other projects to pay, talk of the town How much insisted to give a little advance payment. This is an excuse to talk of the town seem to wage arrears, so he played a kidnapped child's thoughts.

Several hours holding a child wandering talk of the town spent in anxiety and panic, the children began crying, in order to alleviate their sins, to hear his own children to the police station. At present, the suspect Li Ren hair has been arrested for kidnapping, the case is under further investigation.

(Original title: excuse boss pay talks abducted son 16 months baby Cry 5 hours)