
Zhou: Zhou Taomou has repeatedly harassed intimidation

Police: Taomou online speech is not made by me

A case of social concern. Prior to Shi Tao's father Taomou harm an net posts, not only for Chow challenged users, but also to Zhou struggling to cope with the media. Yesterday, Zhou's aunt Lee in an interview with this reporter stressed reluctant to Zhou and Taomou whether the relationship between male and female friends away controversy. Hefei Public Security Bureau said yesterday that the suspects have been detained in Taomou First Detention Center in Hefei, he remarks, "all network" on the fraudulent use.

Text / reporter Qinghui Chen

Zhou Parents:

Love is not necessary to discuss whether

According to Zhou's aunt Ms. Lee introduced, Zhou has been a good girl, usually very quiet. Zhou's mother because only one child, daughter of strict discipline,http://www.maomida.co.jp/cgi-bin/joyful2/joyful.cgi, but the relationship between parents and Zhou is very harmonious.

Ms. Lee said, in fact, Zhou also told her mother said, the school has a boys chasing her,nike tn requin, Zhou's mother expressed hope that after listening to her daughter to focus on learning, but later in the shower, Zhou Zhou mother found the body has bruises, Zhou was revealed that Taomou fight. Later Zhou afraid, scared at home, afraid to go to school. Ms. Lee said that during the leave of absence, has repeatedly come home Taomou harassment, arson at the door, kicking newspaper boxes. They really have no way to find Taomou parents demanded manage their children, but they said:. "My son is a bad tube, you can report it to the police,http://poyoulu.com/thread-565811-1-1.html, I would not want him."

Since then,tn pas cher, Zhou lived a fear every day life, they did not dare go to the police,louboutin femme, because Taomou had threatened Zhou said: "? I was robbed, not still put out yet," "The implication is that We did not use the threat of alarm. "Lee stressed that" parents do not stop, just do not act,moncler milano, it is very scary. "

After being harassed repeatedly, Chow has no solution. Zhou's mother had received threatening phone Taomou, had also come to their knees to pray Taomou not harass Zhou, but to no avail. "Trouble that day, after Zhou came home from school I was at home cooking, I went to open the door Zhou cook from Zhou into the bedroom,http://hitatihimitu.com/system.cgi, I heard the screams,http://www.yihewang.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=80629, during which time approximately 4 minutes. I think Taomou premeditated trailing into my house. "Lee told reporters.

For Zhou and whether the male and female friends Taomou previous relationship, Zhou's parents expressed reluctance for this and tangled,louboutin soldes, and now there is no need to discuss this matter. JAC law firm can continue lawyer Zheng told reporters, "the two sides in the debate on this issue is not necessary that the verdict did not help. Under the current circumstances it seems,http://www.gabugabu.net/i/cgi-bin/bbspatio/patio-i.cgi, according to Zhou's injury,moncler piumini, given Taomou 16 years, judgment at least more than 10 years, the most important would be a reprieve. "

Taomou Lawyer:

Taomou parents declined to be interviewed

Zhou reporters in an interview, just Taomou's lawyer came to the defense lawyer Shen Zhou. He told reporters that he was dedicated to the Zhou sincerely apologize for Taomou parents, and said post-treatment Zhou Tao will actively cooperate.

In later told reporters want to interview Tao Shen Tao respond after asking lawyers, pottery poor mental state, a lot of pressure,moncler outlet online, and now not prepared to accept media interviews.

"Mom, I hurt." ......

Yesterday, the reporter went to the house to see Zhou, Zhou covered with plaster wrapped around close,http://www.com-corporation.co.jp/omaezaki/cgi-bin/bbs/light.cgi,air max pas cher, bandaged in bed. Zhou's mother was busy to Zhou replace plaster, wash the wound, "Mom, I hurt ......" reporter in the interview process repeatedly heard the cries of Zhou,louboutin, Zhou aunt Lee listened, tears told reporters: "You see, Zhou would cry so often, my sister, brother in the evening to look after her daughter, has been exhausted."

It is understood that Zhou is not only the face, neck, severe burns, chest and leg injuries not light. After the incident, Zhou's bedroom has been renovated and changed the furniture. Ms. Lee told reporters: "Before the bedrooms have been burned, Zhou afraid to go to this bedroom, we had to change the decoration, let the children feel comfortable."

Ms. Lee said that recent media interviews so that they continue a fairly tired. "Now some people say the Internet constantly negative things about children, I think it is unfair to the child. Children need to pause now to restore."

Expert: impossible to restore it

Nanjing, Hong Mei Hu Yuanzhang with several international experts in plastic surgery hospital yesterday to Zhou Zhou conducted for consultation, Hu Yuanzhang, said Zhou restored to normal is impossible, "There can only try to keep the recovery profile, do The scars may be reduced,basket nike pas cher, all transplant would not likely be able to repair the jaw and neck had been amazing. As if there is excess breast skin flap,http://www.sinogooding.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=324145, then consider follow-up treatment. "

Hu Yuanzhang said repair scars may take four months. "We are still not completely sure of the program, 10 to 20 surgeries are likely." As for the cost of surgery, Hu Yuanzhang said takes about 1 million yuan to be able to do a bit better.

Police: Online Taomou account

Department of fraudulent use

Hefei Public Security Bureau said yesterday that the suspect Taomou since last Sept. 18, has been detained in the First Detention Center in Hefei, and may not have access to the Internet. After preliminary investigation, recently logged "Renren" Department of Taomou apparently fraudulent use of the account, the relevant departments are investigating.

Hefei Public Security Bureau yesterday officially issued a circular to explain the situation of the incident and explain Institute of Criminal Science and Technology in Hefei Public Security Bureau has on September 22 last year, according to investigators and institutions to provide the photos and records material injury victims, issued a "human Preliminary review of the extent of damage to the submissions. " September 26, Baohe District People's Procuratorate approved the execution of arrest pursuant to the suspect Taomou.

Police said that according to Zhou's treatment records, its neck injuries may need to do the second surgery,http://misdenelizondo.tv,hollister sale, according to forensic practice, the need to end after treatment (involving rehabilitation dysfunction need three to six months) to be injury identification. If the injury faster recovery after his surgery, the public security organs in the detention period Taomou injuries consistent with the forensic identification requirements, the public security organs will make a full appraisal conclusion; For a second surgery, and after surgery, injury recovery is not reached to forensic identification requirements,moncler donna, will now have a lesion injury assessment criteria to identify in advance, and accordingly legally suspect Taomou transferred to the Procuratorate for examination and prosecution.