In,, he only wrote three Bowen, the paper about his experiences and encounters.

The first chapter

At 20:07 on March 20,woolrich pescara, 2009

Just opened a blog he wrote: "Just finished a lawsuit, as the ending to my losing my hope that we can put together here and I like being turned into the local exchange company law, as friends,tiffany anelli argento, exchange ideas with each other,woolrich blizzard, each other. share the pain out of this haze,giubbotti peuterey outlet, start a new life. "

The second

At 11:31 on March 21, 2009

August 1986, I learned from Guangzhou, South China Institute of Computer Application Department of Computer Science graduate, bachelor's degree. Graduate assigned to the Institute of Computing Technology of Yunnan Province, Yunnan Science and Technology Commission directly under (Yunnan Province computing center) work.

August 1995, I saw Yunnan Ying-mao tobacco communications company in Yunnan talent recruitment market. Influence "Unicom distance, close look YTT (the abbreviation of the company)" and other propaganda by the tobacco and the flagship company of publicity,prezzo giubbotto moncler, I go through the formal procedures for the mobilization of cadres and enter the company.

Ying-mao company established in 1994 as a result of a strong shareholder, it has attracted many to join the elite of Yunnan.

In the first three months after entering the company, I was sent to the company's equipment imported units - American Scientific-Atlanta, Inc. in the United States training center in Melbourne to attend the training. Shortly after returning home,, the company began a nationwide satellite VAST network construction work. Since I am a leader and confidant and not the leaders personally called me to resign.

Later,, to coincide with the company medical examination results of two people HBS positive blood tests, so rumors spread of AIDS in the company. After taking over complete health digital broadcasting system, I will summarize the work handed over my superiors hands. After reading his summary, according to the summary of the content of foreign experts to ask myself, "so that the system does not work method," foreign experts left, he immediately changed the configuration, so that the system does not work nearly a month. After I asked foreign experts, foreign experts confirm that this method only told my superiors who, concurrent fax confirmation, the system can be restored. Such action in the company I work for nearly two years is too much. In 1996 I gave notice to the company, in May 1997 the application was approved.

Part III

At 3:18 on March 23,, 2009

After 1995 the official promulgation of the Labor Law, the leadership did not sign labor contracts with any employee, nor pay any social insurance (in my case,hogan femminili, the defendant's statement of defense lawyers wrote that the company in February 1998 began to participate social insurance labor contract system).

For vulnerable groups,, university graduates to lose one or two years of social insurance, may not be a problem. For someone like me and some other employees have more than ten years seniority, not only lost the year pension, social security and also lost the deemed payment period, this is a disaster. (This article has been deleted blog)

Reporter Cheng right finishing (City Times)

News Watch

"Social structural violence" of thinking has become increasingly violent in the pathogenesis of non-negligible

In 2009, the violence highlighted in Chinese society. Official of violence, retaliatory violence, mental - mental illness episodes of sexual violence, youth violence spread like wildfire, one after another, echoing each other to form a comprehensive picture of violence.

Our society in the end is what kind of situation, so that more and more individuals become so aggressive and vicious attack? These mechanisms of violence has been from the edge into the center, more can not be ignored.

People are not born with the propensity to violence. Sadistic not human instinct. On psychoanalytic perspective, the psychological event just psychological social events, and social events,woolrich artic,, but the social dimension of psychological events: violence only social stimuli mediated through psychological behavioral outcomes.

Violent manifestations of such a feature: being distorted into a man on the outside (or themselves) vicious attack "stimulus - response" psychological machines. Behind it is the social structure of systemic disorders. The reason why the violence to occur, is that a person in a particular social context, in the psychological (rather than on rational, we must emphasize this point) has nothing to make his choice other than violent means to protect their mental survive on.

At the edge of political science, economics, sociology and psychology of a violent phenomenon of migration is called "social structural violence", the term "social structural violence" has two meanings:

First, it showed the power of the whole community organizational arrangements dominate the network, which includes both rulers are rulers, including various tissues managers are managers. In the case of role as embedded power order, not only inequality between people on the remuneration to be legalized, but one person can make another person lawfully sadistic.

Second,cadriano outlet woolrich, it behaves as a whole system of social inequality and class schedule on the opportunity to obtain a huge difference in resources, and often deteriorate into institutional violence, curing the huge disparity of wealth and social class structure. Master class scarce resources often tend to build a coalition in favor of maintaining order in their interests, and vulnerable groups such as "abandoned life" like being thrown into the edge of the system and the allocation of resources. Originally used as a "community" became a strong social class stage performances - but they were humiliated on vulnerable sectors of the stage.

If the first meaning of structural violence on society more just react to the violence on the individual level, then the second meaning of structural violence on society will be spawned widespread violence.

Institutional arrangements and structures constructed of any society are the first people must pass a psychological test of reasonableness. If they are inherently unjust and violent nature, for the psychological - spiritual structure will have the following effects: First, vested interests in the depths of the unconscious also know that this is unjust, and therefore must be considered based on this psychological survival institutional arrangements and the construction of a structure is reasonable, which drives them toward hysteria in fear; second, damage to the interests of those being squeezed and threatened the survival of psychological humiliation, psychological defense mechanism in operation,spaccio woolrich cadriano orari, was forced to affirm itself through violence presence,, and to deny the existence of an abstract system for his own revenge.

In addition, a lot of violence in recent years,giubbotti peuterey outlet, Chinese society, both with individual psychological and psychiatric disorders. Psychologically and mentally "problem" of the people,,peuterey uomo prezzi, already turned into a dolphin do not know when to detonate a "psychological bomb."

Psychoanalysis said: psychological and mental illness is largely the result of human unable to adapt to their social structures created by (human environment) in nature. People seem to be able to adapt to any environment, but if this kind of environment in violation of his nature, to adapt itself often requires him to pay the price in the psychological and spiritual illness.

Whether or not a person becomes neurotic, psychopathic and psychiatric clinical sense,hogan rebel prezzo, as long as a person's social psychological damage - mental structure, for this potential for human life that is a repressor. Human life frustrated, violence will open Pandora's Box. (South Wind)