Reuters west "with the neighboring village of replacement land bribe village cadres and villagers' representatives" (Reporter Maguang Hao), "demolition compensation agreement signed with private developers, nearly ten million demolition shall failed to enter the village accounts" ...... June 29 Japan, Western Network "people's livelihood hotline" in a report posted net attracted much attention. The three high-rise village representative acknowledged in an interview with reporters Western Network Internet postings are his own hair, said the report content,http://forum.ea3w.com/?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, "regardless of any department to investigate, these are true." In this regard, street person in charge, "said District Prosecutor's Office has begun investigations in April, when he also deducted (informer Woo) Land Rover vehicles. We are waiting for the findings of the prosecution service."

Internet postings: Do demolition shall not enter the village two years accounts

June 29,rivenditori woolrich bari, a "high-rise village Baqiao District 'drug village' will be millions of relocation funds into their own pockets,http://www.vfxjournal.net/blog/item/create_form/1," the net posts appear on the Internet, posting person, "July 2010,http://car.shaoyangnews.net/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2367975, there have been a few years high-rise village committee director Wu Bin drug history, a man of secret operations, bribery village cadres and villagers' representatives, and private real estate developers to sign a contract relocation compensation, embezzlement of nearly ten million demolition section, serious harm to the interests of the villagers. "Finally, the net posts attached to a high-rise village of Ba Xian Real Estate Industry Co., Ltd. signed a "land replacement buildings on the ground after the relocation compensation agreement." Within a few days time, network traffic has posted more than 110,logo woolrich,000.

July 3, the reporter went to high-rise village, saw the post of village representatives. Wu Po villagers,http://index119.com, Song Dawei, Li Long (three pseudonym) Three confirmed Western Network "people's livelihood hotline" column reported net posts indeed is what they sent, and the content of the post to report "any department to investigate the matter, these are really of. "

Several representatives of villagers told reporters, "in 2010, in two villages on the replacement land issues, high-rise village warehouse on the ground need to be removed, the mayor of Xi'an Ba Woo and Real Estate Development Co., a private demolition compensation agreement reached,peuterey modena, the occurrence of demolition costs nearly ten million yuan, including 7.5 million relocation fee, as well as for the villagers to move out before the specified date incentive fee, but the demolition of the building where now are built up, the money still did not enter the village accounts. "

In order to confirm the statement on behalf of the villagers, the reporter contacted the tower village committee accounting, recalls, "the mayor (Woo) really have not been delivered to the village relocation money." For the "batch fetched possibility," saying, accounting grant countered, "Absolutely not, since 2010, no information on the demolition of a penny over the village into the accounts."

Subsequently,hogan 2014 uomo, the reporter contacted the Xi'an Ba Chai industry overall Real Estate LLC, recognize the company did in 2010 the village had signed with the tower demolition compensation agreement, "the other side when the contract is their village." For if the demolition section The problem has been paid under the contract, but would not elaborate on the total firewood, "Our company has done its job, the other question you should not ask me."

Villagers: replacement land for the village had "bribe" the village cadres

In addition to ten million demolition shall no credit, several villagers said the mayor on behalf of Roderick was also in the process of land exchange "bribe" on behalf of the village cadres and villagers. "In 2010 the city of neighboring villages were changed Wei Village home encounter to crack band, Woo chaired village, a man of secret operations, bribery village cadres and representatives of three privately to Murakami,catena tiffany, head of 50,000 yuan per person, it seems Two committee members gave 20,000 yuan per person. Subsequently,moncler alpin, these village cadres and villagers to sign an agreement on behalf of the replacement of the 21.9 acres of land. replacement land is divided into two, one in the next Huashan plants, one in 809 library next door. "

After the land exchange, the villagers suspect and two neighboring villages replacement land area is not enough,hogan outlet online, March 21, 2012, more than a dozen members of the 809 villagers and village library next door to this displacement measurement, "the measurement results is something 82.5 meters long, 68 meters wide, the most eastern, middle width of 36 meters, 21 meters west of the most, we found that this replacement Wei Village home to the land of the East Building East Building village Village replacement out less than two acres of land. "

"How much is an acre of land? At least hundreds of thousands, right? Collective land, and it was his generous 'given away'." Villager representative said, "He can give the village cadres and villagers representatives cents, and there can be nothing ? he can not see how much money the villagers? "

Began in April 2012, three groups of villagers in the village of Long rise gradually to Woo to the "commission" turned Baqiao District Prosecutor's Office, April 26, Baqiao District Procuratorate villagers formal investigation. "We are still preserved billing." To prove his words, village representatives also took out a copy of the District Prosecutor's Office to which the billing and paid 50,000 yuan,giacca uomo peuterey, head of the two funds when the reporter found that the time on billing namely, April 25 and May 16.

For the village director "drug" argument, village representatives, "said Murakami people know these things."

"Always shut down,http://www.seohuangguanwang.com/thread-490135-1-1.html, people can not find. I heard that home for the elderly has also been Quanguo many times, but did not seem to play any role. Good a man suddenly lost, confused ah ......"

Woo wife denied the parties do not respond

Consecutive days, the reporter tried to contact the tower village committee director Wu Bin phone, but the phone has been no answer. Subsequently,http://www.hotyouxi.com/thread-72669-1-1.html, the reporter in turn need to verify the contents of two text messages to mobile phones Woo, did not receive a reply.

July 5, the multi-touch,giubbini peuterey outlet, the reporter opened the Woo wife's phone, for the post of village representatives said Roderick "private contract", "bribe village cadres," and so on, she said,moncler modelli, "did not know", "I recently also looking for him (Woo),woolrich arctic parka outlet, reflecting the content posted net certainly is not, untrue. "

Woo wife promised reporters, "will help you contact Roderick, explain the situation." However, as of press time before reporters, Woo still not made contact with reporters.

Street: Wait inspection department survey results

July 3 in the afternoon,prezzo collana tiffany,http://www.sa.sakura.ne.jp/~dh/bbs4/lightbbs.cgi, the reporter interviewed Baqiao shilipu street party committee secretary Zhang Wugang,http://www.hanmoto.com, Mr Zhang said that to village cadres and villagers representatives cents and money went into the village accounts demolition things "themselves heard . " "District Prosecutor's Office has begun an investigation, in April, when he also deducted (Woo) Land Rover vehicles. We are waiting for the findings of the prosecution service."

"As the street certainly will not cover anything." Mr Zhang said, "and so the survey results came out, what kind of people that will clearly bear responsibility."

District Commission for Discipline Inspection: If true will be given disciplinary punishment

July 4 morning, reporters came Baqiao District Commission for Discipline Inspection, the petition group staff reporter access to the report detailed information on the past two years, which does not reflect the District Commission for Discipline Inspection found someone on the Communist Party, the East Wing Woo occupied village director situation of collective property. The staff said, "If the court ultimately true, we will contact shilipu street, conduct disciplinary action against Roderick."