
Chen Dong newspaper reporter in Taizhou

"Xiaomei,http://www.ma.ccnw.ne.jp/deai/asobi/bbs2/joyful.cgi, do you remember that we went to eat the head Changtan Reservoir? Are you a person ate half, put me all scared of it ......"

"Xiaomei, your favorite pig Lan told me, because 'pigsty' rhyming thing ......"

"Xiaomei,hogan outlet, do you remember, we said yes, this year the Chinese New Year back home to get married, have children, we own a new house built, live well ......"

Classic romance plot, in Taizhou First People's Hospital ward staged: Guizhou guy Shen Lan according to the girl on the bed legs, mouth talking. Girlfriend watched him,http://www.88822.com/#03666/read.php?tid=980, listened quietly, occasionally lift a finger, probably agrees.

Hospital neurosurgeon, said Yang Ming, deputy chief physician, every time I see this scene, his heart is warm. August 29, Li Mei (Mei full name) is sent when a car accident injuries, "the pupil has been amplified, severe left-brain damage, but also to the brainstem compression", was in critical condition notice. 3 days after surgery, life is spared, but it is very likely to become a vegetable. After that, every day, Shen Lan came to her scrub, massage, called her name over and over again, over and over again about two people in love sweet memories. Finally,christian louboutin homme, in December 1 this day, he saw there was a reaction LeMay.

Regardless of the parents who oppose his girlfriend


Follow nothing he battles

Shen Lan few feet six tall, sunken eye, looks a little haggard.

Evening around 5:00, Shen Lan at the doctor after the feeding tube into the nose from Ada, and began her physical activity, clean up urine. Busy these, under God, he was slow to accept the reporters.

Shen Mei Lan and all Guizhou. Shen Lan is 2009 Taizhou Huangyan work came a year later came Huangyan Xiaomei, working at a gas station.

In July 2012, Shen Lan went to refuel the motorcycle, the two talked for two, stay on the phone with each other, began exchanges. That 26-year-old Shen Lan, Xiaomei 19 years old.

They often travel together, climbing together, play together. Taizhou attractions are better left They laughter.

In March 2013, and together they Hui Letang home, met each other's parents. Shen Mei Lan's parents to see, too straight satisfied nod, but Shen Mei Lan's parents met, very satisfied, mainly because he is poor too.

Subsequently, the stubborn Xiaomei tell their parents: "Whether Shen Lan poor are not poor, I am willing to follow him." Shen Lan said, heard this, he came to tears on the spot.

"I was in my heart swear, since Xiaomei choose me, then I will never give up on her." Shen Lan said.

They returned to Huangyan, live together, save a rent. Live from the work of some far away place Xiaomei Shen Lan frugally bought her a car battery cars.

Shen Lan working at night, sleeping during the day, Xiaomei is a day shift. Xiaomei back every day at noon every rental house, to Shen Lan with a meal, two people eating and chatting.

Only two days a month, two people at the same time to rest, often traveling together sweetly.

Girlfriend gave him a meal, a car accident on his way


Hospital under critical condition notice has

August 29, Shen Lan remember that day is Friday, because the next two days is the two holidays together. At noon that day dinner, the conversation is where they are going to play.

Eat dinner,hogan interactive, set a good travel plans, Xiaomei room pick up a bit, to ride the cable car back to the company to work, Shen Lan continued to sleep.

Was confused when he slept, the phone rang,http://www.88822.com/#87788/read.php?tid=980, a man's voice:. "I am here is the traffic police force, Li Meigang just left in a car accident, you coming to look at the accident site."

Shen Lan rush past the accident scene can be only one big pool of blood. Almost the same time, the phone rang again: "You are right LeMay relatives immediately to the First People's Hospital to see LeMay last time?."

"Boom" is heard, Shen Lan felt almost fried brains, he said he was a heavy fan himself a few ears: "If you did not buy her a car battery, it will not hurt ......"

Went to the First People's Hospital of Taizhou, Lan Shen Xiaomei saw being rescued. Doctors used in critical condition notice, he legs and soft, kneeling on the ground: "Save her ......!"

Surgery done three days after another. The doctor told Shen Lan, surgery more successful, "but not out of danger,http://cutyayu.sakura.ne.jp/cabbs/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=106&page=%3C/a, in addition, Li even to survive into a vegetative state is also a great possibility."

"Compared to a few days before dying notice, the news has been very good." Shen Lan said nothing right now, people can survive just fine, I'm willing to take care of her.

He took a vacation to the unit,http://www.cacenglish.com/index.php?item/create_form/1, to the hospital to take care of Ada, "people in the intensive care unit, only a fixed time every day can visit the other time to raise medical expenses."

He talked to her love of the past over and over again


Finally,abercrombie pas cher, her fingers moved

A time to visit, Shen Mei Lan is busy cleaning the body, limbs, do a massage. Past men working hands, his mouth kept talking and Mei: "I told her the story of us go on a picnic together,louboutin femme pas cher, and our commitment, I have repeatedly called her name, and I believe she will be able to hear my voice. "

Xiaomei with eyes half open, look blankly into the distance, his eyes motionless.

Families of patients with ward Sister Ray said Shen Lan is simply a repeater station, said these words they almost can back out, "This guy is really infatuation, we have listened to tears."

Yet, day after day, no matter Shen Lan speak more investment, Xiaomei still no response.

Lan Shen Evening News reporter asked: "This time you are afraid, you have not thought too desperate she never woke up??"

Shen Lan: "I have always been confident that I had thought well, as long as she was alive, whether it is in a vegetative state, or paralyzed, I have with her."

Until December 1.

"I speak as usual and Xiaomei, suddenly found that she seems to have a reaction!" This time, Xiaomei seemed to see him, "I Manghan her name, her fingers moved, eyes always looked at me,http://www.askphoto.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=639411, still light Under light blink. "

"Wake up wake up!" Shen Lan does not remember was crying laughing, feeling they have to fly.

Doctor for a check up, his eyes suddenly have glory: "miracle miracle!!"

Girl's recovery is not optimistic


He said that as long as she was alive, I will stay


Xiaomei can resume where to step?

Dr. Yang Ming look dignified: "hurt too serious, almost impossible to completely recover her IQ level are only five or six children, better even then, it is impossible to have too much to enhance her own future is unlikely. standing and walking, and long-term care for dignitaries. "

However, Shen Lan think this is nothing: "As long as she lives on the line, regardless of whether the rehabilitation to its original look, I will take care of her life." He intends, etc. Xiaomei some improvement, he brought her back to rental housing, work to earn money to support her.

Originally, Shen Mei Lan and together plan to return home to get married in the New Year, "which a few years of hard work, desperate to save money,http://oita-tirasi.com, accumulated tens of thousands of pieces, wanted to go back home to build a new house. Xiaomei said she most wanted to have their own little Well nest. "

It now appears that the construction of new homes planned to be shelved. Dr. Yang Ming said that the follow-up treatment costs LeMay's probably even more than 20 million.

"According to the accident found that the car accident Xiaomei and responsibilities equally owned company, paid a total of 190,000 yuan each other." But the money is not enough, "I plead to each other many times, ask them to pay more money, but they also really help not on busy. "

Shen Lan savings run out, are also able to borrow a friend borrowed.

"Borrowed money, a few days to run out. My parents put their annual kinds of food are sold, raising of poultry and sheep are all for the money. Xiaomei parents' home, to sell the whole thing to sell out. "Shen Lan said that now he was mainly to raise medical expenses.

Shen Lan said the hospital has taken good care of,http://nadc.nol.org, as long as no more than 10,000 in arrears, have continued to medicine, "Yang (Ming) Director and his colleagues gave us donations, he also intends to help us apply to the Health Bureau bigger overdraft."

End of the interview, Shen Evening News reporter Lan leaving the micro-channel. Soon, the "beep" is heard, a friend came to verify the request, point to open a look, there are even micro Lan Shen signed the letter: "There is love, there is responsibility, Weiaichikuang."

(Original title: over and over again to tell her boyfriend finally past love, her fingers moving in a coma for three months under)

Edit: SN181