Village tour of public funds to travel abroad Yanqing a town finance chief was invited to return to Japan after a tour with the "new rural construction" funding travel expenses reimbursed jailed for six years and a half

Legal Evening News (Reporter Goal Orientation) Yanqing town government finance chief Sohn, director of the town and the rural economy YuanMou Management Center (handled separately) to the families of the two organizations and village chief town belongs to Zhou and Lee with Japan travel expenses by YuanMou advance. After returning to Beijing, Sohn in the name of the project will be a big call people so the cost of travel to Japan reported sales.

This morning, the reporter was informed, found guilty of embezzlement, Sohn was sentenced to six years in prison in Yanqing court six months,chaussures louboutin hommes, Zhou and Lee were sentenced to two years probation for two years.

The spring of 2012, as director of a town in rural Yanqing County Center for Economic Management YuanMou find Sohn town finance chief,http://www.tokyotales.com/mt_admin/mt-search.cgi, said going to the Japan tour, after Sohn agree YuanMou to look for a travel agency. Japan was also invited to tour with the Finance Branch cashier Kwak and town two village chief Zhou and Li, Yuan Mou wife a peer.

Including tips and guides to Japan after the exchange of tourist hotels are YuanMou for expenses paid in advance of others. The cost would have to return home after their settlement, but a returning Sohn et al., The town will find Sohn talk Discipline Inspection, and its travel to Japan has been criticized, Sohn,http://ars.userfriendly.org/cartoons/post.cgi, who also asked to make a written examination. Cost of clearing things also shelved.

Two months later, Yuan Mou find Sohn,herve leger sale,http://bbs.tu123.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=3709, said the cost of nearly 10,000 yuan per person,http://www.town.mishima.fukushima.jp/joyful2208/joyful.cgi,scarpe hogan 2015,http://bbs.533668.com/viewthread.php?tid=205474&extra=page%3D1&frombbs=1, "to find ways to put this up on." Subsequently,http://mobile.deai-fraud.com, Sohn and others to discuss, by Sohn press the "new rural construction" project name to Lee, the village where the people funding Tuesday, remanufactured by YuanMou two villages false salary table, let Li,http://techon.nikkeibp.co.jp, Zhou also take the financial allocation to cash to Yuan Mou.

August 2013, Yuan Mou phoned Lee and Zhou, and took a two-owned payroll village,tn pas cher, Yuan Mou said wages "new rural construction" project, so Lee, Zhou duo looking at the tourism money to interception out of their own cash back.

Subsequently,abercrombie france, Zhou and Li, respectively, 20,http://vegalta7.s156.xrea.com/aska/aska.cgi/devnet/pdf/pdf_reference.html,000 yuan and 50,000 yuan taken in accordance with the above approach to the Yuan Mou.

The prosecution alleged, in March 2013, Sohn also used the same method to cash in 40,000 dollars for travel expenses, but travel cancellation, Sohn used the money to buy the insurance sum.