
Dongguan police arrested a use bank drafts "borrow" a rich woman's fraud gang cheated more than 64 million,

Movie "A World Without Thieves" which has a classic lines: "On a good car it must be a good person?"

Reality is more vivid than the movie. Qingyuan two thief spent 8500 yuan rented a nice car, easy to sneak into residential theft.

Dongguan, a bunch of liars play bigger, they not only have a luxury car, also bought the mansion, luxurious office, after tokenism cheated billion.

Of course, they have the same outcome - evade the law.

Dongguan newspaper (Reporter generation Chikwe) open a two million yuan worth of luxury cars, lived several million mansion, office extravagant,, like a lion's Yang Mouwei IQ is actually a liar. He registered shell companies, fictitious contracts, open access acceptances to fake mortgage bill, the implementation of fraud.

Yesterday,louboutin femme pas cher, the Dongguan Municipal Public Security Bureau informed, at the end of last year, Songshan Lake Public Security Bureau of Economic Investigation Detachment under the guidance of the Council, and destroyed a ticket fraud gang headed arrested six suspects, uncovered fraud 5 bills, involving more than 130 million yuan.

The creation of wealth illusion find prey

Songshan Lake Public Security Bureau, responsible person, last November 1, Songshan Bureau received a report of a company, said the company was Dongguan Heng Rong Industrial Investment Co., bankers' acceptances use as collateral to high-interest loans to the temptation, was 20 million yuan fraud. Subsequently, the police began to receive more than a similar alarm,hollister pas cher, then set up a task force to carry out investigation.

According to the survey, the constant financial company by (male, 45 years old, Shaoguan), Momou Feng (male, 37 years old, Dongguan people) in 2011 registered in Dongguan. The company renovated luxury, luxury cars configured for employees, manufacturing strength illusion, to win the trust of the victim,herve leger outlet, in fact, did not carry out any industrial investment or business. Chen,louboutin,, two of the company on behalf of Mo, using false bank drafts to mortgage in the name of the victim to identify fraud. The panel found that the constant financial companies use fake bill drawer are import and export trading company Guangzhou Fu Wei legal representative Yangmou Wei (male, 43 years old, Qingyuan people). And acceptances issued in the bank, using multiple false trade contracts.

Most of the stolen money has been squandered

From last November 14 to December 6, the panel after another in Dongguan, Guangzhou will Yangmou Wei, Chen Mouqiang, Momou Feng, Xu, Wu Moujun (male, 37 years old, Dongguan people), Mamou Sheng (male, 65 years old, Nanjing people) 6 people arrested.

Gang members after appearing in court, insisting that involved legal bills issued by the Bank, it is threatened recognize provincial and municipal leaders, the threat of police investigators, "Do not wronged private entrepreneurs." According to the task force then the characteristics of each of the suspects, developed a number of targeted interrogation program. In the face of irrefutable evidence,锟絟ttp://, criminal gang members have confessed the crime 5 cases of crimes.

According to the survey, Yangmou Wei et al., In six months, more than 130 million yuan of funds to cheat. Among them, Dongguan, a wealthy woman from the beginning of 2011, the group lent a total of more than 6400 million, carrying interest has reached more than 5700 yuan, according to their wishful thinking, you can go back two or three years of this, the basic interest and principal equal,, just lucrative, but now the incident, the victim can recover even if the majority of the principal, but still losses. And another three months before the rich lend the gang 20 million yuan, currently only the interest back about 400 million.

It is reported that Yang Mouwei share of proceeds of 42.5 million yuan, mostly for individuals to buy real estate and luxury cars, and nurturing more than his mistress; Chen Mouqiang share of proceeds of more than 2000 million for the renovation and purchase of the company's luxury villas, ho car, the rest of the more than 6700 million for the payment of principal and interest portion of the loan. Currently, , who has been indicted prosecutors.

Decryption tricks


Counterfeit bill to ten million people a mortgage


Sign several shell companies, several shell companies Mutual trade contracts

From the pawn loan or guarantee as drafts margin,, using the "shell" company fabricated false contracts, to open bank "acceptances" large bill returned to the pawn shops or guarantee repayment discount, small bill places price of $ 50,000 each to hire large variations caused by drafts

On a large bill altered as collateral to 3% to 5% of the high monthly interest loan to each victim

Use half a dollar bill shall continue to deceive the time difference, by the new old debts, thus involving snowball.

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Driving a car and stole a few thousand dollars


Two good car hire thief sneaked into residential burglary

Qingyuan newspaper (Reporter correspondent Cao Jing Xuan city law) Zhenmou Qing City Shek Kok district staged a thief steal into the area to rent BEAUTIFUL cases. Reporters yesterday from Qingyuan City Court was informed that the two defendants to 8500 yuan / month to rent a luxury car rental property theft of several thousand dollars,, the result of both jailed.

Qiumou find the perpetrators and the blue one can not just open a luxury car out of district, he played evil, last August, the blue one to rent a standard 330 yuan / day to rent a car rental center to a Honda Accord car, openly entered Qing City Zhenmou Shek Kok district, security see the "boss" driving a nice car it did not ask, the two successfully drove into the area, came to the 7th floor in front of a resident of a unit, and knocked down a dozen door, determined After no one at home, they use the tool to open the door,, then began to search the property. Both the Theft of an LCD TV (worth 2767.12 yuan), a Lenovo laptop (worth 875 yuan), stamp sets, desktop computers, Yixing teapots, pipes, coins and other items. After committing the crime, driving a blue car in the security watched calmly leave.

Money so "relaxed", the two plan to expand the "scale." Blue in September to rent a standard 8500 yuan / month rented Toyota Reiz car, using the same technique burglary,woolrich outlet, Theft of cash 2000 yuan.

Court that Qiu, a blue constitute theft. Qiu is a recidivist, should be severely punished. Blue has a criminal record, as appropriate, should be punished severely. Given the two crimes can truthfully account, pleaded guilty in court, as appropriate sentences. Therefore, the court sentenced to one year Qiumou and fined 3000 yuan; defendant sentenced to ten months in a blue and fined 3,000 yuan.

(Original title: luxury cars, luxury cover for Howard cheat 130 million)