Know exactly why, he has listed waving a kitchen knife to his two sisters. Things developed to control, two sisters one death and one seriously injured,9OEU7yCV31, but he jumped from the 12th floor, because she died.

Man falls on the 5th floor roof to another platform, surrounded by a bloody kitchen knife

Mr Shaw is off Main Street West,scarpe prada outlet, 6th Floor, New Arts Building tenants of culture and education. 11:50 yesterday, he was in the bedroom to rest, suddenly heard outside the window came the "tom" sound.

Shao quickly got to see, outside the bedroom window on the west side is a five-storey hotel roof terrace,72E4qlfFf0, next to the west side of the platform is the building, while the platform is a narrow strip.

Mr Shaw opened the curtains and saw, lying on a twenty-four-year-old well-dressed man on the platform, the body of blood, could not help moaning. He quickly hit the 120 emergency phone. In fact, before he make an emergency call, it has been played 120.

Ten minutes later, the 120 emergency personnel knocked on the door of the home Shao, Shao home from one meter windowsill turn on the platform,YEFF0V5vg2, the man was brought out.

Mr Shaw said that he saw from the bedroom turn platform,portafogli gucci, not far away from the man, there is a bloody kitchen knife, "I am just in the window had stood for a moment, then did not see the knife," Shao guess this chopper and men may be falling together, and help save lives when he also smelled the men who have alcohol.

The first scene on the 12th floor, a woman ran out of the police after being chopped

After the men's 120 emergency personnel rushed to the hospital, but also on the 12th floor of the cell, there are even to save the patient.

It is understood that the man was a resident from the 12th floor of the house jumped, and that residents of the home's size and Shao same apartment house.

Then see the surrounding residents,moncler lans, a head covered with a white cloth were carried down, has died, from clothing to judge, is the name of the woman.

Witnesses said 11:45, a woman from the cell body is injured to run out, ran the police, then someone with her to the hospital.

The district has two elevators, 12:30 Xu, China Daily reporter on the south side of the elevator ride to the 12th floor, an elevator door, he saw on the ground was full of bloodstain bloodstain westward into their building for 1203 family households, north aisle extends through the north entrance to the elevator on the ground as well as bloody footprints, footprints small.

It is understood that after the alarm, the police rushed to the lotus lake, 12th Floor, Room 03 at the door knocking,woolrich bimbo, there is no movement. Emergency situations, police will contact the fire chamber 03 with a tool to break open the door, entered the room.

Police found the entrance door was locked,43A3HoK6Vq, indoor obvious signs of a struggle, a woman lying on the ground, dead. Subsequently, the police retrieved surveillance to see the suspect's whereabouts within a residential elevator.

Three siblings relationships,, his brother in the hospital, said, "I have mental illness"

Insiders say the incident occurred, two women and one man indoor total of three, after the conflict,SH0mjzE7Yg, a woman ran out, the man carrying a kitchen knife after caught up,NW5jBYg2C7, locked the door and turned to continue the attack, after the attack, from the 12th floor window jump. The woman ran out barefoot, so the hallway leading to the elevator were bloody footprints. Residential security that live here rent tenants, not owners.

After the incident, three people were taken to hospital in Xi'an fifth, after inspection,scarpe prada scontate, the man continued to stay in the emergency department for emergency treatment, the injured woman to perform a surgical procedure.

It is understood that the man was taken to hospital, but also, and the nurse said, "I have a mental illness." When people do not pay attention while he also struggled to turn on the floor from the bed.

China Daily reporter learned that the relationship between the three siblings, all surnamed Zhang, is the Northeast, two sisters, a brother. Woman killed in the West Center Street, a hotel chef's girlfriend,ja1MHxt6v7, while performing surgery, 35-year-old woman, the body multiple fragmentation wounds, head and facial distributed more. At 3 pm, in the hospital, the dead boyfriend and fellow cried.

At 7:00 pm, the China Daily reporter learned that the man because she died.

After an investigation, the police initially suspected Xi'an Lianhu family conflicts caused by man is there mental illness, why should there be such a tragedy? The specific circumstances under investigation.

China Chinese Commercial News reporter Qing Rongbo