
How many eyes of hopeful parents,6reUWjgPeL, Hubei boy Liu Zhiyu is a typical success in education is to teach children their ideal target. In high school, he won the International Mathematics Olympiad once out of the gold medal, was sent to Peking. Beijing University graduate occasion, MIT agree with his application to study, and to give him a full scholarship. However, Liu Zhiyu, but gave up the US elite, fled to Buddhism, to Beijing's Millennium Temple Longquan Temple monk.

In recent years, Beijing University, Tsinghua top students monk messages are not uncommon. Including Liu Zhiyu, including Peking University Third farming community to read any empty reclusive president, first president was Deng Wenqing Philosophy Department of Peking University, also in Longquan Temple monk. Now the vice president of the Buddhist Association of Hebei, Berlin Temple abbot Ariake graduated from the Philosophy Department of Beijing University in 1991. Xiaolong Wang monk before the Master of Peking University and then joined the faculty of Beijing University scholar. Due to the adoption of more than 20 abandoned children were concerned about reports that the Department of Philosophy Master Zhihong Tsinghua graduates. Peking University, Tsinghua top students fled Why Buddhism? Many people are concerned about an issue.

Li told reporters in Beijing accounted Yong

1 North "math genius" fled to Buddhism

In early September, - one on Peking University Liu Zhiyu monk of the post,A8OeUUAYjF, spread rapidly in the major forum. This post broke the news: "Department of Mathematics, Peking University in Beijing in a temple monk Liu Zhiyu Peking Liu Zhiyu several homes at the end he was rejected from the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), a wholly Award, went to Beijing and then a temple monk! a. "

Liu Zhiyu post mentioned Peking University graduates Mathematics (2010 graduate), was re-elected president of Peking farming reading club, has applied a full scholarship to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. However, he rejected the chance to study in the United States, transferred "to Beijing in a temple monk."

At first, Liu Zhiyu's father did not believe such a thing, the media reporter for asking him, said: This is a network spoof event, there will be such a thing happen. Liu Zhiyu after summer vacation, a trip home. Back to Beijing in July and August, and now can not contact their own son.

Subsequently, the Beijing News said the Longquan Temple, Liu Zhiyu really Rusi practice of.

International Mathematical Olympiad medals, walks to Peking University, Massachusetts College to study abroad, a full scholarship ...... This is a dream of many Chinese children, but also a lot of parental expectations. However, with all these boys Hubei Liu Zhiyu but easily abandoned them, to Beijing Longquan Temple monk. Despite living a peaceful Buddhist net, Liu Zhiyu name has become the focus of public opinion, he's a monk aroused widespread hot.

School, Liu Zhiyu Take superior mathematical ability attention,cheap jordan shoes, at the age of 16 years old, he challenged the 17th century Swiss mathematician Jacob. Bernoulli proposed a problem,1krdC5pgy2, thus writing paper "vertical and horizontal power series summation Introduction" won first prize in a provincial competition. Chutianjinbao 2004 reported that he said, "Liu Zhiyu wide range of interests, the computer will become his colorful life; philosophy is to make him keep the peace of mind."

Liu Zhiyu a graduate of Central China Normal University High School, the school where his father was a physics teacher. In the eyes of parents and teachers, Liu Zhiyu is a good seedling. The middle school mathematics Olympiad coach Yu Shiping, said Liu Zhiyu learning for all subjects have the same keen interest and mastery in every course. Every discussion, Liu Zhiyu will use a more profound theoretical explanation notion impressive. His high school class teacher Ren Wenyong believe that Liu Zhiyu is the most outstanding students he taught over the years from the encounter. As Liu Zhiyu when high school science students, they are obsessed of Taoist classics such as, occasionally trying to understand Buddhism.

Known as the North "math genius" of Liu Zhiyu why fled Buddhism? Many people try to unravel this mystery, emotional reasons? Life force? Employment pressure? Worried about the future? Liu Zhiyu currently does not have this problem, on the contrary, he has received a full scholarship to the American elite, he has a limitless future in mathematics professional on the road. Learn from the North, he put so much effort mathematics, has achieved excellent results so, his heart should have an ideal "mathematical dream."

Liu Zhiyu when North Reading, who participated in two student organizations: Zen and the farming community reading club. One of his roommates to media reports, Liu Zhiyu school soon after joined the North Zen Club, a vegetarian for many years insisted on no special dress down. He was more introverted, perhaps painstaking Buddhas, He was very calm, helpful, have not heard anything during the university emotional entanglements. Sometimes volunteer to Longquan temple.

Ten North Reading Club farming community is committed to realize and practice of traditional Chinese culture, Liu Zhiyu was re-elected club president plowing the fields. "Plowing the fields," the word from "Rain Rain farming read" or "plowing the fields at home," declaring that "farming rain sunny read, Nourishment mind. Sages company, and peer mentoring."

Login farming community reporter read the blog, signed as Liu Zhiyu article "How to become a thinking man" wrote:. "Great love and reverence for us to provide the impetus for knowledge of the unknown is no awe, love of truth, sincere curiosity come and living? no compassion for human suffering, no reverence for life, and how the study of political, economic,m55A5pk6bb, social dedication to human beings? no true meaning of life, the pursuit of a better world, and show how research literature, history and philosophy of it? "

Displayed on the farming community of blog reading, April 26, Liu Zhiyu published article "accompany Mother", which wrote,christian louboutin homme, "The mother came to the school to see me, told me to apply for a passport and visa, and secondly, to send a few pieces of clothing in the morning I was alone recite "Book of Filial Piety" in the hope that one day we honor mothers ...... Jimmy End made mother and I went to the dormitory to the mother walked slowly up the stairs, my heart burst again touched, as before the mother's body The upper half to the fifth floor, the mother stopped to try to open a window in the corridor, she wanted to air the corridor, but this detail, I usually do not pay attention to the mother came to my dorm, I began to wash clothes ...... "

May 16, Liu Zhiyu released "I understand love" in the farming community of blog reading, which was written in the monastery's feelings and understanding of love:. "In the temple daily Shangdian, reading, working slowly and focus on gender will be less. look at a person, sometimes forget he is a male, female, or his appearance, coexistence between people if reduced to a more simple level. think of community in Many students are thinking about issues of love,hogan, but also recall his past experience, these days there are some ideas that will be recorded. " "Love is a fate from this fate can be beautiful bloom of life. Love to make cold heart warm, so that ordinary souls ignite unyielding vision. However, this requires careful cultivation of flowers."

Girls writer Jiang Fangzhou also a graduate of Central China Normal University High School, two grades lower than Liu Zhiyu, has publicly declared that Liu Zhiyu is his "dream", is currently a junior at Tsinghua University. Some media reports, she comments on Liu Zhiyu is:. "I read his article, know that all of a sudden he thought were deep into the ultimate question, so he chose to convert to religion can be understood as the destination, but the way of practice There are many little regret his choice so thorough and decisive, "" However, I think that he did not study math, we lose in terms of mathematical research. "

2 How many top students of Beijing University, Tsinghua reclusive Buddhism

North "math genius" Liu Zhiyu to Longquan Temple monks, attention has been widely disputed. Meanwhile, the elite top students reclusive Buddhism, as people talk about.

Longquan Temple confirmed the news after the monk Liu Zhiyu, Longquan Temple also revealed many of the top students in schools. Here both Peking University graduate student, there Tsinghua graduate. Currently waiting ordained temple net large number of people, some of the new monastery field, specially come here looking for talent. Where there was a computer science graduate of Peking University, in the temple when the volunteers more than three years, single-handedly built the "Longquan Voices" website, officially ordained last year.

Some media reports, "North Reading Club monk traditional farming, any president three have been a monk." Reading farming community called Deng Wenqing's first president,EjV4ECi6SS, who has Master of Philosophy, Peking University,n1w96oYD1P, after graduating from Guanghua Temple in Putian, Fujian novices, called "significant celebrate Master", in 2006 came to Longquan Temple. His parents persuade him to return to secular life, after it became the Longquan Temple lay, with her son. But significantly celebrate Master has left Longquan Temple, play the leading role in another monastery.

Earlier reclusive Buddhism should be Ariake Sea Master. He graduated from the Philosophy Department of Beijing University in 1991, and in September 1992, in Berlin, Hebei Zhaoxian Temple novices, current vice president of the Buddhist Association of Hebei Province, Berlin Temple abbot, is a famous Buddhist monk.

Berlin Temple of Bright Shadow Master also graduated from Peking University, he had a enviable civil work, but privileged life did not stop him thinking about life,tn pas cher femme, he loved to explore many of the issues, the more confused myself are explored, and later Berlin Zen monastery.

Xiaolong Wang has a master's degree from Peking University,gucci handbags outlet, and worked as a teacher and became a scholar of Peking University Law School. She has served as CCTV "today that" part of the ceremony. However, such an outsider smooth, well-off, healthy, happy family, but to the temple female jurist Priory, Farmington derived energy. She said in an article, "In the process of learning in civil law, my feelings have four points, one subject of civil law legal equality of all beings and Dharma, the second is the civil law freedom and liberation or Nirvana Dharma similar, the third is similar to the civil law in good faith and in the love of Buddha, four are commercial profit and self-interest in Buddhism, altruistic contact. "

Tsinghua University graduate also has a monk. According to reports, in 1995, a graduate of Tsinghua University Department of Philosophy, in order to find "the answer is not found in philosophy" and become a nun, became a Buddhist disciples. She is now the law howl Zhihong. After 2001, she adopted a total of 26 abandoned children, of which more than 20 abandoned children already enrolled or graduated from college in the country some of the Buddha.

Of course, in addition to Peking University, Tsinghua University, other brand-name college graduates also have a monk, graduated from China University of Technology Junior classes Ning Bo is one of them. After graduating from college,uIqd0pK9P3, became a teacher Ning Bo,AGHcLb3wsp, China University of Science and Technology, however, such a former teen idols, has chosen a monk.