
May 28, 9 am, Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital ward, Nanjing Public Security Bureau police station Jiang Jianye Branch Lake AAC lying in bed, waiting for the second surgery. On the previous night, Laojiangdi at Alarming, in order to stop drinking and armed with a chopper chase passers Yanmou attack, was cut down in a pool of blood. Even so,NDStU1xV1O, it still took the opportunity to knock down the Yanmou Laojiangdi hands choppers, will Yanmou captured.

■ Express reporter correspondent Ninggong Xuan Tian Xueting Sun Yuchun

He is crazy criminals

Shirtless man with a knife chase people

More than 10 points last night, in the 5th district Nanhu Lake Street,air max pas cher, Yanmou telling anyone cut with a knife. According to members of the public witnessed Mr. Liu, brandishing a kitchen knife is the name of the middle-aged, upper body bare. One hand holding a knife in one hand and scissors, like crazy, chase people around. In the cell door, a security guard came to see, is also the name of a middle-aged man was stabbed.

Liu said that the scene was too scary. Later, the man chasing people out of the area, into a mobile phone shop. The shop has a young couple, are busy doing business. See the man holding a kitchen knife rushed in, the couple is very scared,christian louboutin homme, and quickly closed, to shut out the knife-wielding man. What to know was a step late, the man has been rushed. The two sides subsequently launched a fight, the boss man's neck was scratched unfortunate man with a knife.

He is a brave police

To protect the public, he cut into serious injuries

Received a public warning, the Nanjing Public Security Bureau issued a directive immediately, being Nanhu Lake police station area patrolling the river AAC, with chef Paul Anma drove to the scene. Has 30 years of experience from the police Jiang Rui sound rushed phone shop, this time, with the boss boss wounded, taken refuge in a small store room. They will shut up after a small room door, crazy man Yanmou or cut open the door with a kitchen knife.

Critical juncture, Jiang Rui sound rushed past, snapped warning middle-aged man,k6A3uvd2Cr, "Put down the machete, I am the police!" But Yanmou did not close hand, a knife fiercely Kanxiang boss. Seeing Jiang AAC greeted out his left hand to block mobile phone shop owner couple knives, and quickly pulled out a baton and Yanmou confrontation. Yanmou the river AAC left arm cut out a more than 10 cm long hole in the blood, the blood flow out of a sudden.

After Jiang AAC injured, still tightly cover your body with a cell phone shop owner couple, followed by surprise after another has been cut in the face, he turned the other cheek flesh and bloody. But he did not flinch, attend to wipe the blood has obscured his eyes on Yanmou exclaimed: "!! I am the police put down the knife."

But this time has been lost dog eat dog Yanmou reason, still continue to attack, Jiang Rui sound amazing perseverance Yanmou tightly under control,E2q1C46UUb, his hands tied behind him, in case he hurt again, all of a sudden not move Yanmou Jiang AAC grabbed a kitchen knife in his hand, took out a pair of shiny handcuffs from behind, "click" sound, will Yanmou hands shackled.

"You did not hurt, right? Run ......" Jiang Rui sound in uniform Yanmou also did not forget to care about a couple of injury phone shop owner can then just say half of it down in a pool of blood, fainted.

Soon, the former teacher accompanying Paul rushed Anma, will Yanmou tightly pressed down on the ground, a citizen also rushed forward to help. Jiang Rui sound was quickly taken to a nearby Jiangsu Province Second Hospital for treatment. The stabbing of Yanmou although handcuffed, but still trying to struggle to escape, eventually tightly controlled public and horse master.

He is our savior

Phone shop proprietress: Thanks to him to come forward to stop the knife

Last night, reporters rushed to the scene, found at the scene - the 5th district on Lake Street in the vicinity of the road, the road has been stained with blood. In has a large share of blood on the sidewalk not far from the river left a heroic police AAC caps,cheap jordan shoes, the caps with blood spatter, the shop owner said the couple, which are heroic police on the ground with blood shed.

"Had the police rushed before, now lying in a hospital, it is my husband. We thank the police family, that he come forward to save us." Zhou said mobile phone shop proprietress, then thanks to the river police, couple to save his own life.

Shortly after the incident, police reinforcements will Yanmou taken away. Yanmou topless covered in blood. Surrounding residents said Yanmou body of blood, police officers were wounded in the stream.

According to Ms. Zhou introduced the incident with her husband in the shop, suddenly rushed a man armed with a kitchen knife, the man came in chasing the knives to injure, they want to close the door stopped the man, but he still broke come.

. ".. We ran scared, her husband was caught up, the man scratched his neck was still a ton of bricks, but also cut thanks to the river police arrived, the man with the body of the knife block," Ms. Zhou said excitedly: "We're all right, but the police was seriously slashed the man!"

Paul Anma master said: "After the river police cut several times, Manlianshixue, still desperate to stop the other, or else there will certainly be more innocent people suffer." Moves to the river police, many onlookers were erected Since thumb says "Jiang police officer is a good kind."

Emergency rescue

4 knife cut hero may leave disability

Jiangsu Provincial Second Hospital doctor checking identification, Jiang AAC left face cut three knives, are injured, including two deep wounds and skull, causing facial cheek muscles all cut open, may lose chewing function, leaving under disability.

Jiang was transferred to the police yesterday morning, Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital, according to doctors, hospital examination found that the left side of his face was cut three knives, a knife cut the left arm, and each blade is more than 10 cm long incision deep facial masticatory muscle injury, a hand was cut off tesujis, some bones are exposed.

Hospital gave him a face suture surgery, took more than three hours, more than 30 sewing needles. Yesterday afternoon, the hospital gave him a second surgery, mainly over ribs, after more than an hour of surgery, tesujis successfully connected.

According to the head of surgery Dr. Chen introduced two operations have been very successful, there is no danger river police, facial scars may be left clear. As for the left hand, even if recovered, there will be some dysfunction, was cut off tesujis mainly to control the palm, although tesujis connected, but it is difficult to ensure tesujis can continue to control the palm normal activities.

Police informed

Failed to catch up with the neighbors, he would attack wounding

According to the Nanjing Public Security Bureau informed Yanmou investigation suspect (male, 44 years old, Nanjing) night with a neighbor drink, wine on the table quarrel occurred due to household chores, home revelry big hair,W7W9nk1Og6, took home a pair of scissors, choppers, neighbors rushed in, the neighbors went outside the district,abercrombie outlet, Yanmou catch unsuccessful. Yanmou then chased others in the district hospital for no reason, stabbing district staff, and rushed into the cell door phone shop, the shop owner with a knife chase a couple Min, chopped come Alarming police Jiang Rui sound,6DytRhlpMJ, after the police uniforms.

After the incident, the night Jianye deputy head, Shen Secretary Jianye Public Security Bureau Public Security Bureau and other leaders, came to the hospital asked in detail about the river AAC injury to him in the face, arm bleeding cases, insisted escapement fierce bravery gave high praise.

Yesterday morning, the leaders also rushed to the Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital to visit condolences, Jiang Rui sound regardless of danger, Yongdoudaitu spoke highly of behavior. After Jiang put a knife criminals AAC gets her heroic wounded news, has aroused widespread concern, many people praised Jiang ReSound is an excellent representative of the police contingent, and the good people of the police. Currently,rd3IRpMoKP, the river AAC officers out of danger, but the suspect Yanmou suspicion of intentional assault and obstruction of official crime execution, have been under criminal detention, the case is still under further investigation into.

Touching scene

"Son To college entrance examination,hollister,B4XuznGXNy, can not let him know."

Yesterday afternoon, the reporter saw at the hospital, police officer's wife, Ms. Jiang Lu is anxious to take care of him. Ms. Lu said: "Old Jiang was chopped thing I am aware of, I did not dare tell my parents."

Ms. Lu said that morning, his own son to finish breakfast, changed clothes, then rushed to the hospital to take care of Laojiangdi, that Laojiangdi not life threatening, a hanging heart was relaxed. At this point, Laojiangdi been sober mind, when speaking face on the pain, and asked him what can only nod or shake his head.

"You do not want to tell his son's injury? Son the next few days if people can not see you,G8d6BQ9SlC, how me and my son say?" Their son is 17 years old, is on the third year, the college entrance examination soon. Referring to this issue, Jiang Rui sound he kept shaking his head: "Do not let distractions son, let him concentrate on the exam, finished, come see me!"

AAC Jiang also said not to let parents know their injuries, a fear of the elderly worry, after two elderly will be anxious to know, easy to be the son see the flaws. Ms. Lu Jiang AAC understand the mind, call to help take care of relatives at home, and tell you things Laojiangdi injured, others do not, and the family said.


Jiang AAC

Male, September 9, 1960, Han, Chinese Communist Party. February 1976 to work in February 1981 to participate in public security work, the incumbent Jianye Nanjing Public Security Bureau police station in South Lake Branch Senior Staff, community police, a police inspector rank. But had outstanding work, numerous awards, and won an outstanding communist, comprehensive management of advanced personal honor.