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Children infected drug addicts stole another rush, repeated jail hardcore

■ Express reporter Yuya Lian Zhou compliance

April 1, 2009,dsDXL5461N,hollister france, April Fool's Day. 73-year-old Lau perianth police away, because she invested 90,ukigzT88Am,000 yuan for incitement in their own homes and killed 46-year-old son. Yesterday, the gray-haired Mr Lau spent on suspicion of manslaughter in the Guangzhou Intermediate People's Court for trial, she sighed, shaking his head,86FkAkWwTg, said: "I really was no other way,OJva192r7Y, my son, drug addiction, and steal again rob, jail repeatedly, but always hardcore. "


A mother in desperation, decided to kill to stop the crime and drug addiction continues to hurt his son nightmare family ......

Pediatric stained knife to force parents to give money to drug addiction

Yesterday, the 73-year-old and 79-year-old Lau took his wife Dong Bo helped each other into the court on crutches and trembling.

Both are Hebei Province, early south to Guangzhou. Dong Bo work outside the home for many years, Mr Lau took pains to pull the three adult sons, one who lives far away in the Haizhu District Safeway.

In 1986, the younger son Dong Jian Yi infected with drug addiction, a person caught in a nightmare since then,rB7m9TU504, more than 20 years. In order to raise drug money, Dong Jian Yi stole another rush,oJCA7XzM0D, repeated jail. He had compulsory treatment three times, twice detention, administrative detention twice, always hardcore. Steal rob vain when it bursts Dong Jian Yi to reach out to their parents for money drugs. Old couple do not give, Dong Jian Yi has a knife directed at parents Hansha enemies. Lau flowers said: "My wife has heart disease, high blood pressure, are to be the bad son to the gas,kUulkesbdH, scared!"

Finally salvation for children seek employment with pension

Originally most beloved son has been no progress, especially as parents worried.

2007, Dong Jian Yi came out from rehab, physically and mentally exhausted mother to son to spend Lau track, made a final effort - his son to arrange a taxi driver.

The same day,louboutin pas cher femme, Mr Lau took his son to see the back from the drug, but also make arrangements for a very decent meal for dinner, congratulating his son "to the newborn." Then, Mr Lau took out a pension for his son to sign up to spend a driver's license exam. Two months later, the driver's license exam down, Mr Lau flowers and dragging old body around to ask for help,louboutin soldes, as the son of finding a "brother" work,417t4YOQF6, hope Buhuozhinian son passed since repented.

Less than two months,louboutin outlet, Dong Jian Yi relapse again, walked from the taxi company to resume drug use, but once the drug money, they threaten parents, "Sooner or later you have to kill," but also often put things at home are broke, but also to spend Lau Heart fall to pieces.

Desperate choice is not his death we die

January 2009, Dong Jian Yi once again put a knife money, intolerable Lau took the police.

After police arrived, Dong Jian Yi took the scissors to dance, shouting: "Let them give me money, I take the money and go to drug treatment!" In order for Dong Jian Yi obediently drug, police had to persuade the old couple to give money.