
(Reporter Li Aihua intern correspondent Chen Chen Wu Peng industry) yesterday, the new Island Zhu Shing encounter a curious thing a mother: she took from the hands of a middle-aged women buy 10 dollars a box of fruit, open the box to see , which is as much as 118,http://www.doi.org/cgi-bin/search.cgi,600 yuan in cash! Great-grandmother and son talk immediately after the police find the owner. Yesterday afternoon, this huge sum of money and finally retrieve their full property.

Dragon who lives near Terrace Community Wei Shuhua Zhu Shing mother. Yesterday morning, Wei met a mother in the area near the middle-aged woman,http://www.forklift.by/index.php/forums/yabb.cgi, the woman carrying a box of fruit selling,http://www.hanagoyomi.net/cgi-bin/bbs/joyful.cgi, asking price 20 yuan. Wei-law pocket only 10 dollars,http://www.postyourbeaver.com, middle-aged women took 10 dollars turned away.

Wei mother carry the fruit boxes home and found a box sealed with tape very tight, and she opened the box and saw: box no fruit,http://blog.myoeoe.com.tw/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1744065, but sawdust and some eggs, egg followed by a red plastic bag, the bag actually Zaza is a hundred notes. Wei mother was shocked, Mangjiao to son Macheng Hu, a rough count, there are 11 million yuan.

Mother and son rushed out to find middle-aged women,http://www.speloncato.com, but has been out of sight. Mother and son immediately decided alarm, the large sums of money to the police.

A few minutes later, two police rushed to the Wei-law. A police said, 10:10 Xu, Zhu Shing Street police station received an alarm call owner, claiming equipped with 11 million boxes of fruit in the streets of cash stolen.

According to police, the owner Miss Xiong is Xinzhou three stores street people, are raising money to buy a house. 9 am yesterday, 30 minutes, and a relative of Ms. Bear driving a motorcycle went to Island Avenue, a new bank money, and will advance to the 118,600 yuan to raise money, and some fruits and eggs packed in cardboard boxes, cartons tied motorcycle car back seat. Ms. Xiong has waited at the beginning of the motorcycle,http://www.fukushi-hiroba.com/magazine/cgi/talk/ftalk.cgi?res=222%3C/a%3E, and later into the bank to conduct business around 10:00 it may look, fruit boxes had disappeared up.

Zhu Shing rapidly after the police investigation alarm. Police surveillance video from the bank in front of the discovery: 9:55 Xu, a middle-aged woman carrying a plastic bag from the front of the bank came, she turned to find the fruit boxes on a motorcycle, and turns back,woolrich outlet, looked around a After the fan,https://www.holycrossinc.com/cgi-bin/commerce.cgi, quickly release the rope on fruit boxes, fruit boxes in a hurry to leave the next hold. Police analysis, the perpetrators did not know women have large amounts of cash inside the fruit, low fruit boxes sold.

Ms. owner bears immediately rushed to the police station. The inventory of 118,600 yuan of money inside fruit lot of nothing. Ms. Xiong mother and son and police investigators kindly kept thanks.

The case is still under further investigation.