
Yancheng 74-year-old retired doctor season sky, over the years often open a small prescription drug is both effective and inexpensive. February 20, Modern Express "74-year-old doctor," one yuan prescription "won the point Like" an article reported the "small prescribing doctor." In recent days, almost every day to look for older patients with a doctor holding a newspaper,, Modern Express reporter received a reader often call Tel. 26 morning,, the reporter was informed that the coastal counties will declare quarter Skylight old "China good man."

Modern Express Reporter Jiang Zhenjun

Yesterday morning,, the Modern Express reporter once again came to Yancheng Guangji Hospital urologist Zuozhen sky in season,, there are two patients are waiting. "Since my thing newspaper,, the daily increase in the number of patients received at least twice." Season sky told reporters, many foreign patients also come to the hospital to find him a doctor.

Floor pharmacy pharmacist Xu Jinling said doctors recent admissions season particularly large amount, it is often the patient went to the pharmacy door and asked where the doctor season sky. However, the number of prescriptions per day Jilao open not more than a few than before. Some people the problem is not serious, Jilao giving them checked after testing, just let them go back to drink plenty of water, adjusting lifestyle, pay attention to habits, often not even a drug-opened.

In consent, reporters look at the old quarter of the sky nearly five days to open prescription. Reporters found that in Jilao prescription, the drug prices are generally the total price of tens of dollars, while the most expensive one is 96.5 yuan total price of prescription drugs. Among them,nike tn 2014, the most expensive prescription February 24th out of, open the medicine is 6 cyproheptadine prescription amount is 0.4 yuan.

"4 cents goes,, is open to a middle-aged female urinary symptoms in patients." Season sky recalled that in patients who have been treated elsewhere, antibiotics are not effective,, he just opened the anti- allergy medicine.

Yancheng Guangji Hospital Qiaoguan Hao told reporters, season sky doctor is not deliberately seeking cheap, but due to illness treatment, cure disease based on the patient as much as possible to save money,, "more than a year ago quarter, the old man wanted to make a wide Franciscan hospital Zuozhen, said such remarks: I do not need to pay anything, you do not need to have any pressure, just give me a place, let me services for patients, so that I can play the Heat on the line. "

Yesterday, the Modern Express reporter learned from the coastal county propaganda department, the Modern Express reported seeing after the coastal counties have been declared in accordance with the program, "China Life" for the season sky.