
3 room heap,http://www2e.biglobe.ne.jp/~isizaka/bbsx/light.cgi?res=1023

2 m tall toilet paper


The whole of the


Burning van door explode


More than three hours before fight

On the 27th night, Zhang Li Dong village store after toilet paper houses on fire, flames surrounded parked in front of the van appeared after the explosion, firefighters rushed to the scene to fight the blaze more than three hours to extinguish the fire.

Zhengzhou Evening News chief correspondent Xu Fuying

Zhengzhou Evening News reporter Wang Yongsen text / Chart

Residential buildings toilet paper warehouse fire

At 19:00 on the 27th, two seven Zhang Li Dong village,http://www.corelearningunit.nhs.uk/item/create_form/1, there are three layers of a residential building to store a lot of toilet paper out the flames.

Zhang Li Dong village road is narrow,http://yyq.bbs.tdgame.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=252523,moncler sito ufficiale, difficult access to fire vehicles,http://www.yoshidashinya.com/bbs/joyful.cgi?mode=res&no=Obey, had laid more than 400 meters long hose from the village to the south side of the street north of Main Street.

Firefighters said the first floor of the house are placed at least three of toilet paper, toilet paper endure these walls have piled two meters tall, gun pouring over more than 100 square meters of the building floor room, but the fire was extinguished but several times ignite.

Reporters noted that after the van parked on the first floor hallway was ignited fire surround, only the windows broken,http://g2658g.com/news/html/?20978.html, tires were burned, even the important parts of the engine, also burned scrapped.

Firefighters said the store is also a lot of toilet paper on the first floor hallway, the van parked at the east and west sides and inside the van is a toilet paper roll into a package.

Number of villagers confirmed that the sound of an explosion after the van on fire,http://www.wangzhaofa.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=3690, they did not think the fire inside the building line aging,http://www.vegeta.jp/cgi-bin/recipe/noahbbs.cgi?sessionid=&thr_num=1&namae=&email=&mode=paging&prev=0&next=11&pstart=0, leading to the possibility of fire due to leakage is not too large.

Fires burning three and a half hours off

Late 10:30, on the first floor on both sides of the aisle stacking toilet room still emerge from time to time the flame, but also a support for the reporter to leave the fire truck drove into the village, the fire burning three and a half hours off.

Twenty-seven fire a staff member said the toilet paper is flammable items, toilet paper houses put a lot more memory to be careful, they will investigate the cause and assess the damage caused by this accident, fire,http://lash-rash.com, and will be punished on the responsible person.