
Special correspondent Zhang Liqun correspondent Dong Jianfei

Yesterday, Qichun County Public Security Bureau informed that the council police just six days time, along with the detection of murder caused by 20 yuan fare. The case of the murderer was a taxi driver behalf of the class, after a female passenger robbed and killed,, he will set out the night driving from Yellowstone to qichun, the bodies buried under the sand river bank side.

Young woman morgue Under the Sand

May 6 at 8 pm,, Qichun Peng thought of a couple walking through town embankment, suddenly found a sand road gates reveal a foot,, a closer look at the other end in the sand along with a hands exposed. The couple rushed to the police.

After hearing the news, rushed to the Public Security Bureau of Criminal Investigation Police Qichun scene, the sand buried a young woman, the Department of mechanical asphyxia death. Police identified the Department of homicide. Qichun night police task force set up to solve the case.

Identify the corpse source is a breakthrough of the case, the police have rushed to the special class of Yellowstone surrounding villages, as well as Peng thought Xishui town, search missing persons,, also released "identify the body notices" on local television, newspapers and the Internet.

11, who lives Cisse District Huangshi City Mr. Wu from the Internet Qichun police issued a "notice identify the body," then rushed Qichun funeral home, where the man was found lying in a crystal coffin was his wife missing for several days Humou. Mr. Wu on the spot collapsed.

Remarried his wife mysteriously disappeared

Yesterday, Mr. Wu went to the Public Security Bureau Qichun cooperate with the investigation. Because his wife was killed, he was with a heavy heart, a look of sadness. Mr. Wu, who is 42 years old, his wife Humou 36 years old, two were married late last year, previously have had marital history.

At noon on the 2nd of this month, the couple participated friends. After returning home, Mr. Wu clothes leaning against the bed to take a break, and his wife played a busy household. 4 pm, Mr. Wu to leave home to go on night duty units. When we go out, his wife smiled and let him go home early from work.

However, when Mr. Wu returned home from work the next morning, but no trace of his wife, bed quilt remains like when he left home. Mr. Wu ten consecutive times to call his wife's phone, were unable to contact. Later, he found his wife's relatives and friends to find his whereabouts,, to no avail.

The 4th, Mr. Wu to the area police station, please help the police find his wife. No commitment to, when the couple meet again after a few days, have been separated Yin and Yang.

Mr. Wu,, the police according to the clues provided by the analysis, Humou should be in two evening away from home, then killed, then out dike around the recent investigation of the vehicle. Soon, the police locked the suspect - Huangshi City, a taxi driver a certain way.

Taxi driver robbed and killed passengers

At 9:00 on the 12th, after Yellowstone police assistance,, police rushed to the Huangshi City Moon Hill, will still at home sleeping away a captured. After the trial, a 49-year-old Cheng confessed to killing Humou.

Yesterday, Qichun police told reporters after the incident. Suspects a widowed many years away, usually by a living when the taxi driver behalf of the class. Month 2 at 10 am, the way a passing taxi driver near Yellowstone Boulevard hundred new stores, will go to Iron Mountain Humou load on the car.

According to an account of the process, Humou on the car, he proposed fare is 70 yuan, Humou too expensive, but did not give up the car. Car to your destination, Humou insisted only pay 50 yuan, the two sides quarrel therefore occur. See Humou a way to make a phone call to find someone that Humou, Humou forcibly held hostage in his arms.

After Humou under control, the process of a color center gradually, hear Humou said the physically challenged, he played robbing another idea. Way to find a car seat for sticky tape usual complement of limbs tied the Humou, Humou who stole gold bracelets,, purses, to compel him to say the package of two bank cards. Subsequently, the process of a head of the Humou wrapped with tape, which was tucked under the car in the back seat.

Cheng drove to a nearby teller machine withdrawals,basket nike tn pas cher, do not want to just 7 yuan within a card, another Cain password is wrong, you can not withdraw money. Wait until the process of a return to the car ready to tell the password to force Humou, Humou been found suffocated to death. Cheng had intended to direct the Humou a corpse thrown into the river, the river retreat center after the discovery of the river, then turn around overnight car bound for Qichun Mao Shanjiang embankment, the bodies buried in the sand after one, drove back to Yellowstone .

Currently, the process has been a Qichun Jingfangxingju, the case is being processed.