
Source: Hunan TV -etv "Legal Week"

"Legal Weekly" reporter Li Junjie intern Cao Xiaobo text / Chart

Parents heard the news of a car accident, detained in a detention center in Loudi City, Hunan Province Chen Jun could not help crying out loud, "I filial, sorry parents, and more sorry for the family." In order for an offense committed by CHEN pay, in rural livelihood by selling coolies Chen's parents emptied decades she saved 10 million in savings to. In order to save a broken home, 55-year and 47-year-old Chen Xing Bridge year-old Liu Cizhen still rely on to do hard labor for their families.

However, contrary to expectations that an unexpected accident, broke all the established plan - in a loading and unloading the wire in the process, turn the embankment due to overloaded vehicles, Chen X bridge left chest clavicle, spine, ribs have a fracture of the phenomenon, his left wrist off, require surgery. Liu Cizhen lumbar six fractures, shoulder fractures. According to doctors, follow-up treatment and other expenses in the two old 10 million, will fall sequelae, "but also to restore the situation."

"If not for his brother, parents would not be what it is today." Chen Ching Chen Jun's sister kept sighing.

A car accident:

Unfortunately, broken families frequently

Approximately at 11:00 on March 19 2010, Yin Jing suddenly received a staff Xiangxiang City Second People's Hospital, a phone call, said the accident was a result of her in-laws first aid, yet out of danger.

"Hearing this news, I fell into the ice like, overwhelmed." Fortunately, after the rescue, Chen X bridge from the hands of death to retrieve the couple lives, but the high medical expenses has become the biggest problem they face . According to their attending doctors, two of the surgery and follow-up treatment costs add up to about 10 million. This fragmentation of the Chen family, is undoubtedly an astronomical figure.

While leaving Yin Jing headache is that this year 3 year old daughter had been, suffering from a congenital hemangioma. The doctor advised her, in order not to affect the future lives of children, surgery is recommended before the age of five. Surgery costs about 30,000 yuan or so. Seeing the children grew up,http://www.cnnetech.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, Yin Jing worry about this all the time in a few million surgery.

Then, late last year, along with her husband's sister Yin Jing Chen Ching went Jiaxing do aquatic business. To this end, Chen Ching from a few thousand dollars a month is not too much net income, out of more than 1,000 yuan as the sister of wages.

By Chen Ching's words, her purpose in doing so is more complete in order to preserve the original is not the sister's home - a few years ago, due to alleged involvement in the robbery, was born in 1984, his brother Chen Jun was sentenced to court , due to health and other reasons, Chen Jun was granted probation. However, in June 2008 probation period, Chen Jun was arrested again because of affray, the court graft and sentenced to five years and six months imprisonment CHEN.

Today, Chen Jun is still detained at a detention center in Loudi. It seems his family, and his entire family misstep is the beginning of a nightmare.

Filial son:

Repeated offenders parents spent their savings

Chen Jun was arrested at the detention center, son had been born a few months before. Whenever a 3-year-old daughter asked about his father's whereabouts, Yin Jing always lied to her: "Dad working in the field to make money, you want to come back after a long time."

"Brother does not live up to expectations, the parents toil for a lifetime,moncler uomo, is to him." Lift brother Chen Jun, Chen Ching mood became excited. Chen Ching said, either in order to maintain the family, the parents would not be so much older still out dummies. In Chen Ching small to large memory, parents fed pigs, sold dishes, to the site did Mason ...... "If you can make money, parents have done."

2005, Chen Jun, riding a motorcycle, accidentally hit the a 62-year-old, paid more than 60,000 yuan each other. Chen Ching statistics a bit, all these years,woolrich parka, Chen Jun, who spent the "innocent" money has more than 10 million. Almost spent all their savings old couple.

I heard that parents in a car accident injury, Chen Ching had wildly pumping his mouth, "I really hate themselves, so parents have to toil to run around so much older." At home, Chen Ching is the boss, in addition to his brother, and a sister. Chen Ping, Xiangxiang a sister factory workers,http://bbs.400youxi.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=162236, only a few hundred dollars a month income. She was one year old child suffering from a hernia, need surgery, for which Chen Ping family has owed a hundred thousand dollars of debt.

Now, all the family burden pressure in the Chen Ching-a person. Originally planned to get married on May 1 this year, she also was forced to cancel the wedding, make every effort to treat their parents.

Toil parents:

Wounded need comprehensive treatment

In fact, Chen Xing Bridge opinion, wife to stay with his granddaughter at his son returned home renovation, etc., "has been very generous."

Therefore, in order to reduce the burden of his wife, and raise the cost of surgery and the granddaughter of 30,http://bbs.bbw.hk/home.php?mod=space&uid=91657,000 yuan of debt owed, the couple decided to Chen Xing Bridge No matter how bad, but also hold up the house. Thus,giubbotti moncler, the old couple chose dummies - as Xiangxiang City,moncler outlet, a wire drawing plant loading bars.

According to a neighbor introduced, Chen X bridge in brushed steel plants handling more than five years. In accordance with the provisions of manually unloaded from the car reinforced, Xiangxiang within the city limits can get 15 yuan / ton, the urban areas 20 yuan / ton handling fees. Most of the time, Chen Xing Bridge couple earns a total of about 100 yuan a day,http://liuhuafang.com/activity/p/102469/, the time difference is only 20 yuan.

Xiangxiang Wang Chun Chen Xing Village Gate Bridge Union office where the group is located 10 Xiangxiang eastern suburbs, near the railway station in the village. Here most of the villagers are living in loading and unloading cargo.

Between Chen Xing Bridge and drawing plants, never signed any labor contract, only a simple employment relationship - each finished batch loading and unloading cargo, Chen X bridge can bear to when the second charge. This makes it difficult for compensation after an accident.

March 18, 2010 at noon,http://bbs.261300.com.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=50384, Chen X bridge to the drawing plant's phone and told him to pull a few people the next day unloading steel. Chen Xing Bridge a promise, 47-year-old wife Liu Cizhen also decided to go along to help. Let the two old mouth never imagined that awaits them will be a Henghuo.

The 19th in the morning, two side dishes and old port sold hurried after drawing plant. In this case, the goods have been loaded almost the same. Only five tons deadweight agricultural trolley full installed seven tons steel. An old married couple, although some worry, but still climbed the steel pile.

The destination is Tam Mun Town transport. 10 am, the car brand for CBD802 agricultural vehicles traveling to the S312 line 20km downhill corner lots, vehicle rollover left embankment. 3 people left behind wire heap on the ground,moncler uomo,http://www.chrisadamsperfumes.com/index.php?item/create_form/1, the driver suffered minor injuries. According to the hospital's diagnostic report shows that Chen Xing Bridge collarbone chest, spine, ribs were broken in front, the left wrist off, require surgery. Liu Cizhen lumbar six fractures, shoulder fractures.

April 7, the reporter went Xiangxiang City Second People's Hospital, 6th Floor orthopedic ward to see Chen Xing Bridge. Chen Xing Bridge tears, his gray hair, thin face, his left wrist protruding outwardly obvious.

"He which,louboutin pas cher, like more than 50 years of age, now looks like more than 70 years old." Bedside distressed relatives said.

Funds are limited, in the end who should do it? Faced with surgery may fall if not timely advice sequelae doctor raised clenched teeth, said Chen Xing Bridge will give his wife Liu Cizhen opportunity.

According to the attending doctors, hand surgery Chen Xing Bridge did not do this operation requires only 5,000 yuan. Waist surgery simply treated. If you want to fully recover, at least several million.

Reporter then went to Xiangxiang City People's Hospital being treated Liu Cizhen. "I shall eyes open, an open if the whole bed were shaking." Liu Cizhen cried. Her attending physician Dr. Tan reports, the funds were not in place in time due to surgery,moncler uomo, Liu Cizhen other surgery has missed the best time, whether sequelae, but also the recovery.

Late remorse:

Parents save anyway

So far, the drawing plant Chen Xing Bridge couple paid treatment costs 1.7 million yuan, in coordination with local authorities, the driver and the local civil affairs department paid a total of 8000 yuan. Today, the treatment of two elderly people have spent nearly 60,000 yuan, according to the doctor's preliminary estimate,piumino moncler,http://www.xz-hr.com/?action-viewcomment-itemid-25, the cost of the subsequent two old gap of about 100,000 yuan.

"Now is busy during the spring, the family of five acres of land seems to be deserted." I often think about this, Chen Xing Bridge will secretly tears. Due to a detention center in Loudi detained Chen Jun, Chen Xing Bridge rarely take the time to go visit him. I heard that parents in a traffic accident, a moment of silence on the phone CHEN sobs told Sister Chen Ching: "No matter what way, but also for the parents undergo an operation."

Hear real repentance brother, sister,moncler sito ufficiale, Chen Ching other end of the phone slightly pleased, "you mend it, we will do our best." And CHEN do not know is that, if more than raise the cost of treatment, Chen Xing Bridge couple about to be discontinued immediately.

Chen Xing Bridge at home, the most valuable to the number of a 21-inch color TV. Today, the top has been covered with a thick layer of dust. Chen's main room,woolrich milano, decorated with a children's toy car,spaccio moncler, that's aunt Chen Ching as a birthday gift for 3-year-old who had a small house who had pushed the car in circles. In her childhood memories, this car is regarded as the most expensive gift.

Have a little tired, had had homeopathic down in the arms of her mother Yin Jing, fell down asleep. For all families face, she is unaware. (Upon the request, except Xing Chen and Liu Cizhen bridge,parka woolrich, the remaining staff are not his real name)