
□ Ventura / correspondent Zhang Wei Hua Zhoushou special correspondent Fu Zhilin Jing Wen Jiang Dengwei

10:00 yesterday, the ancient city of Jingzhou, a city of pathos. October 24 to rescue drowning teenager heroic devotion Yangtze University student Chen timely, Dongxu,http://dixiepreppers.com/forums/profile/i8ehufbcc00, Fang Zhao's memorial service was held in Jingzhou funeral parlor.

CPC Central Committee, State Councilor Liu Yandong,http://safemarketlink.com/Requests/profile.php?id=20307, Party Secretary Luo Qingquan, Governor Li Hongzhong, Guo Sheng-lian, vice governor sent wreaths and call condolences to the families of heroes.

Thousand students and community sectors masses spontaneously attend the memorial service. People arrived early Jingzhou City funeral home, holding chrysanthemums, lucky bamboo, not white chest, slowly into the hall, sending the hero final journey.

Inside the hall, depicting the people entrusted with the elegiac couplet endless grief. 3 college students remains repose in flowers and bamboo, the body covered with a red regimental flag. Hero's family and classmates burst into tears, many people could not help but shed a tear. National moral models Wu Tianxiang came from Wuhan, a final farewell to the three martyrs. He sobs, said:. "They could at the critical moment of self-sacrifice, all college students, the masses learn a shining example."

Students heroic deeds aroused strong repercussions in the community,giubbotti moncler, these days, people in a variety of ways to express grief of their reverence and grief. Xinhua News Agency, CCTV and other national media 33 148 reporters gathered in Jingzhou,woolrich donna, widely publicized heroic deeds.

The Ministry of Education in recognition of the heroes

Ministry of Education decided yesterday, posthumously Chen timely, Dongxu, Fang Zhao three students "national self-sacrifice excellent students," the honorary title awarded Yangtze University Chen timely, Dongxu, Fang Zhao, Xu Bin Cheng,http://four-faith.v.suncco.com:88/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=5344004&extra=, Lijia Long, Gong would like Tao, Zhang Rongbo, ginger dream shower (female), yellow examination (female), hole Xuan (female), Masako Qi (female), Wan Lisa (female), Guyun Yun (female), Li Li Branch, Meng Liang Yu and other 15 students' courageous gave himself to save the country Students who hero collective "honorary title.

24 Students Fu Ling

At yesterday's memorial site, 24 young men dressed in white has been quietly standing in the corner. They are the three heroes of the Fuling people, according to reports, they are more than 40,000 names from Yangtze University students singled out in.

Since the 26th funeral hall set up in two rows in front of the hall steps, respectively, two and six students standing straight on this, people bowing forward to offer condolences, they are three heroes of the junior high school, high school and University classmates.

Wan Changjie, Chen timely high school students, college entrance examination scores because this year is not ideal, is still Tongshan repeat. On the 25th, he heard Chen timely rescue after sacrifice, and two dozen classmates, arrived at Jingzhou.

Great-grandmother fainted scene "Let oxygen"

Before and after the memorial service yesterday, there are three teams, always follow Chen timely, Dongxu and Fang Zhao's family, provide health care services.

According to reports, due to excessive grief, the physical condition of the three heroes of the parents worrying. Appears on the anti-memorial service for special circumstances, the committee set up three teams, each team 4-6 people, full follow families.

10:00, memorial service has just begun, Chen's mother fainted on the spot in time. Medical team members immediately brought to a quiet location,http://www.j-qdai.com/bbs/read.php?tid=75325&ds=1, its oxygen. However, running out of oxygen brought Chen timely mother's condition has not yet fully recovered, the medical team members had to seek help from the side of the 120 ambulance.

At this point, 120 emergency vehicles, a local grandmother fainted due to grief and also oxygen. That this case, the great-grandmother with a weak voice, tell the doctor, the first oxygen to the hero's mother. With the help of oxygen, the Chen timely mother finally regained consciousness.

Donations continues to heat up

Yesterday afternoon, the chairman of the world long Jingzhou Wang Chuan Xu came to the real estate company ARTS Yangtze University, to participate in "10? 24" courageous event grew 12 students,piumini moncler, donated 5,000 yuan per person condolence payments.

Previously, Wang Chuan Xu told the families of three courageous students donated 300,woolrich milano,000 yuan love money, to winter swimming team members donated 30,000 yuan relief funds.

In addition, as of yesterday,woolrich outlet, 17:30, Jingzhou City Charity individuals from across the country were received, the unit donations more than 410,000 yuan, more than 200 contributions from visitors.


Heroes all the way

9 am yesterday, there is one hour away from the memorial service began. Former funeral home memorial hall square is packed with people, surrounded by a wall filled with condolence wreaths,moncler outlet, full of the square by students, soldiers and the people side team composed of people Xiongpei white flowers, holding flowers, and looked solemn, eyes hold in mouth tears, quietly waiting to enter expressing condolence hero.

9:15, rescued the boy and parents holding chrysanthemums, silently toward the memorial hall, came off the masses unconsciously let out a channel. "Winter swimming team's heroic rescue coming, let them strip the Road!" 9:20, the crowd burst into thunderous applause.

9:30, the hero of their parents and friends are people totter into the memorial hall,tn pas cher, the hero's parents because of grief over the past few days, has seemed sluggish. Parents hero cries infected people present, many people turned to wiping away his tears, some students could not help but burst into tears.

People together more, but people still consciously maintain a "formation" in the hall outside.

10:00, memorial meeting begins. Freeman memorial service hosted by Jingzhou Municipal Committee, Party secretary of the Yangtze University Zhang family eulogy. Zhang said during his speech at home, Chen timely, Fang Zhao, Dongxu three students deeds of self-sacrifice moved Jingzhou, touched the nation. They used 19 year-old youth to life,http://www.cveg.ca/bbs/read.php?tid=229289, to show the dedication of a new era,parka woolrich, to verify the conscience of society. Their spirit will be remembered and continuity.

The farewell ceremony, the families of the heroes of their loved ones, Calling, so that the presence of people all touching; come off of people, have flowers and bow to the three heroes.

11:07, the end of the memorial meeting. 11:17, at the sound of flowers and blessings, three hearse slowly left the funeral home bound for eight Ridge Hill Crematorium. After the hearse,spaccio woolrich, stretching several kilometers off the team.

Soul hometown hero

Toriyama: candlelight child road home

Firecrackers all the way, all the way paper money, all the way to grief, all the way to grief. Tongshan County,woolrich prezzi, October 28, the thin clouds shrouded the earth felt pain.

Evening 6:04, the team slowly into Tongshan County at the junction point with Haman - community watershed. More than 60 villagers have been waiting a long time, people feel bitter.

Evening 6:30, the team go through the mountain pass to his alma mater Chen timely one, and along the Avenue kilometer street amble through sheep, tens of thousands of people on both sides overlooking the hearse, tearful farewell.

Evening 7:30,woolrich uomo, the team arrived at the home of Chen timely cross stone. It was late,giubbotti woolrich,http://aeggreen.tv/index.php?option=com_blog&view=comments&pid=449786&Itemid=0, but the streets like a candle shining queue, as day. Folks holding candles, stood roadside, illuminating the way Chen timely home. Township neighborhood in the far call, the Chen timely finally home.

In addition, the county take the lead in donations through the mountains, and Chen timely parents run a pension. As of press time reporter, paragraph Tongshan Chen timely families donated has exceeded 100,http://bbs.dazw.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=666762,000 yuan.

Luotian: Fang Zhao will be buried Luo Tian Shengli Martyrs Cemetery

9:00 last night, the hero Students Fang Zhao's ashes back luotian. After luotian county government decided that the party trick will be buried in the cemetery of martyrs victory.

Luotian County town of victory martyrs' cemetery located victory Teng Jiabao, now buried 200 Duominglieshi, is one of the 100 classic red tourism route in the country. In 1926, the Communists Li Ti cloud, Xiao Fang set up the first branch in the CPC luotian Teng Jiabao, Xu Xiangqian, Wang Shusheng, Zhang science and other body carried out in this arduous battle.

After the party move back to his hometown of heroic deeds, luotian county government attaches great importance to the town party committee and government set up the victory special classes to help deal with the aftermath, the town straight organs and units, private companies, the public has a hero parents donation of 2.5 million yuan.

To meet the hero of "Return", the victory will hand the town government organizations cemetery renovated, and on the way to the cemetery connected to the temporary lights. Citizens gathered in the early morning on the road leading to the cemetery, waiting for return of the hero.

Zhijiang: thousand people since sending the Spirit

1 o'clock yesterday afternoon, Dongxu hearse departure from the ancient city of Jingzhou. 120 taxi fleet composed spontaneously, accompanied all the way, send Dongxu home. Zhijiang City Bridge City Bridge, Zhijiang people looking forward to, then Dongxu home.

Howling autumn wailing, sobbing surging river. 15:00, when the hearse arrived in Zhijiang, Ming whip shown along public mourning. Hearse after Dongxu alma mater - Zhijiang City in a doorway when stopped, Dongxu parents at relatives arm, down hearse, on behalf of his son bow thank Shien.

Subsequently,http://bbs.10000fan.com/thread-122113-1-1.html, Dongxu casket was placed in Zhijiang City funeral parlor. In addition, Zhijiang City posthumous Dongxu "Good Samaritan youth" honorary title, awarded honorary certificates, and to grant their families WeiWenJin two million.