Last night, more than 10 points, a doctoral ZHANG Mao-lin Institute of organic chemistry occurs in Paul Temple Bridge and a rider man rub and cause conflict, ZHANG Mao-lin was stabbed each other,piumino moncler, has not yet out of danger. Currently,woolrich sito ufficiale, the switchblade is still at large, police are investigating the case.

4 cm long incision on the thigh

Yesterday morning, Haidian Hospital orthopedic ward,http://www.houseqilu.com/bbs/thread-132878-1-1.html, ZHANG Mao-lin still in a semi-conscious state, his brother Zhang Chunlin and the Chinese Academy of Sciences teacher and two students sitting next to him. "My brother's surgery done six hours, the hospital gave him lose a total of 1400 ml of blood in the morning 7:00, my brother was only introduced to the operating room. The doctor said my brother not yet out of danger,giubbotti woolrich, may at any time shock. "Zhang Chunlin said he received the day before yesterday 23:00 brother classmate telephone, said his brother in the dorm was stabbed in the Haidian hospital for treatment.

He then rushed to the hospital,abercrombie pas cher, saw the coma brother. "It was his body full of blood, the body constantly twitching, on the edge of the left thigh has four centimeters long. Doctors told me that artery was cut, and need immediate surgery. Listen to his classmates, said the incident is not the intersection from his dormitory to 500 m,, ZHANG Mao-lin is cycling with others after the occurrence rub each other tie. "

After that, Zhang Chunlin issued a finding witnesses microblogging. Zhang Chunlin said his brother wounded thing,http://www.1dyg.com/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=63317, he did not tell their parents.

First punch and then stabbed a knife suffer

ZHANG Mao-lin Li Qi classmates recalled the night 10:20 he received a phone ZHANG Mao-lin, "ZHANG Mao-lin said that he had been stabbed, call me up in the past, I thought he was joking, but still went. Then I saw ZHANG Mao-lin was a group of people around the middle of the road, when he had to stand up, the mind is also a trance, on the ground full of blood. I immediately hit 110 and 120. 22:40, police first arrived, we send into the Haidian Hospital. "

Li Qi recalls the way the police had asked how the matter ZHANG Mao-lin,http://www.sibu.org/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=546974, ZHANG Mao-lin said he was riding a bicycle when laboratory building and a ride back to the dorm from the black car occurred rub man, the car is a motorcycle or electric car, he can not remember. First off, the man gave him a punch,spaccio moncler, he will be playing the glasses fly, and then stabbed his knife again. "Our laboratory Paul Temple bridge in the northwest,http://www.cg373.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=2464, southeast hostel in Paul Temple bridge, two buildings very close, less than one kilometer."

To the hospital to visit ZHANG Mao-lin Wang students told reporters, ZHANG Mao-lin good-natured, whom he had never heard of a fight. Accompanying teacher in the hospital, said: "Laboratory and the dormitory area has security,woolrich outlet, but the incident in the street, the school is no way."

Police have retrieved surveillance video

Yesterday afternoon, the reporter at the scene saw on the ground there is still a large share of blood. Nearby shops also confirmed to reporters the matter. Police confirmed to reporters that more than 10 points that night,woolrich roma, police alarm,moncler sito ufficiale, Paul Temple Bridge in a man was stabbed. Police rushed to the scene,http://learningnetwork.childrensfoodtrust.org.uk/login/index.php?item/create_form/1,piumini moncler, and promptly stabbed the victim to be taken to hospital for treatment. Case,moncler outlet,http://www.quan010.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=615161, the police is under investigation.

Later yesterday,piumino moncler, Zhang Chunlin told reporters,moncler uomo,http://ict.iuic.iwate-u.ac.jp/moodle/index.php?item/create_form/1, Haidian police criminal investigation team has called him to watch the video. "The police let me see some of the night of the incident on the road videos. Because my brother has not yet out of danger, police said, and so the situation improved after my brother will find his investigation."

Clue: Pan

Morning 96,101 live news

Reporter Li Ting Xuan

(Original title: Doctoral were slashed his way back to the dorm coma)