
□ reporter Li Lanwen chief reporter Yan village map

WASHINGTON Now in Yongcheng Vocational College sophomore female college students with disabilities 10 years ago due to sail Yan thinking seriously injured in a car accident. In order to preserve the life and thinking sail left arm,spaccio woolrich, his family raise money around and, after a number of hospitals for her treatment. Leadership thinking sail was the first elementary school where Xingyang about the incident, calling on all teachers and students for her contributions to more than 15,000 yuan,louboutin soldes, making smooth operation. February 26 this year,piumini moncler, to get a scholarship after the first pen, Yan left thinking sail tuition,outlet moncler, the remaining 1000 dollars donated to his alma mater to repay saving grace.

Ten years ago, his alma mater for her fundraiser

February 26 is the first day of the first elementary school in Xingyang, at 2 pm, a mother and daughter rushed to the school, school leaders accepted the plea and a letter late 1000 yuan donation thank you letter, saying thanks school teachers and former saving grace.

This mother and daughter a decade ago Xingyang first fourth-grade student Yan Long (now renamed Yan Si Fan) and her mother. Originally,woolrich uomo,http://www.yuzuman.com/noodlebbs/report/joyful.cgi, in August 1999, Yan Long summer holidays with his mother to work in Ningxia. The way they ride the bus collided with a tanker, Yan Long left arm was knocked from the shoulder. After the help of 110 civilian police, the Yan Long left arm was found from the seat following the cracks. Due to severely squeezed, most nerve Yan Long left arm has been necrosis. To keep Yan Long life and left arm, with her family around a doctor,giubbotti moncler, in Shanghai has done seven times surgery, but still resulted in serious nerve atrophy Yan Long left hand disability, and threatening her life.

At that time, Yan Long family is in debt, borrowing nowhere. The matter reached the Xingyang first primary, when the president's call for immediate Hsiao-hui Yuan Yan Lung contributions for staff and students. Time of day,http://www.hacosuke.com/hacobbs/hacobbs.cgi,spaccio moncler, everyone would contribute more than 15,000 yuan, so Yan Lung eighth surgery can proceed smoothly.

Now she donated one thousand yuan scholarship

Today, ten years later, Yan Yan Long has been renamed thinking sail, is a sophomore Yongcheng Vocational College, the CCP probationary member. Yan thought sails had just been elected in 2009, "Chinese Students' self-Star," and won the national motivational scholarships.

"I have heard there is 5000 yuan this scholarship, I was excited to get straight jump,nike air max pas cher, immediately phoned her mother to let her share my happiness." Yan sail think that the mother received a phone call, happy tears.

Thinking Fan's mother,http://heibuhei.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1384391, Zhao B Rong said that she did not work alone, always by doing odd jobs for their daughters to school, the mother and daughter's life is very short of money, usually do not even dare to eat meat. Disabled daughter left hand side does not even have a glass of water move,http://www.gaku.x0.com/kg5ymfb4tdshu17/light.cgi?com=7&res=1, but after college work-study programs are also often used his spare time to earn their living. Because studious, helpful, daughter praised by teachers and students. Last year, the school recommended her to participate in "Chinese Students' self-Star" selection. As a result, thinking sail deeds impressed the judges, smooth election.

"Si-fan said to use the money to buy me a Soymilk,http://www.tfc-charts2.w2d.com/forum/index.cgi, to her grandma, grandpa buy a down jacket, and I was opposed because she was more than 4,000 yuan in tuition next semester not landed,http://lovehote.com/roze/epad/epad.cgi, I remind her not to mess with every penny daughter is very sensible, said after trying the rest of 1000 yuan tuition deduction, donated to his alma mater to repay year's saving grace. "B. Zhao Rong said.

After obtaining national motivational scholarships,http://www.chinavsp.com/zh-cn/?action-viewnews-itemid-79,louboutin pas cher, thinking sail wanted to do something filial piety to his family,piumini moncler, after his mother's support, decided to put the rest of 1000 yuan donated to his alma mater,moncler outlet online, to express their gratitude collection for a decade.

"Anzhe not a donation, is debt!" Said Zhao Rong B, contributions are to come up with extra money donated to people who need help, her family's economic condition is very poor,http://www.yijiameihu.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=538639,moncler milano, there is no ability to help others, this is the money saved for debt.

"The subject of drip grace the smallest favor, from now on, I use their earned money to repay a decade ago due to his alma mater, the 'love debt'!" Yesterday 14:30 donation ceremony, Yan thinking sail tell their own plans.

Sail left thinking that disability is not willing to eat meat in the case of the New Year has come up with thousands of scholarships donated to his alma mater, teachers and students deeply moved.

The money the school for Zhukun

Received a donation thinking sail, leading Xingyang first primary decision to use the money to set up a "inspirational foundation" to poor students funded school. Leaders Xingyang Education and Sports Bureau, said the point of view of small donations surface 1000 yuan, but a reflection of the thinking Yan sail Gratitude simple character. They hope that every student has a good heart, for people who need help in a timely manner extending the hand of friendship. But also want to be someone else to help, get someone else care for the students know how to Thanksgiving, know how to return.