
BEIJING,louboutin soldes, March 21 Taizhou (Reporter correspondent Li Feiyun Lin Jing) Zhejiang Taizhou a woman by the name of talk about objects,http://bbs.ynmy.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=106018, fabricate false identity to defraud a farmer money under various pretexts. March 21, the Court of First Instance Taizhou Huangyan law fraud made against the defendant detention four months and fined three thousand dollars sentence.

One morning last October,http://bbs.ec-os.net/apps.php?q=diary&a=detail&did=615736&uid=16545, Zhang old man Huangyan Takahashi street Wu Ao village home to work in their own fields. At this time, a girl came up to ask the old man in the village Moren Zhang matchmaker. Zhang old man looked up and looked at each other,giubbotti woolrich, a girl of twenty-something girl, looks honest duty, and asked if he was going to marry her.

Girl nodded yes,http://422.gsd.harvard.edu/icb/icb.do?keyword=k96372&pageid=icb.page617007&pagecontentid=icb.pagecontent1337212&view=isitestool.cgi,piumino moncler, then told Chen Jie Zhang old man she called Huangyan Changtan people in the hospital as a nurse. Zhang old man mind a move,spaccio moncler, not yet thirty years old son to marry the daughter,http://www.jc8881890.com/bbs/read.php?tid=284336&ds=1, now this girl is just a good marriage providential ah.

Zhang old man said: "My son did not marry his wife, will you marry me son?" The girl said with a good and generous, first get to know about it. The moment the girl with Zhang old man met his son A strong,louboutin pas cher, both sides are satisfied, and exchanged contact information.

The next morning, the girl came to Zhang old man home, opening to Zhang old man to borrow money. Faced with their own side of the front will become "nurse wife", Zhang old man who all join together, come up with 1560 yuan. The girl said, a few days to pay back the money. Two days later, the girl again calls. The A strong grandmother at home, the girl said she would like to take some money and well-behaved to A strong buy clothes, glad to hear the old man took out 300 yuan. Youyi Zhang grandmother on behalf of the girl turned to A strong mother borrowed 200 yuan.

Girls go and hit the back of the theater just outside Zhang old man. Zhang old man pulled the girl aside, anxious to say that her grandmother suddenly ill in hospital,woolrich prezzi, would like to take some money emergency, let my father come at night also. Goodness Zhang old man said nothing, and turned out a thousand dollars. Girl look, say what this money hospitalized enough ah. Zhang old man also find a thousand dollars, the girl he was secretly delighted,http://520ow.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=10091, saying not enough. Zhang old man then pulled out a thousand girls tempted to say that is not enough,louboutin soldes, Zhang old man said no money, the girl left this bitterly Chang.

After that,woolrich outlet, the girl "evaporate",jordan pas cher, and Zhang family not contact her. At this point, Zhang talent epiphany deceived, then alarm. But the girls left all the information is false Chang.

However, the girl with the Zhang family,piumini peuterey outlet,http://tw-politics.info/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=10400999&extra=, or a little "fate" of. Last December 17, A strong Huangyan a hospital met the girl, Yuanjialuzhai, when about girls seized and turned over to the police.

Girls really Ming Luge, Huangyan new predecessors, is married and has a 2-year-old son. confessed that her son Zhang old man pretending to talk with the object,woolrich prezzi, seize Zhang old man to his son to marry the wife is willing to lend money to her psychological, Zhang old man to get money from him. She told her husband did not work, no money, cheat some money on the idea.

After the incident, relatives restitution of 5,http://www.afirmfwc.org/cgi-bin/index.cgi,060 yuan to Zhang.

This year in February, Procuratorate fraud prosecution, Huangyan Court held that, illegal possession for the purpose of fabricating false identities,peuterey sito ufficiale, take fictional facts, methods to conceal the truth,http://tsuruo.jp/cgi-def/admin/C-002/after/visit/main.pl?PAGE_NUM=1%3C%3C/a%3E;, cheat other people's property, a relatively large amount, its actions constituted fraud, punishable by law. In view of the accused to justice after a good attitude, and the restitution of the stolen money had been victims, as appropriate sentences. (End)