
Komori: Samaritan warning thieves cut sixty-seven knives, thumb disability

Bus Company: Samaritan? Ye have not stolen by the testimony and authorities confirm

Yesterday, the Central District Court together with the controversial "courageous" case.

Du Songtao is a coach passenger compartment central station attendant. He said the evening of December 16 last year, he saw a man stealing a bus female passenger's purse, then stepped on the man's feet to stop it,abercrombie outlet italia, do not want to be the man cut the number of knives, and the bus driver not only did not timely prevent, report, but the man ran to open the door release.

Du Songtao now left thumb disability, eat often remove the bowl. Therefore, he told the bus company, claiming he was 12 million yuan.

Can bus company, said Du said he was courageous, but the testimony of those who have not stolen. This is only occurred in the bus disputes. Meanwhile, his courageous and did not get defined and confirmed by the relevant departments. Evening News reporter Lu Yan / text correspondent Wang Bin / Chart

Event Playback

Hate for thief

"I think he stole something, they stepped on his kicks."

"I am now left thumb has been disabled,, unconscious,,piumini moncler, bowls are removed several times." Yesterday, Du Songtao appear in Central District Court Civil Division, caused a lot of media attention.

Du Songtao said that last December 16 evening 9:30 or so, he came home from work, in the Central Plains Road and Beijing-Guangzhou Road Station boarded the 807 bus at night.

When reaching the Central Plains Road and barberry Road intersection, "I saw a more than 20 years old, height 1 meter 75, pointed chin man standing next to me,, is to dig a woman's purse,woolrich uomo, I stepped on a few feet of the man. "

Later, when the bus from the same route to the barberry way street, and the man rushed him shouting: "? Why do you always stepped on my foot," Du Songtao responded by saying that the car rock back and forth, he is not intentional, then two would argue.

"Then I do not know who should move hand, we tear together, and then I pushed him a little, he would retreat a bit, then he took out a black object, I feel a knife at me cut over the head, I stop for a moment with his left hand, his knife has cut over. "

Then the bus at the stop sign at the hillock hill and barberry Road intersection 50 meters south east of the road and stopped, the door opened, the man took the opportunity to slip.

Dissatisfaction on the bus length

"I wrestled with the thief was injured, but the driver who opened the door to let go."

said, when he and the man in the car where fights among passengers on board are scared to scream, "the man chopping me, passengers have seen, the driver can not know, however, The driver continued to drive his car. "

Du Songtao was sent to the hospital, checked that the head multiple scalp laceration, a total of four knife-edge.

31 days in hospital, medical expenses spent on million.

Police to identify his injury is minor.

Health department to his disability identification is 9 disability.

At that time the police building in Road police station to ask why you want to open the bus door long?

Night shift car driver said five or six ten passengers on board were crowded, very noisy incident inside only noticed that the passenger is little friction between the vehicle and also happens to run into the site, so he opened the door.

Although the police department has been working to arrest suspects, but according to the police station to police reports, because the 807 night bus route no camera, and no passengers for Du Songtao as a witness, the detection has been no progress.

Trial Watch

Bus Company: Du Songtao not courageous, not the responsibility of the bus length

"This is a typical,, poor law and order criminal cases." Said a company bus when the respondent court security chief .

He believes that in the course of this incident, the bus company car length without any fault, should not bear any responsibility.

He said the bus company and later a special investigation of the matter, the result is Du Songtao behavior is not courageous.

"Du Songtao inquiry transcripts in the 'I do not know who should move his hand' is to cover up the real situation, the survey that was the knife man stepped foot Du, Du before moving his hand to fight each other, sparking a fight."

Bus Length: Du Songtao first hit the man later curse

Meanwhile, Du Songtao has been claimed to be the courageous, but neither identified the relevant departments, the testimony of those who have not stolen, nor was the passenger to testify, "his only one argument, how can I found his behavior is In good thing "?

In the public security organs, the bus length HuMou speaking,louboutin femme pas cher, listening behind the passenger said the car in motion, that were knife man was stepping Du Songtao feet, causing Du Songtao dissatisfaction, first insulted and then proceeded to fan the escape of passengers a few slap,moncler outlet online, that name did not say anything to escape passengers began when parking the car down off the station, that were suddenly out of a passenger escape about a foot long,moncler outlet, with a black plastic bag wrapped things hit few times, then see Du Songtao head and hands were bleeding.

Du Songtao: car length omission has four "crimes"

Du Songtao agent court cited several car length "crimes":

First tussle in the quarrel to be a thief and then chopped process, the bus from the road traveling to backtrack barberry barberry Road Gang hill fifty-six minutes time and thieves to happen, "if the bus driver to stop and alarm have enough time and the ability to prevent the occurrence of the injury incident, but he did not fulfill its obligations, resulting in the event of intentional injury to upgrade to a criminal case. "

Second,, we can see from the car long Humou record, he was "open the door" to let go of the thief, the Du feeling the neck pointing to the thief had fled shouting "grabbed him, my fingers off when," he just hit 110 and 120.

The third is to protect the long bus ride safety is the responsibility, this is not reflected in the Humou body. And he and passenger conversation (inquiry transcript of records), that he has time to fulfill their obligations, but he was not as negative, but as a thief opened the door to escape.

Fourth part of the bus to install a camera,, showing its security has been foreseen even a criminal case on the bus will happen,woolrich parka, then why did not the easiest road accidents night bus 807 to install it? In the current security conditions,giubbotti moncler, night buses should be equipped with security personnel.

Dialogue between the parties

Bus Company:

Encounter thieves

Can not be as reckless as

Reporter: A normal passenger would take a knife it?

Wang Lizhi: as an ordinary passenger certainly not a knife, but the bad guys will not face carved a "bad" word, vehicle length only remind obligations, we can not search for every passenger. However, police at the scene of the parcel of view,mulberry outlet, this knife passengers are criminals.

Reporter: If you encounter a thief in the bus passengers how to do?

Wang Lizhi: First, to protect their own safety. Try to remind people stolen, for example, "You go inside a little," "this package you got it," and so on, but not like Du Songtao said, if he is really a thief to catch the thief to step on the feet,peuterey outlet, in the thief asked Why stepped on his foot while also confidently said, "car people" to intensify contradictions.

Reporter: night buses have cameras installed it? With security personnel feasible,piumini moncler?

Wang Lizhi: Zhengzhou City, the door at the existing buses are equipped with cameras,, but did not provide video equipment, primarily for the safe operation of the driver installed. Zhengzhou City currently has more than 4,000 sets of buses, if each bus is equipped with a security personnel, then we need 4,,000 people, certainly unrealistic at present. Besides, even with the security personnel, nor enforcement powers.

Du Songtao:

Lack of justice, later did not dare to "speak"

After the trial, when Du Songtao talk about the results of the case, he thought for a moment that if this damage can have a say, he encountered such a thing in the future, will continue to do so,piumino moncler, "but if I have to less than fair to say, then he would not go courageous, and I believe in the future and no one dared to justice, the resulting consequences that nobody uphold justice, would condone crimes objectively. "

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