
? Xinhua Taiyuan, Sept. 5 (Xinhua) :( Network in China touched 2011) Shanxi "in the history of the most caring mother": 22 years of adoptions over 80 orphans and disabled children

Xinhua News Agency, "China Network in" reporter Lvmeng Qi

Xiaoyi Yao Li Yanping was a village garden out farmers,http://e-learning.tsu.ge/login/index.php?item/create_form/1, low income, middle-aged widowed. But 22 years she has become more than 80 orphans and disabled children's mother,http://xq0757.com/read.php?tid=283372, played with scene reality version of "One Less."

Recently, a '' history of the most loving mother,http://www.hi-gps.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=50859, "22-year adoption 80 orphaned children struggling" post attracted the attention of visitors, and blew love Relay "assembly." Li Yanping also quickly jump red network, sought after by netizens as "the history of the most caring mother."

[Things] core network "love Mom" ​​22 years of adoption 80 orphaned children

According to the net posts, said Yao Po in Xiaoyi City, a village of less than 40 square meters of farm courtyard, here is the 13 orphans and disabled children's home 49-year-old Li Yanping and her adoption. Most of these children are mentally retarded children and deformed children, eat and drink Lazard sleep Li Yanping wholly rely on a man to take care of. 22 years, Li Yanping has adopted more than 80 such orphans and disabled children.

Net posts also noted that the lack of a fixed source of income, Li Yanping alone to pull so many orphaned children struggling more than 20 years and even her own children do not understand and support her, but Li Yanping has never choose to give up, but is resolutely a man hold up the entire "home."

Li Yanping issued after the net posts quickly jump red network, users who have a message to express moved, saying it is the reality version of "Not One Less" while initiating love relay,air max pas cher homme, called for more people to join the Help "loving mother" in the ranks in the past. Netizen "Love Dragon", said: "! Lee mother,tiffany outlet italia, you're a good man, you are not only in the history of the most loving mother, or the greatest mom, you let me know motherly love knows no boundaries," friends "Love in the spring bath" said: "Any praise and titles are pale, we have to do is to take the 'loving mother' love relay down, to help more disabled children!"

[Reporter investigation], "Loving Mother": for adoption of orphans and disabled children away son

Li Yanping in 1964 was born in Fenyang City, animal husbandry Village,air max pas cher,http://sebibi.org, 21 years old, married Xiaoyi Yao village nursery school any power wife. From the looks,spaccio moncler, Li Yanping looked very haggard look, which is more than a dozen children eat and drink Lazard imprint left on her body. Li Yanping family's yard full of large and small around the drying clothes, showing this small farm courtyard of the ordinary.

Li Yanping adoption of the first child in 1989. That year she gave birth to his son shortly after her husband from the outside to retrieve an abandoned baby. Careful Li Yanping found that this was not a normal child, but the child out of compassion she stayed. But before long, Li Yanping and her husband discovered a very real problem: Due to insufficient milk, the family was poor, in any case can not simultaneously support two children.

Li Yanping, said: "At that time conditions are poor, can not feed two children have milk, people say, 'You can not send out, sending the herd loss conscience', others say no one is willing to support, we can not be thrown into the road side of it, it is not equal to the life of this child, I really would damage conscience! "

In desperation, Li Yanping and her husband can only tearful son soon to give birth to someone else, because the child is healthy, people are willing to adopt. To this end, Li Yanping suffering friends and family of the accused,louboutin pas cher, but many villagers around the village but so is a good-hearted people know Li Yanping, kind-heartedness.

Since then, Li Yanping doorstep often appear abandoned babies. Local civil affairs departments will also be some abandoned children in foster care in Li Yanping home, and give some subsidies. Thus, a total of 22 years, Li Yanping has adopted more than 80 orphans and disabled children,louboutin femme pas cher, most of them have a variety of physiological defects, not the mental problems that congenital malformations. "They are the life of the baby, cats and dogs also have a little life, not to mention the kids,air max pas cher homme, I feel pity them, I say put them raise up bar, always on the possessor!" Li Yanping said.

Li Yanping told reporters, as originally sent the children are more generally raise himself to two-year-old would be transferred to a local orphanage in Fenyang City, but then not sent,http://zx.jc10000.com/thread-816973-1-1.html, because a sad time saying good-bye, my heart can not stand. Now Li Yanping total adoptions of 13 children, has grown to a maximum of 18 years.

Although netizens to Li Yanping is a praise, but the eldest son of Li Yanping but do not understand. Li Yanping, said: "The main impact of the child to marry a wife, and you say come back to see the house with his wife all the children, to find no less than the object,louboutin femme pas cher, he would not go home with, and brought her home to go to someone else!" It makes for a long period in Li Yanping feel sad and guilty about time.

Further reading of the road struggling to raise social assistance Calls

Her husband died seven years ago for Li Yanping is a huge blow,peuterey outlet,http://www.derematetotal.com/item/106307, because the family about the lost pillar, she never had a man put the lives of children on his shoulders.

Because of the loss of the main source of income, Li Yanping and children's lives are getting worse. Although the local civil affairs departments to give some subsidies, and occasionally there are good people in the community donations, but a person's life still flies very impoverished. 14 people live in the two dilapidated cottage, one of four children sleep Tukang, 20 dollars a month just to buy meat, a dish that most people eat cabbage. In Li Yanping home,air max pas cher homme, the most valuable thing is a 29-inch TV and a small refrigerator, are the son to buy, in addition to no one decent furniture.

Xiaoyi City Civil Affairs Bureau discipline secretary Lu Jianguo said: "We also try to give her the Civil Administration to help, give each child a living allowance paid to some, but also actively mobilize the community to actively provide a variety of contributions, the child's account not been resolved, We gave our civil affairs bureau falls Like her for so many years a person to take care of so many orphans and disabled children for adoption, really not easy. "Because of this, Li Yanping did not let the kids with their own name, but unified surname" country ", so that they remember helping countries learn to be grateful.

Although life is very hard, but every time the kids around Li Yanping themselves shouting "Mom" when heard, will be wiped out all the hard work, very satisfied.

Li Yanping in more than 80 orphan adoptions inside, 18-year-old country filial show and Guokai two healthy children, two are sophomore in Xiaoyi vocational schools, this is Li Yanping greatest pride. So even though he is very hard, but Li Yanping has never let them help themselves housework, but to enable them to concentrate on reading, strive to be able to go to college. Li Yanping,tn pas cher, said: "As long as children are showing great promise, that I read Dr. Masters will try to supply them because they make good reading is the only way to be able to change their fate."

The show filial piety and Guokai country is also very disappointing, are among the best academic performance in the class. Show filial piety or sister country and language English class representative squad. In an interview with reporters,http://chi2014.com/news/html/?69718.html, State show filial piety can not suppress his tears. She said: "Mom worked very hard every day, winter clothes for younger siblings bruises cold hands, sometimes festering pus, my brother and only later learn to honor her mother,http://www.wimbo.com.br/vgtgr50jffy/blog/45722/, her mother a better life. "

Currently, Li Yanping most worried about is the future of the other 11 children living how to do, because these children have varying degrees of congenital malformations or mental retardation,moncler milano, and some life simply can not take care of themselves. Li Yanping said that his biggest wish is to be able to run an orphanage, so the children later in life can be guaranteed, and the kids themselves will be able to have lived together, never separated.