
After Cadillac Zhuangfei working girl, and hit two cars. Drawing Li Rongrong
Before the incident, he had drank wine meals

October 22 morning,moncler milano, before South Park southbound Tu Suzhou city in a fruit shop, arrived in Suzhou ready to find a job working girl Mou is "rich second generation" Zhang driving a white Cadillac Zhuangfei, died on the spot. Yesterday,peuterey sito ufficiale, the findings of which was finally released from the Traffic Accident: Zhang drunken driving,http://www.guishuinvaca.cn/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3064419,peuterey uomo, bear the primary responsibility for traffic safety violations and mistakes smaller role Yumou bear secondary responsibility.

Cadillac killed a young woman

At 1:24 on October 22, after Zhang at the bar booze, driving a car license plate for "Su E73Q99" Cadillac traveling from north to south quickly South Park Road in Suzhou city,http://www.facetwitter.pw/?module=i9ejidog555, in the red at South Park southbound Tu When will be ready to cross the road west to east, young woman Yumou Zhuangfei,nike tn requin, then hit a car parked on the roadside and a small off-road buses. Yumou died on the spot, damaged three vehicles to varying degrees.

Accident "rich second generation" is drunk driving

After the incident,nike air max pas cher, Suzhou City Patrol Detachment Changlang brigade rushed to the scene. The driver has been blowing scene Zhang alcohol content test showed his blood alcohol concentration was 205mg / 100ml. Changlang police brigade immediately on suspicion of drunk driving his criminal detention, and blood inspection. Zhang blood alcohol content was detected at a concentration of 2.02mg / ml,woolrich parka,, has reached the drunken driving standard.

The police investigation that the driver Zhang,http://www.web-display.com/index.php?item/create_form/1, 25 years old, native of Suzhou,peuterey outlet, is currently with his mother to take care of a trading company,spaccio woolrich, before the incident, two meals and drink wine. Deceased Mou, 23 years old, Hunan Zhangjiajie people,http://www.skiblog.de/forum/profile.php?id=23292, on the same day that the next day she went to Suzhou, ready to go to the job market looking for work the next day.

His primary responsibility

Yesterday, the reporter learned from the Patrol Detachment Suzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau,woolrich outlet, October 22 Cadillac has made a Traffic Accident Responsibility: In this incident, the parties Zhang (driver), Mou (knocked a woman) of traffic safety violations and mistakes are a causal relationship with the accident,http://batukawa.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=61407, Zhang should bear the main responsibility for this accident, Mou bear secondary responsibility.

Police concerned parties, according to evidence the scene, statements by the parties,http://www.cacenglish.com/index.php?item/create_form/1, the testimony of witnesses,moncler uomo, inspection and appraisal,tn requin pas cher, etc. Analysis: After the party Zhang drunken driving on the road when driving to the section of the incident,air max pas cher, excessive speed, road conditions neglect to observe,http://bbs.lvyoujingdianwang.com/thread-114601-1-1.html, in case the situation take measures to accidents caused by improper violation of the "People's Republic of China on Road Traffic Safety Law" Article 22 of the regulations. When crossing party Yumou motorized vehicles, did not take the crosswalk, does not ensure through a security violation of the "People's Republic of China on Road Traffic Safety Law" Article 62.

Express reporter intern Chen Ying Hong Chen Jiang