
Yesterday,http://bbs.cnlxjkw.com/thread-9963488-1-1.html, the newspaper reported, 9:00 am and 30 pm yesterday,nike tn requin, Tongzhou District in transport tide JianHe Geng south of the old one for fish insect accidentally slid into the river, thanks to three construction workers were found near timely rescue, the elderly did not encounter danger.

This morning,air max pas cher homme, transported tidal river dredging project minus the second section the project leader, said three workers involved in the rescue of the company will reward 1000 yuan per person.

About "saving lives when we did not think too much."

Yesterday 13:30 Xu, reporters came close to river transport Geng zhuangqiao minus tide when there are still a dozen workers are working. Generous attempts to save the white master, Master Zhang,abercrombie milano, cable master and others, heard a reporter came to interview,woolrich outlet, did not stop the hands of manual labor.

Workers white master said yesterday 9:30 Xu, he and Zhang master, cable master,basket nike pas cher, who is running tide JianHe river work, and suddenly heard someone calling for help. Made in the elderly is a worm for fish plunged into the river, trapped in the mud.

White Master and Master Zhang first arrived at the shore of the elderly trapped, reach out and pull together simply out of reach. Another found that workers in the case of wrong cord trotting chef also rushing, he even forgot to step on the foot of the danger of a more than 20 cm wide wooden bridge, accidentally fall into the river. Eventually,chaussures nike pas cher, the three together will Zhuihe old rescued.

"Who saw this scene will save." That reporters came to interview, shy white master smiled,http://vetogermany.de/index.php?site=news_comments&newsID=15, "did not want anything to save time."

White said the master,parka woolrich, he called , 51-year-old, from Tiefeng District Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang,abercrombie outlet online, ten years ago,http://moodle.ndna.org.uk/login/index.php?item/create_form/1, was a shoe factory worker north. After leaving the factory, the self-employed, doing odd jobs for a living. Two years ago,piumini moncler, as relatives came to Beijing to work, two months ago,http://www.clarityenglish.com/englishonline/index.php?item/create_form/1, has been in operation when the tide JianHe second section unskilled laborer,woolrich prezzi, earning more than 100 yuan per day.

"Other people are in trouble,basket nike pas cher, reach out to help a nothing." Rescue Zhang said the master, he called STRATEGIC Shangqiu City, Henan Zhecheng old Wang Jixiang people this year, 53 years old,http://www.muzykadawna.com/forum/profile.php?id=152447, 20 years ago came to Beijing, has been working on a construction site for a living.

This morning,http://arabenri.info, the reporter from the Save River dredging project Yun Chao second section was informed by the project leader Mr. Zhao, the company will participate in three workers rescue reward 1000 yuan per person. "To see the old man fell into the river dangerous, several rescue workers quickly in the past, this courageous spirit should be encouraged." Zhao said.

Interrupted incident,http://237.newfine.net/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, there are still people reach for fish worms

After the old man was rescued, quickly rush home, rush, no one deliberately left his contact information. Reporters waiting for the afternoon, hoping to see was rescued from the water about 70 years old, did not think he has not appeared.

"Not in return, so there is nothing to be disappointed." Three of them are said to save just a little effort.

4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, the reporter saw the incident reach, there are still people holding a copy of the child in the river for fish worms. Yun Chao JianHe part of the river is still in the construction phase,tn pas cher,http://237.newfine.net/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, embankment soil soft, slightly inattentive will slide into the river.

Text / reporter Dongzhen Jie