
Original title: boy fall well put 1.2 million compensation for families

The Beijing News (Reporter Yang Huajun Xiao Hui) As of yesterday, has more than four days, because of the depth of the mouth is narrow,woolrich roma, there has been no progress in salvaging the remains, currently suspended.

Last night, the person in charge of the incident Building Materials City friends and lawyers from Hebei to Beijing, and the child's family began to negotiate compensation. It is understood that the families of the current total of 1.2 million yuan initially proposed amount of compensation.

Such as termination of the salvage will place the landfill

August 13, 3-year-old boy obviously unfortunate fall in bite when playing deep 95 meters, a diameter of 42 centimeters of air conditioning wells. Rescue workers at the 14th at noon to determine clearly the victims.

Rescue workers said that due to the wellhead narrow borehole environment is complex and other factors,louboutin soldes, salvage extremely difficult. Has tried various ways have failed.

Obviously the families are still hoping to "see the children one last time."

The day before yesterday, rescue workers had to come up with two options: First,woolrich roma, with a drill and a special cutter unit into the well, and the residue of pipe removed from the wells after the split, and then to salvage the remains. However,peuterey sito ufficiale, the blade itself is rotated,woolrich uomo, the rotation by cutting water pipes, cracked, are likely to cause great harm to the body obviously.

Medical staff said that, obviously the remains of four days has been soaked in water, severe swelling. Slight touch, the remains can be hurt.

Another place to end the salvage plugging landfill,abercrombie outlet online.

Currently, families obviously did not stand on the above scheme.

Family agreed after plugging awarded

17 am yesterday,giubbotti woolrich, rescue workers at night to prevent rain water from entering the well, temporarily cover the wellhead.

The move to make the families of misunderstanding. They believe that rescue workers had stopped the rescue and began filling deep. Both parties to a dispute.

City boss because building materials and two other staff members have been XingJu, last night, the boss's friend and lawyer from Hebei arrived on the scene, obviously in consultation with the families of compensation issues.

In last night's consultation process,http://233292.com/viewthread.php?tid=956675&extra=page%3D1, obviously the families initially made claims totaling $ 1.2 million. Including death compensation, transportation, lost wages and mental damages.

Family members said that the current salvage extremely difficult, after they get the appropriate compensation,http://www.sgjy169.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, you can agree with the proposal put forward in place of plugging landfill parties, "but I hope that after plugging in, place a fence, do not want to be trampled . "

Building Materials City aspects lawyer said,woolrich uomo,http://social1.net46.net/user/lpejrq76e2y/blogs, building the city is willing to make reasonable compensation, but the $ 1.2 million amount is too high.

As of 11:00 last night,http://www.yzygsc.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1099192, the two sides did not reach agreement on the amount of compensation.

[Rescue Hotline]

One day the levy to more than 50 recovery plan

Yesterday, the rescue headquarters announced a hotline (), to the community to collect salvage plan. As of last night, the command received dozens of groups, more than 50 individual programs. Rescue workers said all programs will be seriously considered research,piumino moncler, but has yet to find a viable strategy.

Rescue Hotline staff on duty,piumini moncler, call the main two cases, part of the caring people do not understand the situation on the spot, the proposed fishing with hooks, balloons floating care and other programs, not feasible.

Also part of the professionals that pull out the suction pipe is blocked sludge. They made the first clear silt, and then salvage. Site rescue experts believe that the dredging process,http://www.the4um.net/thread-4057081-1-1.html, there may obviously cause damage to the body. In sum considering that the program ultimately was not adopted.

"We express our love for all those who offer suggestions for the rescue of heartfelt thanks." Staff said,http://gamsa.net/guestbook/index.php?item/create_form/1,chaussures nike pas cher, has received these programs,http://xingwen.zhanlue.cc/plus/feedback.php?aid=64, proposals were carefully studied by the headquarters.

Because the phone for a long time busy headquarters,giubbotti woolrich,http://onigdesign.com/error.html, there are many enthusiastic people to contact the newspaper directly to rescuers Weapon.

Miss Li has worked on high-speed rail line construction work. She said high-speed rail construction units rotary drilling rig can be dug underground depth of 100 meters in. "Obviously with the rig dug above the location of about one or two meters, and then implement the rescue would be much easier."

But the rescue workers, the study said position clearly remains undetermined, when the rig operations, likely would obviously cause great harm to the body. So the program is temporarily not feasible.

Rescue extremely difficult due to the parties concerned on whether to continue fishing remains and other issues, working with families to communicate clearly. Yesterday, the scene salvage work has been suspended, but rescue workers are still collecting discuss effective recovery plan, do not give up last hope.