
Selling blood to the Express reporter who broke the news of proof - there are street cadres collusion "blood heads" task-sharing donation misappropriated grant,woolrich milano

■ edition have written: Express reporter Panzhi Zhen Yin Hang Lisi Lu Li Guohui

Followed by "blood heads" Xiaomou, "professional" people selling blood Wei in Guangzhou Blood Center blood points sold blood, a number of villages are local (neighborhood) committees participated centralized donation - to encourage residents to donate blood, street and blood donation activity village (neighborhood) committees organized more than a grant. Wei broke the news that some coveted street cadres that donate a lot of money grants, and the "blood heads" colluding donation by "blood heads" out of people who sold their blood to receive a small portion of the grant, and the remaining The cadres by the street and the "blood heads" carve up!

"You can not imagine it, here rim depth again! He (Xiaomou) take private orders,woolrich donna, how much money? Blood head really big customers, street and village (neighborhood) committees!" Awei Staveley sneered.

A blood drive to find 30 paid donors make up the numbers


"Leading cadres Pa 200 yuan a person's head, one can earn 6,000 yuan."

Wei brings reporters have different physical evidence: a fake to no longer fake driver's license, an old generation identity cards. He said the driver's license is a fake,woolrich parka,http://www.jbyyw.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3306981, but the ID card is true, "documents like this, he (Xiaomou) there are a bunch, at least 200, repeated use."

Not difficult to see from the previously reported for the principal blood donation card simply provide proof of purchase, and a certificate corresponds to a "customer", "business" made, can not be used again false identities. So, Xiaomou store a large number of true identity, and used several times, trying to do? Wei revealed that these ID cards, used in Xiaomou do "big one",http://www.lytxm.net/news/html/?323237.html, that is to organize people to sell blood donation blood donation activity street.

"×× street, I go every year, each has hundreds of people queuing to go, smoked blood come to find him (Xiaomou). Post card (donation card), pick up the money, and leave." Wei said,moncler outlet online, in fact, Many streets in Guangzhou every year to complete the blood donation camp under the above tasks, in order to encourage area residents to donate blood, donors have every donation grant recipients.

Since it is an organization of area residents to donate blood, "blood heads" How to participate?

Wei explained that a number of gold donation grant money, organizers and Xiaomou collusion, in fact profitable. "Some streets one can grant 800 yuan, street or village (neighborhood) committees who would find him (Xiaomou), let him come to us to offer, but a person down to 600 yuan subsidy." A Wei counting down to explain, "will not let us do it, generally do 30 (30 paid donors looking to go make up),chaussures nike pas cher, you have to calculate, leading cadres Pa 200 yuan a person's head, once you earn 6000 Yuan. "

Layers of exploitation commonplace


"You are out of this story, maybe this year really do not become"

To the hands of 600 yuan to Xiaomou how to allocate? Wei said that, under normal circumstances, Xiaomou some people will find their own, but also to men "two blood heads" Quban some "reinforcement", but the real selling blood to the hands of the money has been greatly reduced.

"I was his (Xiaomou) Direct brings, offering 400 ml, could get three or four hundred dollars. Others, if a 'small blood head' brought about by the hand will receive about 200 yuan, but also by the middle Grilled once. "

Since Xiaomou hand holds a large number of paid donors, why do we find "little blood heads" to a share?

Wei explained that the streets are full of blood blood donation intervals to be six months, "his hand, perhaps just been offered elsewhere, documented, and sometimes Douzhuan not come." After this line acquainted, Wei admitted that he also did something to make money easily, "One time, probably in 2009, I have brought two people over, picking up their own money, but also chops them 200 yuan."

For ×× Street, Ah Wei is very familiar with, or even clearly remember the way the organizers, "a man and woman, woman fat,https://www.drupal.org/node/574114, hair is not long; some men lean, long face."

He said that starting in 2008 he went to the streets every year to participate in "blood", the relationship between organizers and Xiaomou has been very stable. "×× Street all the cash checkout, receive blood donation card to give him (Xiaomou), and he gave us the money, advances."

"If there is the task of this year, they certainly have to cooperate." Outburst, Wei laughed again, "you out of this story, and perhaps really do not become this year."

Only "blood heads" Xiao certain person, you and seventy-eight grassroots units have "business" contact

Wei was sure to say that his hands this generation of cards is true. "Yes, he (Xiaomou) a few years ago to spend 10 dollars on the black market to buy, and who in the end is on the card, I do not know."

This permit specifically when and came into his own hands,piumini moncler, Wei can not remember, "In the street, used a lot of documents at the village (neighborhood) committees donation, half-truths, can not remember this forgot how to permit him (Xiaomou), fell I come here. "

In order to prove himself a true, Wei told reporters, such as their own "pure" blood selling people do not want to use their own identity, prefer to use someone else's ID card in exchange for a donation.

"You get this ID card to check the blood center, will be able to find that 'he' is a donation 'activists',spaccio woolrich, ×× Street, ××× Street, there must be 'he' donation records, how can I not know? Yes I went to offer, at least four or five times! Every donation that street are concentrated in the conference room table was a blood thing, just a few staff bow blood, blood donation fundamental matter who exactly is. "

He also told reporters that Xiaomou indeed offered once a month to go to the blood center platelets,abercrombie milano, but the surface looks very glorious "free" donation behavior is actually paid, "although I do not know what he's planning to where the blood donation card But I'm sure all of these records are included in his donation familiar village (neighborhood) committees of. " Wei is very familiar with during operating procedures, "he finished offering the blood, first went to the streets fill in a form and then took the form to the blood center seal, indicating that this blood into the file, included in this street. Then, holding there the official seal of the table back to pick up the money. "

Wei said that with Xiaomou long-term "partnership" of street, village (neighborhood) committees have at least three. And sometimes happen with "business" linked, at least seven or eight. These "customers" are looking Xiaomou annual donation to help complete the task,moncler outlet online, which,woolrich donna, Xiaomou groan a lot of money.

He was not sure there are people from all villages RC profit, but at least, which has three locations, he understood too, that there organizer withholding allowance, for personal gain.

■ reporter to follow up


There is no donation task? How much blood donation subsidy payments,nike tn pas cher?


Each with varying levels of grassroots units

Under the voluntary blood donation policy, whether really there are units or village (neighborhood) committees for the completion of the so-called "blood Tasks", posted the money asked people to donate blood? Reporters from familiar friends work at Liwan Area RC learned that the streets really organized blood drives each year, but will be in the form of the notice is to mobilize under the jurisdiction of each RC, RC staff subsequently organize residents to participate. Streets with the requirements of RC blood donation, whether the number of requirements? The street, a staff member refused to give his name,abercrombie pas cher,http://www.tongqiong.com/read.php?tid-470.html, said the streets do not clear how many people go to the RC should send donation, but with the donation of the residents are subsidized by 100-200 yuan.

This "blood donation" and "donation grants" come from? The staff said the money is used to subsidize the street aside,http://www.tps-audio.com/ss/?action-viewcomment-type-news-itemid-406, and then sent to the blood donors from the street hand. He said the rest of the details are not clear.

From other sources,http://sj.145hao.com/?action-viewcomment-type-news-itemid-11, the reporter also asked to some inside information. A people who work in the street, told reporters, also heard donation Tasks "top" assigned, but grants a piece, but did not hear.

■ Links


Blood donation center denied assessed task


Reported a street donation was a "super-index to achieve targets" word

June 2011, the media reported the Guangzhou Baiyun District and the town ting village forced assessed blood donation mission to the enterprise, Guangzhou Blood Center has responded that, according to China's blood donation regulations, the general public were the first to emphasize that blood donation voluntary principles, Guangzhou Blood Center has never issued a similar mandatory fines assessed and promote blood donation notice.

Streets in the end there is no donation indicators? Reporters days of access to major streets,http://www.2cy.cc/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=849184, the official website of the RC community, and found some of the streets have been reported had held their "blood donation" activities. Whether it is 2011 or 2012,http://www.shujuquan.com.cn/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, reports of these communities are references to "complete the donation targets" word, is a street there is the force of blood donation index card. But no mention of blood donation "subsidy."

For example, a street in Guangzhou last November 4 organized blood donation activities, and community activities in the form of news reports. Reported in this statement: "I actually completed this year donation Street 503 passengers, 165 people over targets throughout the year to complete the program objectives."

Another example is the addition of a web page in the streets, on the jurisdiction of the blood donation activity of human communities December 17, 2012 held a similar expressions reports, "In this event, the human community organized a total 80 residents to participate in blood donation activities, successful completion of the blood donation issued street index. "