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And then a few months, 23-year-old Wie Sanmenxia guy will marry longtime girlfriend. But yesterday, a sudden turn of events, but let Wie never left his beloved girlfriend. 2 o'clock yesterday morning, Wie riding electric car with his girlfriend in a traffic accident on the way back we went, my girlfriend was Zhuangfei more than 10 meters from the car unconscious, cycling Wie, were white Mazda car involved in the accident under the car, all the way dragged about 7 kilometers providers are thrown on the Seven Mile River Bridge Road, died on the spot.

After the accident,woolrich torino, Zhengzhou police overnight visits organized police, investigation, yesterday afternoon on suspicion of drink-driving driver control.

Witnesses: bad,giacca uomo peuterey,http://bbs.jlun.net/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, it was being towed car accident friends

The accident site is located in Zhengzhou City, North Shuncheng and Mall Road intersection south of about 50 meters. Due to the distribution of a number of nearby night market stalls site when the accident occurred a violent crash, attracted many diners Mother watching yet dispersed.

"Mall Road coming from the car accident,http://onigdesign.com/error.html, after the North Shuncheng head hit an electric car, the driver almost never stop,http://www.cnnetech.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, fled south along the North Shuncheng." Witnesses said Mr. Gao.

According to witnesses, after the crash,prezzo collana tiffany, a girl was hit fly more than 10 meters away from the electric car, the head bleeding, lying on the ground unconscious, live everywhere broken electric car body fragments.

Just when we have to call 110, was found at the scene in addition to hit girls wore white sandals,http://bbs.jlun.net/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=,outlet woolrich bologna cadriano, there is a brown leather shoes, "bad, it was being towed car accident it!" The presence of the crowd found the accident car passing on the road leaving a trail of blood on the ground there are obvious scratches.

Tragic accident: young men,giubbotti peuterey uomo, died instantly dragged seven kilometers

Blood on the scene showed the car after the accident hit and along West Street, North Shuncheng diverted to turn left, and then all the way eastbound. Follow the blood, multiple group of police who heard the night unfold pursuit.

From West Street to East Street, then Zhengbian Road, providers are Road, when the chase Zhengbian Road East Street mouth, police found another one exactly like the scene with brown shoes.

Soon, all the way east along the frontline providers of police pursuit feedback information on providers are Seven Mile River Bridge Road, they found a man lying on the ground, his body after friction with the ground badly bruised, "should be dragged by." But car accident disappeared. More unfortunately, after the ambulance crew arrived diagnosis, finally announced the man had died. According to the man who discovered the identity revealed that the man surnamed Wei, Sanmenxia Lingbao County.

At 3 pm, the reporter drove field measurements found that the accident occurred north Shuncheng from suppliers all the way to the Seven Mile River Bridge, about seven kilometers away.

It lament: again a few months, is about to marry his girlfriend hit men

After the accident, the injured girl was taken by ambulance to pick the First Affiliated Hospital of Henan College of rescue. Police later contacted the victim's family was removed, it rushed to his notice. It is understood that the injured girl Xingjiao, 22 years old, and Wie same Sanmenxia Lingbao County.

Yesterday morning, neurosurgery ward in the hospital,peuterey jacket, the reporter saw the man came to visit Jiaomou several families. A family member said Zhaoyan circle, knocked killed Wie is Jiaomou boyfriend, "In another 20 days, he will celebrate his 23rd birthday,http://zazna.com/selection/index.php?item/create_form/1,woolrich sconto, but did not expect at this time ......"

Also helping the families feel sad that another few months, Wie will marry longtime girlfriend, get married,http://www.91xiu.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, "They originally married in October of this year."

According to family members,outlet woolrich monselice, said two years ago,http://www.s8c.org/forum/activity, Wie came to Zhengzhou, has done computer sales, his girlfriend Jiaomou work in the hotel, the two rented in Zhangjiacun. "After the Spring Festival this year, how he does not go to work, nothing else, then his girlfriend from work." Families of the judgment, when the accident occurred, it should be connected to work after Wie's girlfriend, the two ride home together.

Helpless: a note, the deaf parents "cheat" to Zhengzhou

Yesterday, reporters repeatedly came to the hospital to see Jiaomou bed is always closed his eyes, unconscious. "This is because of an accident injury to her head, causing her intracranial hemorrhage." Jiaomou Zhuzhidafu said.

That her daughter after the accident, Jiaomou parents rushed to Zhengzhou,http://bbs.jlun.net/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, however, they are Jiaomou uncle with a note "cheat" to the.

"They (Jiaomou parents) are deaf, can not speak or hear." Yesterday afternoon, an uncle Jiaomou said, "they are at home farming couple, devoted themselves to bringing up Jiaomou, I did not expect this only daughter has unfortunately suffered a car accident. "

Jiaomou's uncle, said after the news of the accident to get Jiaomou, he gave Jiaomou father wrote a note to the couple took them to Zhengzhou, but did not specify what Jiaomou injured and hospitalized.

Reporters found that, although unable to speak, and that distressed and worried about complex feelings are written in the Jiaomou parents face, they quietly waited at the bedside, watching little coke bed, stare.

Progress accident: The driver has been under criminal detention

It is understood that after the accident,moncler alpin, Zhengzhou police immediately organized police force, launched overnight visits, pursuit. Combining visits and site survey, 4 o'clock yesterday morning, the police basically locked escape car accident - a license plate number for the white Mazda car AMA821 of Henan. Police inquiries found the car in Nanyang city side there are two police illegal electronic record is not eliminated.

Subsequently, the police contacted the registered owner of the car Dimou, according Dimou said the night of the incident, he would lend a friend a particular car driving. Repeatedly to do a particular job by Dimou, yesterday afternoon, the driver came to a particular traffic police to surrender. Police immediately to its control, and blood tests. "Certain night of the incident have been admitted drinking." Police said.

Police officials said that at present, they have ordered the driver to the hospital to visit the families of the injured Jiaomou and advance medical expenses. Meanwhile, the official said, at present,saldi peuterey, certain has been under criminal detention, the case is under further investigation. For this serious hit and run cases, the police will be in a fair and impartial manner, severely punished.

Monitoring restore the incident

After the butt, stopped the car accident scene only 5 seconds

In the North and the North Shuncheng Shuncheng Mall intersection,nike air max 90 pas cher pour homme, North Street offices were set up under there to monitor the probe. Yesterday morning, in North Street offices under the control center, duty reduction combined with the video content to reporters after the trouble.

A white car along the Mall Road, turn right to drive onto the North Shuncheng. When cornering, the white car speed is very fast, almost rollover occurs. Moreover, after the white car along the Mall Road, turn right and do not drive on the right, but go directly around the big bend on the left side of the lane.

Jump on the opposite lane and hit head over the white car electric car. Stop the car after impact. Car started again, to escape from the crash, the white car at the scene only stayed for 5 seconds. Police found the victim on the Seven Mile River Bridge Wie's body. Left at the scene of two different shoes, let live people wake up there is one victim being towed vehicle.