
Taxi was rejected because, under a long time waiting for the bus passengers and wounded a taxi driver named Ma huff. Dongcheng Procuratorate briefing today,http://www.8liuxing.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, the defendant named Ma has been sentenced to five months detention, suspended for six months.

Named Ma after graduation to work in a well-known electronics companies, 32 years old when he served as regional channels manager. He also set up a family,giubbotto woolrich prezzo, have a lovely child.

The night of 5 July 2012, named Ma and his wife in the Dongcheng District Chongwenmen intersection taxi, etc. for a long time are not marked, and finally saw a taxi waited for the green line in the left turn, the two ran to pull car door. When the driver can not be told because when you take delivery of the vehicle, named Ma irritable mood had an argument with the driver, the driver punched in the face. After receiving the alarm, the public security organs at the scene summoned named Ma, the diagnosis and identification,http://www.hywen.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1515593, taxi drivers eye injuries, minor injuries to reach the standard. Public security organs to take coercive measures against named Ma.

Then Dongcheng Procuratorate indictment filed against named Ma. Recently, the East Court verdict on the case,giacche moncler donna, the defendant named Ma guilty of intentional assault, sentenced to five months detention,hogan macerata,http://www.xgoaa.com/read.php?tid=25093&ds=1, suspended for six months.

Prosecutors Feng Lirong introduced at the trial stage named Ma Court reached a criminal settlement with the victim, the victim named Ma compensation for medical expenses, lost income, these payments and other expenses totaling more than 20 million yuan, is not a small financial burden.

Prosecutors say

Occasional stress offenders often regret

Dongcheng Procuratorate prosecutor that occasional stress crimes like named Ma has some of the same characteristics, summed up in eight words: impulsive, repentant.

Stress causes sporadic crime are often in daily life,woolrich usa, such as driving or cycling when the rub, up and down the subway or bus during the collision,http://hxjia.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=282269, which could have been an apology,bracciale tiffany costo, a Memorandum of Understanding will be able to fix things, but often because of improper handling of lead mouth,comprare hogan online,http://bbs.bbercn.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=289588, and then melee injury, eventually evolved into criminal cases.

Stress criminal defendants often sporadic heavy shot. From a psychological point of view,outlet hogan roma, the behavior of people hit by unexpected setbacks or when extremely angry and frightened, accumulated huge negative emotions. To get rid of this stress,http://www.aoretech.cn/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=683447, often due to emotional excitement shot with great force, of course,spaccio moncler online, the result will be very serious.

Defendant mostly sporadic crime pleaded guilty stress good attitude, most defendants have said "guilty,outlet woolrich cadriano bologna orari,http://www.onehelpone.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=71655, regret,negozi tiffany roma, not worth."

Lightweight judgment sporadic heavy stress crimes often do not,piumino peuterey uomo,http://moodle.ndna.org.uk/login/index.php?item/create_form/1, there is a considerable part of the defendant was sentenced to probation. The defendant did not cause particularly serious consequences, rarely more than three years was sentenced to prison. But in addition to the penalty,spaccio peuterey bologna, the defendant often have to endure a series of losses, such as loss of work and the high compensation costs.

Reporter Wang Qiang correspondent Mao Zhihua

(Original title: Passengers refused to fight brother was playing detention)