
Mianyang Evening News (Reporter Wu Yi Fei Xu Jun text / Chart) yesterday (16th) morning 9: 30,69-year-old aunt was in People's Park Square, Deng Jiaxian origins are unknown number of stars hit the ball near the temple head injuries inflamed. It is understood that at the time when the ball has been hit aunt dancing, according to other perennial in the square dancing public speculation, the matter may be dissatisfied with the noise of nearby residents take reprisals.

10 am yesterday, the reporter came to the scene,piumini woolrich scontati, saw the square there are still a lot of people dancing. Second Brigade police patrol police came to the scene after receiving the alarm, the reporter found a few diameter of about 0.5 cm silver ball,6Cpc5qjImQ, according to the people around the introduction, when the ball does not know precisely the direction from which shot over, hurt dancing aunt had a total of more than a dozen pieces.

Was felt near the left temple a pain,, quickly stopped. In aunt had left the temple and left eyes in the middle, can clearly see the already swelling up. This time, she felt scared, but fortunately did not hit the temple, according to the intensity, it was estimated that if hit fainted. It was the aunt introduced her friends have jumped in Deng Jiaxian square dance for many years, starting in June of this year, someone shot the ball downstairs,giubbini moncler prezzi, within five or six months have taken place since.

Several dancing aunt speculation that it might be dissatisfaction surrounding residents put dance music too loud and take revenge. They feel that such excesses are worried about: too dangerous, how to do if hit vital parts.

There are comments on the noise, aggressive behavior is not desirable

Two special police brigade police patrol this analysis, the event may be too loud to dance around the discontent caused by the residents,Cti5AwNFdV, as had also been received a warning that the square of noise nuisance, although after the dance team in accordance with the city to reduce the volume of noise standards, but Volley ball or someone.

Subsequently, the reporter visited the surrounding learned that nearby residents of noise emitted by the Square Dance does have opinions,9vTugm6ht9, but most agree that it should communicate with a peaceful way.

Dancing too much,gf3xX640Rq, basically every day to work in the noise in. Company to work in the vicinity of a Li told reporters after because of the volume is too large, we almost always shut the windows of office, and later coordinated the recent feeling some small voice. Volley ball that someone, Mike felt desirable: This behavior is too extreme, and cause serious injury in case the bad,2tvraN7sb2, there is wisdom can communication and coordination.

Playing in the park Jiang aunt told reporters, People's Park, this is the place for public recreation fun, as long as the dancing in the standard decibel sound can be. If you feel close to someone disturbing, can reflect to the relevant departments, with a ball shot undesirable human behavior.

Police involved in the investigation chased strengthen noise monitoring

After the incident, two patrol police brigade police immediately went to the scene, as it involves wounding, current events have been handed over to the north of the city police station,9F0w4pNawv, ball size and injection tools inconclusive. Reporters learned from the Second Battalion of the inspectors,moncler china, according to People's Park nearby residents reflect, law enforcement officers have repeatedly within the square dance sound monitoring, are within the standard dB.

For this, the Second Battalion of the inspectors said it would continue to strengthen the noise monitoring,louboutin homme prix, police also reminded the masses: Dancing people should try to consciously turn down the volume, do not affect the others rest. Residents around the same time and do not make the harassment of aggressive behavior, you should understand each other,giubbotto moncler outlet, communicate with each other. Whether or slingshot imitation guns, shooting ball dangers are great, if hitting the important parts of the human body,, there may be serious consequences.

Original title: Square dancing was attacked grandmother ball head "shot" (Figure)