
- New mobile phone virus has sneaked cow town can automatically send SMS


Emergency Alert: Android phone users should immediately killing and uninstall this virus software

News Hebei Xingtai Electric (Yanzhao Metropolis Daily reporter Zhang Huiwu) August 2 is the Tanabata festival, I believe that many cattle indulging in romantic city people have received such a message: "XXX (owner's name) look at this,

Acquaintance texting link, when clicked, bulk SMS

August 2 morning, who lives in Xingtai City Development Zone Xiong Apple phone receives a strange female friend Ms. Sun send SMS, SMS content is also clearly stated in the Bruin's name, along with a link. Because it is Valentines, Xiong thought it was sent by a friend a surprise, so curious point to open a link, the phone system immediately prompted to download and install the application software called "XXshenqi.apk" and Xiong clicking agree result Because apk software with Bruin Apple phone system does not match,outlet hogan italia hogan nuova collezione scarpe hogan uomo prezzo, and did not install successfully.

But after no one will, Xiong's another Android phone has also been a similar message, SMS content is clearly written Xiong's name is the same URL link. At this point Bruin immediately alarmed, is it a virus link, but the virus did not know his name. To understand how it is, Xiong immediately return a telephone call to Ms. Sun, Ms. Sun told the results over the phone and did not give Bruin texting, but received her friend sent a similar message, and click on the link to their own The result what had happened, that is mischievous do not care about. Xiong feel things are strange, immediately killing Ms. Sun recommends using a mobile phone anti-virus software,spaccio moncler treviso,CcScOilGdv, and query the bill. Xiong received after a succession of messages sent to multiple friends, the content is: " look at this,

Links hung new mobile phone virus outbreak in the country

Xiong reaction for the case, the reporter launched an investigation,jihHyc6DlU, the survey found, the beginning of which is the sender of the messages stored in the phone address book for the beginning of the name,gucci outlet on line, and then let the other side points to open a web link. Because the link is hosted apk software, only with the Android smartphone spot open, and the use of Apple and Microsoft phone system you can not download and install. After opening the link,1U1JMbxbHm, but the phone does not automatically prompt the user to install the software on a XXshenqi, then the software began madly intrusive phone contacts phone contacts in filing a friend mass this message, just call each message is phone contacts with the sender's name in the record is the same. Because the person receiving the message with the sender is a friend of some people's first names recorded in the sender's phone even very ambiguous, cordial,8IdF3juWy6,prezzi portafogli chanel, and catch up is Valentines Day, so many mobile phone users do not think it virus link, but I believe this is a blessing sent Tanabata,Ld1BEy7JaP, unprotected directly point to open the link.

During the same reporter also received phone text messages, because somebody who is an old friend for many years, reporters have not been spared.

The reporter then found that the current number of mobile phone users in the country early in the morning on the 2nd region have received such a virus message. And many have been released microblogging related note: This is the mobile phone virus, it will download malware clicked,3aPX3Mq5Eg, steal phone contacts, text messages and mass viruses,3BulEuElYu, deducted from your bill!

Emergency alerts, uninstall antivirus software

August 2 in the afternoon, China Mobile has released the official microblogging warning prompts: send a text message received by an acquaintance with the apk file link, when clicked, will direct download! Suspected mobile phone virus, infection will automatically bulk diffusion into the address book, but also bring in your phonebook memory name, cause the phone arrears down, as shown below in the form of text messages to remind you - small series, Do not point to open any unknown origin or suspicious links, in order to avoid your calls and information security losses!

Xingtai Zone Public Security Bureau police Jin ultra analysis to reporters that, in fact,4C3THKgo1Q, this virus is low-tech, a little programming experience and some staff,fabbrica woolrich bologna, can be made out of this type of virus, but there are similar tutorials on the Internet at present, according to the tutorial , an ordinary person can do only three days out of such viruses. Because the virus software after technical content is not high, so the current mainstream mobile security software can block this virus bulk SMS mobile phone users to manually uninstall the software generally anti-virus software can also completely remove the virus. Currently, the Android platform is an open platform, any business or individual can ever put the software on the platform, thus leading to many kinds of application software, but also mixed with a large number of viruses, it is the best mobile phone users to download the mainstream anti-virus software to prevent square First, the current 360, Tencent and other mainstream mobile anti-virus software has been updated for the virus, killing XXshenqi.apk virus software. If people are not careful mistakenly installed such virus software, uninstall the software immediately and use the phone antivirus antivirus software completely, if not uninstall the software, should immediately turn off the phone and the phone number to your carrier's service network, so that work killing and staff to help you uninstall the antivirus software.