Did not spend less money, the effect is unsatisfactory blind. Li Jianguo see the day that three girls, one did not become. He told reporters: "matchmaker simply to make money, even the blind date is a good fit both men do not care!"

Knowing that the outcome is difficult, but Li Jianguo still under strong request of parents, from time to time with a blind date by a matchmaker. "Parents worry about split the matchmaker's face, no one to give introduced."

Refusing such blind, 27-year-old mother still survive to play.

Bride to be "thirty-two pounds", the man can not be more than five years old parents

The same after 80 Cui Bo and ,WT3NA956Sf, returned home after graduating from college Guantao County,woolrich online scontati, in his spare time, both in the county set up a "flower of youth film studio Heights."

Up to now, they shot six films in 2013 launched the "Fear of Marriage age 1" and "Fear of Marriage age 2," the most popular on the Internet. "" Fear of Marriage age 1 "reached 200,67TOypCND6,000 hits," Fear of Marriage age 2 "is about one million."

Cui Bo told reporters that the two young men in rural areas reflect "vain married wife" and "can not afford to marry a wife," the reason why the film works cited concern lies in its "ground gas."

"Fear of Marriage age 2", the woman made the man to ask for directions, "the new three gold" as a bride price. '' The new three gold 'is not a gold necklace, a gold ring and gold earrings. "Xu Haining said," The new three gold "is pounds 100 yuan face value of the yuan. Man aged parents will face value of 100 yuan, a picture of water soaked in the play, and then wipe with a rag, as is weighing when to make the yuan more "pressure component," the woman without being discovered. "These episodes are from real life, but there are also stories of the hero archetype."

Farmers told reporters that the general weight of hundred pounds par value of RMB about ten million.

As the "Zhao Xifu difficult", resulting in the Rural South bride more expensive.

2012, as a result of the woman raised 30,000 yuan bride price requirements, resulting in Quzhou rural youth and his girlfriend Chia final. "At that time, Quzhou bride price money is 10,006 thousand Yuan." In less than two years, the bride's dowry money has risen to 50,000.

Reporters found that, through marriage to the man demanded money and the ever-changing pattern can be described as: bride price "colorful little green" - "Wan Zi is a $ 5 million copies, Benny is one thousand $ 100, a little green Jade is not jade ";" motionless "-" is moving car, not moving the second floor ";" one in a million "-" when the man would be engaged to the woman eleven thousand "......

Not only ask for money and goods, but also on houses, cars, and even the man aged parents have raised demanding.

"Some of the wife must be close to the main street of the house, not inside a small alley!" There is rural youth told reporters, because the family has a car, then the car make life difficult for a small alley.

The woman's request to the county to buy a house, to become one of the main room this year, Xingtai, Handan County, some prices rise. "Early last year, it also 2000 yuan per square meter, this year 3000 yuan it!" Said the young man had Guantao.

"One group homes, two-story building, a couple of bride price would pounds, four-wheeled vehicles at home two sharp, parents can not more than five years old." Conditions for local farmers to marry a wife when the woman raised compiled a "digital formulas" .

As for why parents can not more than five years old, a young man in rural Guantao explained:!! "Parents more than five years old,prezzo hogan, in need of care, the future can not be kids," "more realistic, ah," sitting next to a young man said indignantly.

Today's high bride price of the wind, even in small married couples also sparked conflict. "A little daughter of our village, a few years ago too little bride quest to take the kids went back to her family." Li Jianguo told reporters,, "declared a small daughter, her mother does not give up on the 50,000 yuan, determined not to go home. "

The more poor economic conditions of the family, the more women want Fangcai Li,S6cLla1kNp, noting that the more demanding conditions. "Worry that girl get married, suffering first to come out ahead." Rural counties in Xingtai farmers told reporters: some families poor economic conditions, to borrow a bride is common, "and even some loan marry."

"At present, cases involving property disputes marriage gradually increased, showing an upward trend. Some of the property to recover the marriage even trigger a vicious incident." As a grassroots legal workers on rural property disputes marriage increasing phenomenon Lvshan Ping recent appeal the parties concerned.

Rural youth of the Internet age, but remain in the concept of marriage 20 years ago

For professional matchmaker organizations nowadays stylized blind, Zhang summarized as follows: "She asked you what you would answer what; how she asked you, how you ask her!" And he is not short of "love history" on,, unlike so dear friends,piumini moncler sito ufficiale, once only exception.

Speaking of the previous year's experience of that love, Zhang believed wholly unknown to some dramatic. "The girl is the one night I use the 'search nearby people' function chat software, search out." Zhang girl lived in the village and three miles apart.

Compared blind straight to the stylized Q, Zhang and girl chat on the Internet can be described as "fanciful." A chat ten days, Zhang learned that the girl has "no husband",jr3q92d2o9, so that "see a face."

With full understanding before, they soon established a relationship. Although the final because of bride price and other issues, they did not go to the end, but Chia frankly, this is the feeling of love.

Reporters learned that, in rural youth Handan Xingtai area, there are not many similar experiences Chia. Although Xingtai, Handan area of rural youth in Beijing, Tianjin, Shijiazhuang and other cities to work in a few, but most young men and women still gonna get married in their hometowns. Fashionably dressed in a way that they love and marriage, and the same basic way, and twenty years ago - with a blind date by a matchmaker,PvO2Mh8ScY, betrothal, marriage ......

"Even outside to talk about love, the general attitude of parents also can stop it stopped." Quzhou Lee to clinch the village villagers told reporters that local farmers still feel that marriage is a "native lands", "know too much" is more practical.

also found that marriage across rural areas, because of the lifestyle, customs, and even people on the difference between doing things more easily lead to marital-law conflict, the higher divorce rate.

Thus,Ld6m7l4cLW, the annual Spring Festival return of youth work,moncler outlet store, the car will blind the village road on both sides of the village packed full to the brim. "Like with a temple fair!" Cui Bo said, "Which village is so!"

Lee in bead village, reporters learned, and twenty years ago, if a blind date to meet men and women feel good, you will catch a set together. "Is to take a turn on the set together." Some villagers told reporters explained that if the two sides can feel, the man gave the woman buy clothes; if the woman feels no, do not accept the man to buy clothes.

Catch a set, bought clothes, the two sides will set the next pro. "Soon!" The villagers told reporters, from intimate to talk of marriage, to see three or four.

Lvshan Ping noted in their daily work, rural youth in the divorce rate has continuously improving trend. "Although the increase in the divorce rate to some extent, shows that people in the progressive ideology." But the judge at the same time that the "flash marriage flash off" and nowadays rural youth "hasty marriage, divorce sloppy," the status quo is not unrelated.

Last year, Xu Haining for rural young men and women have tried to build a network of friends love the platform, changes in local rural youth several decades of marriage the way, but it ended in failure.

"The idea is very good." spend 200 yuan to buy a blind dating program on the relevant website. He also plans to rely on the network platform, and then a few lines under planning activities, such as picnics, spring and so on.

Although the "Fear of Marriage age 1" to this end, he played the closing credits advertisement, but this intimate dating platform has been popular in the doldrums. "The reason is due to nothing more shy, embarrassed,borsa uomo prada, reluctant to participate." He can not help but exclaimed, rural youth concept of marriage why the Internet age still remain in the 20 years ago?

(The paper interviewed as part of a pseudonym)

(Original title: Survey of Rural South Youth Marriage)

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