
Shenyang woman hair microblogging report the main leaders of Shenyang by the police on suspicion of "fictional facts disturb public order" administrative detention for 10 days. The police refused to accept the result of administrative penalties, October 17, administrative proceedings to Shenyang High-tech Industrial Development Zone People's Court (hereinafter referred to as "Shenyang High-tech district court").

Guo Hongxia tonight (November 5) to the Beijing News (official micro letter: bjnews_xjb) instrument display, October 27,hogan olimpia, Shenyang High-tech district court issued a formal notice of acceptance, decide to initiate proceedings.

Refused to accept the decision on punishment administrative proceedings

35-year-old Guo Hongxia Department Shenyang Shenbei iron Ma Gang Camp township village. September 4,chaussures louboutin 2014, the Beijing News exclusively revealed the new media, microblogging report because the principal leaders of Shenyang City, the police on suspicion of "fictional facts disturb public order" administrative detention on the 10th (2014 31 July to 10 August ).

After disclosure of the case, Guo Hongxia agency lawyer - Beijing Capitel Lawyer Yang Xuelin,vRpRx97ho7, September 17 litigation materials mailed from Beijing, Shenyang Municipal Public Security Bureau Shenbei administrative proceedings.

It alleges that, July 31,O9bV2eHPkz,woolrich roma outlet,xRFKpG62p8, 2014,hogan olimpia hoganoutlet scarpe hogan bambino outlet, the Public Security Bureau for Guo Hongxia Shenbei administrative detention for 10 days. The penalty decision finds at 18:57 on July 30 2014, Guo Hongxia user named "Guo Hongxia" personal Weibo fictional facts, released three leaders Shenyang use of authority "Settings illegal units," "abuse of power assignment of police retrievers ...... forgery warrant "and other information.

Guo Hongxia that "abuse defendant made no factual basis for the decision on punishment, in violation of procedure, the law applicable to the penalty decision wrong ...... satisfied, according to the administrative proceedings to the people's court,TT0owJw2Dj,escarpin louboutin noir,9tshIJ970b, requesting confirmation of its illegal to revoke its decision."

Admissible under the court decision to initiate

October 27,B52qnrXX2U, Shenyang High-tech high-tech district court to issued notice of acceptance of administrative litigation. Notice that Guo Hongxia v Shenbei Shenyang Municipal Public Security Bureau's case,ipK60HCmh7, upon examination, the prosecution meet the legal conditions of admissibility, the Court decided to initiate proceedings.

Guo Hongxia Yang Xuelin attorney believes Guo Hongxia case is a very special case,QT15863UC8, the court finally accepted the case of something like "people suing government officials" case has a positive meaning. (Intern reporter Liu Gang Zhao Jixiang)

 (Original title: woman microblogging city leaders reported being satisfied with the punishment sued the Public Security Bureau arrested the line)